The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 678 The Destruction of Ultron

The Infinity Stones cannot function outside the universe in which they are located, so even holding the Space Stone cannot help Richard escape from Lucifer's dark realm.

But Richard has naturally considered this possibility.

Just like Dark Lucifer said, he has never been one to fight an unprepared battle. He always had a habit of keeping one hand and preparing his trump cards before taking action. If it didn't work out, he would at least leave himself a way out so he could retreat at any time.

The enemy's ability is completely unknown. Before Richard broke into the dark realm, he thought that he might be defeated. Therefore, he left the space gem outside beforehand, and absorbed part of the gem's energy to make a hole in his body. mark.

If you have to make an analogy, this is equivalent to using the space gem as your own "space anchor". Even if he flies to other universes or even outside the dimensional barrier, as long as he has a thought, the pre-set mechanism on the space gem will be triggered. , he can be sucked back to the location of the gem at any time and at any time.

Since the Space Stone was left in its own universe and was not carried by Richard, all its functions, including its spatial attributes, would naturally not fail. Richard activated the mechanism he set up just before being hit by Dark Lucifer's light, and at the critical moment he withdrew from the Dark Realm and sucked himself back to the vicinity of the Infinity Stones.

Although the danger was extreme, he managed to escape.

If Dark Lucifer wants to continue to chase him out, then if he fights outside his dark realm, the four Infinity Stones of power, space, mind, and reality in Richard's hands will all be restored to their functions, and Lucifer's chance of winning will be greatly reduced. few.

But the problem is a little more difficult.

Richard has thought about many possibilities, imagined that he might face various special bosses in the Ultraman TV finale and the movie version, and also thought about many plans and plans for the enemy. But Dark Lucifer was indeed beyond his expectation, because this is an enemy that should not exist at all, a character that has never even appeared in the main story and was abandoned during the planning stage.

But it is precisely because of this that this enemy becomes extremely terrifying.

At least one good thing about any villain that's ever appeared in a regular series is that Richard knows them inside and out. He knows the abilities and strength of almost all super bosses in the Ultraman series, and may even know their weaknesses and ways to defeat them.

But Dark Lucifer is different. Because he has never appeared on the stage, his abilities are completely unknown to Richard.

Richard doesn't know his strengths, weaknesses, personality, and background. There's no intelligence for him to exploit, and that's the most dangerous part.

There is also the dark realm. Richard has never seen such a powerful realm before, nor has he ever seen such a special realm attribute. All the Infinity Stones are invalidated in that field. As far as the current situation is concerned, he has no chance of winning against Dark Lucifer in that field.

Thinking of this, Richard couldn't help but feel a little dizzy.

It seems that this enemy is not so easy to defeat, and this matter needs to be considered in the long run.

But the good news is that Ultron's problems are finally over.

Although the chaos lasted only for a short time, the chaos Ultron caused was quite big. After all, he is hiding in the Internet and can easily travel to and from any country's network through network data.

No one is immune except in pristine areas that are completely isolated from the rest of the world and do not use the Internet. Ultron remotely controlled missiles, fighter jets and other weapons in various countries that could be hacked through the Internet, triggering riots around the world.

By the time Ultron was announced to be completely defeated, more than a hundred countries had been affected by this incident. So you can imagine the joy of people all over the world when SHIELD announced that Ultron was completely defeated.

After the battle, the superheroes also breathed a sigh of relief.

After the incident subsided, Stark originally wanted to surrender and confess that Ultron was the one who created the trap, but was stopped by Richard.

To be honest, Ultron really can't be blamed on Stark this time. The Ultron created by Stark was blown to pieces by Richard from the beginning. The Ultron that appears now is completely a moth created by Lucifer, including the Imperator.

At this moment, the entire senior management is clamoring to share the blame, and no one has turned their attention to Stark yet. To the people, Stark and the SHIELD he led were the main force against Ultron, and they were the heroes who once again stopped the disaster and saved the world.

If Stark jumps out at this time and says that this blame is actually mine, then he will undoubtedly become the target of public criticism. High-level officials all over the world will definitely stop quarreling and start verbally criticizing him, and people who have lost their loved ones and homes will not let him go. In that case, Stark would definitely have to spend the rest of his life in prison.

Richard didn't like seeing Stark sitting in the position of Director of SHIELD, but he didn't want to see him go to jail either.

Especially now that Ultron has just been beaten down and the whole situation is still in chaos. The political power of small countries was taken advantage of this opportunity to overthrow, terrorists took advantage of it, the politics was like a big mess, and the economic situation was also extremely bad.

If Lucifer's purpose in targeting Ultron was to stir up the waters, then he obviously did it. The current situation on earth is a mess, and we need someone to deal with it urgently. If Stark, who is the director of SHIELD, steps down at this moment, the issue of the next director will have to be argued for a long time, which will not help solve the problem.

With Richard's persuasion, this page was finally closed.

Stark told the Avengers the truth. Although his teammates were very unhappy with his arrogant decision, they finally accepted the result. Everyone tacitly regarded Ultron's original origin as a secret, and no one mentioned it again.

The whole world is left with a huge mess to deal with, but politicians are busy maintaining their image in public relations and have limited energy to distract themselves from the problem.

The only good news is that there is unprecedented harmony within the parliament. At times like this in the past, everyone must have started blaming each other, saying who should take the full blame for this, it has nothing to do with the rest of us. But that didn't happen this time.

It may be because conspiracy theories are widely spread on the Internet, saying that the artificial intelligence that caused the trouble this time is the result of the government's secret research on the rampage. The voice of the people is too loud, and there are too many people saying this. Even the tactics of banning people and inviting people to go to dark rooms are not effective. Some politicians have had their eight generations of dirty materials dug out, and they are all in a state of disarray. .

Anyway, everyone is in a bad situation, and no one in the parliament is blaming the blame for the quarrel. Now everyone just hopes that someone will stand up and carry the banner for everyone to clean up this whole mess. Before that, everyone pretended not to see it, and no one was willing to stand up and speak.

But the subsequent events have nothing to do with Richard, these are all Stark's headache.

And Richard soon had more important issues to deal with.

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