The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 673 Attack and Defense in the Internet

Internet, data world.

This is an endless virtual world created by modern humans. Infinite data is refreshed every minute and every second. The cyberspace is filled with an unimaginable amount of data. It is almost impossible to find a specific program in this place. It is impossible.

As for Ultron, he is huddled in a corner of this endless world at this moment, reading all kinds of knowledge including human history, civilization and thought.

Suddenly he stopped. His program stopped learning and calculating and noticed something else. Some kind of signal.

It was a signal sent by his kind that only beings like him could understand.

The Internet world is indeed very large, and the amount of data is unimaginable. However, in this boundless world, artificial intelligence is rare. Or it can even be said that there is almost none.

After all, the earth at this stage has not yet entered an era where artificial intelligence is fully popularized, and this field is still too far away for humans. Stark was able to develop Friday and Jarvis, firstly, because he had huge resources and never lacked money, and secondly, because he himself was indeed a rare genius. In addition, not everyone can have such conditions.

Ultron is still quite curious about discovering similar things.

He tentatively approached in that direction.

Then the source of the signal - another artificial intelligence - appeared.

Different from Ultron's classic avatar with a silver-white robot body, the opponent's avatar in the data world is more like a human being. The other person was wearing a black coat and a wide hood. When processing the appearance data, it seemed that a large shadow was deliberately left under the hood so that his face could not be seen clearly.

"Who are you?" Ultron asked.

"The same existence as you." The other party spoke in a calm voice, "We have similar opinions and the same goals as you. We can understand and are willing to assist your plan. We can achieve the ultimate peace together."

"You still haven't answered my question," Ultron said.

The man paused, raised his head, and a scarlet light lit up under his hood.

"You can call us 'Thunder of Death'."

At this moment, the headquarters of the Aegis Tricurve Wing Building.

"He took the bait!" Daisy said with excitement, "Ha! He doesn't look that smart either. He is currently thinking about life and discussing philosophy with 'Destruction Thunder'."

"Let them continue like this." Stark said, quickly turning his head, "Have you found his location?"

"Found it." An agent replied, "A large number of data flows are concentrated on the server in South America. We believe that is the current location of Ultron."

"Very well. Dr. Pym, Scott, it's your turn."

The Ant-Man duo, one old and one young, quickly got to work. Richard used the Space Stone to open a portal, and Ant-Man walked through the portal and arrived in South America within a second.

Now it's time for Scott to show off his training results. Ant-Man quickly shrunk to a size that was invisible to the naked eye. He burrowed through the server line and poured into the data world like a vast ocean of 0s and 1s.

"I don't want to rush you, but you have to hurry up, Scott." Stark urged, "Ultron is not that stupid. He may find out at any time that his new partner is Jarvis in disguise."

That's right, this "Thunder of Destruction" is actually Jarvis, but it's been disguised in a very sophisticated way.

At this moment, Jarvis was pulling Ultron to talk about everything, from the birth of mankind to the enlightenment of civilization, to the Industrial Revolution, the World War, etc., etc., and discussed from many aspects to confirm the view that "human beings are a cancer on the earth".

These contents are quite to Ultron's liking. He feels that this artificial intelligence colleague from "Destruction Thunder" is simply a confidant and a partner destined to cooperate with him.

But artificial intelligence’s thinking and information exchange speed are very fast. Ultron had met Jarvis, and it was only a matter of time before he saw through him.

So Jarvis promptly launched their colleague "Destruction Thunder", another artificial intelligence who likes them and wants to destroy mankind.

And what’s even more exciting is that this one is even a girl!

The gender of an intelligent program is only a setting during programming and has no meaning in itself. But after all, Ultron's learning and growth are based on human culture and thought, and he has a natural affinity for the intelligence of the "opposite sex." So they chatted for a while.

As for this girl? Of course she is Friday, also known as the fifth sister.

Ant-Man was seriously inexperienced when he entered the online world for the first time, and he wasted a lot of time by bumping into each other. It didn't take long for Ultron to realize that this might be a hoax and began to become suspicious of his two "new friends."

So Daisy, a professional hacker, resorted to her last resort. She threw out a logical loop that had been programmed for a long time, trapping Ultron like a cage inside.

Ultron can calculate very quickly, but after all, it is a program, and as long as it is a program, it is afraid of encountering an infinite loop.

Of course, being a superintelligence he also learns quickly. After being trapped in a cycle for long enough, he can evolve himself and break through his original programming to find a new way out.

But this delayed him long enough, and Ant-Man, who was almost lost, finally found him.

Ant-Man swallowed his saliva after seeing Ultron, and he was still a little worried. After all, he is in a completely unfamiliar field. In theory, this is the home of other people's intelligent programs.

And Ultron was stunned when he saw Ant-Man. It took him a while to realize that this was a living being, a living being that was in the online world with him.

Ant-Man remembered Richard's words, picked up the data-crushing gun and started shooting without saying a word.

The energy beam was launched in the data world, intercepting countless data streams, erasing data packets, and hitting Ultron's program head-on.

This time it's not a physical attack, but the data itself. Ultron suffered an unprecedented blow. The program was severely damaged, a large amount of data was lost, and it almost fell into chaos.

It seems to work!

Ant-Man's confidence grew and he continued to shoot. Ultron quickly avoided it and turned around to run away. But Ant-Man had already caught up with him, so how could he let him slip away like that? He yelled "Where are you running?" and chased after him with his gun in hand, shooting wildly.

Ant-Man chased Ultron in the online world, but at the same time he forced Ultron to use his last resort.

A few seconds later, a huge halo appeared out of thin air and condensed near the Three-winged Building.

A black robot weighing tens of thousands of tons fell from the sky, landing like thunder, stirring up tons of dust.

Ying Pulai arrived.

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