The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 672 Dangerous Pym Particles

"Are you serious?" Stark looked at the resume in his hand with disbelief on his face.

"Very serious." Old Man Pim crossed his arms and his nostrils almost reached the ceiling. "It has to be him. Either you find a way to help me get this person out, or we don't have to discuss this plan."

The resume given by Old Man Pym is naturally that of Scott Lang, the protagonist of the Ant-Man movie.

Pym said that he was too old to wear the Ant-Man suit, saying that the Pym particles would have serious negative effects on his body, so a successor must be found.

Up until this point Stark had completely understood. But when he picked up the resume of Pim's designated successor, he said, "Hey, what is this?" Trespassing? Grand theft?

Stark didn't understand why Old Man Pym had to be this man. At least judging from his resume, this guy is very ordinary. The biggest thing he has ever done in his life is to steal the boss's money. These days, even for a criminal, his resume is extremely poor and has nothing to be compared with.

"Why him?" Stark asked, "Aegis has all kinds of talents, and a master's degree is nothing. We have experts in various fields, top-notch agents and operational experts."

"Don't ask questions." Pim said stubbornly, crossing his arms and showing an expression that said, "I'm going to kill this kid."

Helpless, Stark didn't ask any more questions and made a few calls in the office on the spot.

With the identity of Director of SHIELD, many things are easy to do, and it is even easier to get a prisoner out of prison. After the phone call was made, an hour later Mr. Scott Lang was already trembling and escorted from the helicopter onto the mothership by several big men in suits and sunglasses.

This former engineer is completely confused now. His current identity is just a little thief. Until just now, he was fighting with his brothers in prison and bragging about sex. Now he was taken into a helicopter by a group of men in black like in a spy movie and flown to a place like in a science fiction movie. Super aircraft carrier coming up.

What's going on? Am I actually a savior like Leo in The Matrix? Is the organization calling me?

As a result, just when he was telling himself in his heart how ridiculous this idea was, he saw Tony Stark in a custom-made suit appeared in front of him and said to him seriously: "Welcome, Mr. Lang. We I need you to save the world."

Scott: "???"

Damn it? Or is it true?

The conditions for selecting a suitable candidate for Pym Particles have always been a mystery. In the Ant-Man movie, old man Pym did not explain why it had to be Scott until the end.

Richard was a little curious and casually asked the old man about his criteria for selecting people. But Dr. Pym shook his head and said nothing. He only said that this was highly confidential and he would not disclose it to anyone.

Richard just shrugged, expressing his understanding and didn't ask any more questions.

Many people may not understand why Hank Pym takes the secret of Pym particles so seriously. They may think, "Isn't it just that you can get bigger or smaller?" It seems that in this era where superpowers and black technologies are emerging in endlessly, this thing is not so magical?

In fact, this is not the case. Pym particles are truly the top artifact in the universe in the Marvel world. Perhaps even Hank Pym, who discovered this particle and named it, did not realize that through scientific exploration he had touched the origin of the world that even the gods of the universe could not reach.

The Pym particles in the movie can shrink people into the quantum realm, and Avengers 4 can even allow the Avengers to travel through time. It may seem awesome, but this is still just the tip of the iceberg.

Pym particles can even take the user into the upper space above the entire multiverse, the dimension where those multidimensional and even all-powerful bosses are located.

Theoretically speaking, the only way to enter such an advanced dimension is to advance to that level with strength, just like in fantasy novels you can ascend only after reaching the peak of a certain system's strength. Gods in a single universe such as the Elder of the Universe and the God of the Universe cannot even touch the door of the upper dimension in their lifetime.

But Pym particles are an exception. In the original work, Ant-Man not only relied on this artifact to enter higher dimensions, but he even watched the battle between the Transcendent Gods and the Tribunal of Life that guards the multiverse. He witnessed with his own eyes the invincible Tribunal of Life being killed by the Transcendent Gods, and thanks to the protection of Pym Particles, no one of the four great gods even noticed that he was peeping.

So although it seems that Pym Particles are of no use to Richard now - he can do everything that thing can do for the time being, Richard does not have any contempt for this artifact. If there is a chance in the future, he might get some particles from Old Man Pim and study them, and maybe go to the upper dimension to see something new.

Old Man Pym was very careful about protecting his formula. He thought it was because he was unwilling to reveal the secret to SHIELD and Howard Stark that they parted ways.

In fact, it's a good thing that he did this. Ant-Man's change in size actually involves a certain amount of quantum transformation. The activation of Pym particles during each change has a slight impact on the world. It doesn't matter if he uses it alone, the impact will be very small, but if the Pym Particles spread and are mastered and abused by many people, it may eventually turn into a disaster for the entire world.

Colson's team's airliner quickly landed back on the mothership. Daisy got off the plane full of energy and seemed happy to see Richard again.

As the boss who was able to hack into SHIELD while sitting in a van with a broken laptop, Daisy's hacking skills are undoubtedly the best in the world. Stark temporarily lent Jarvis and Friday to her as assistants and asked her to be responsible for bringing Ultron out.

Daisy was in charge of leadership, and a bunch of people from SHIELD's network department were in charge of doing miscellaneous tasks. They quickly got together and started setting traps for Ultron.

At the same time, Scott Lang also needs to receive special training for the mission. This guy is just an ordinary person. Not to mention training him into an S-level agent with various skills before performing the mission. At least he can control the Ant-Man combat suit freely, right?

In addition, there is also a question about how to fight Ultron after entering the data world. After all, the Ant-Man battle suit is not equipped with weapons that can fight the program.

At this point Richard stood up and solved the problem. He spent a little time using his brain cells and combined it with the power of the Reality Stone to create an energy gun that could erase data. He handed the gun to Ant-Man and told him that all he had to do to find Ultron was shoot him with the gun.

Although it is matched with real gems, the workmanship of the weapon is still too crude, and the performance cannot be said to be very good. It can only be said that it has this function.

There was no way, after all, Li was not an equipment master. Although I have a high level and know a lot, I have never made equipment before and my hands-on skills are poor.

At this moment, he couldn't help but start to think that it would be easier if Ganata was still here.

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