The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 679 Asking for help from deep space

It's a lightless night. The sky was pitch black, the moon was obscured by clouds, and there was no starlight. There was silence on the sea level, except for the sound of water spray stirred by the occasional breeze.

Skull Island is also quiet and there is no sound at the moment. The king of the island, King Kong, who has lived here since ancient times, is snoring loudly in his own territory. The little animals on the island were forced to play hide-and-seek all day by a certain little monster. At this time, all of them were exhausted and resting and adjusting in their own warm nests.

Little Godzilla hasn't fallen asleep yet, he is playing happily with his best friend Mothra. It has been obedient for several days and has not opened the protective net and ran out to play.

On the entire island, only the area where the Hydra base is located still has light. Artificial lights illuminated the rocks and jungle within a mile radius, and the soldiers on the night shift in the watchtower were bored, trying to keep their bodies upright and trying to stop their eyelids from fighting.

The island seemed harmonious and peaceful until a visitor disrupted the atmosphere.

The silver radiance came from the outside of the atmosphere, cutting through the chaotic clouds like a sharp blade. The silver-white blade swooped down like an arrow, and the violent friction as it passed through the atmosphere formed a hemispherical flame, wrapping the silver thing in it like a shield.

It was extremely fast, and instead of slowing down after passing through the atmosphere, it actually intensified.

A few seconds later, the thing hit the protective shield of Skull Island with unparalleled momentum and super high heat.

That thing is not a simple meteorite. It contains not only heat energy and impact, but also some kind of more powerful and domineering energy. Hydra's energy shield couldn't resist this kind of thing at all. The terrifying impact penetrated the protective layer and shot diagonally on the surface of the island.

For a moment, the entire Skull Island looked like it was going to be sunk. The foundations of the island were shaking, and waves and spray were pounding against the rocks along the coast.

Three seconds later, sirens broke the silence and filled the night sky.

The base instantly entered a state of alert, and the sleeping soldiers and agents all got up in panic.

Even little Godzilla, who was happily playing with his good friends, was attracted to the scene. After some hesitation, he decided to join in the fun and see what was going on.

A few minutes later, the place where the thing landed was surrounded by people. There were soldiers with live ammunition, heavy tanks, fighter jets with laser cannons, and a little monster as tall as a hill. Everyone gathered around the edge of the crater with their eyes wide open.

The sparks gradually extinguished, and a wave of energy was concentrated into the depths of the pit.

A man—or rather a humanoid creature—staggered out.

That was the Silver Glider, one of the four emissaries of Galactus. It's just that his condition looks extremely bad right now. Not to mention his gray face, the luster on his body is much duller than last time, and he seems to be seriously injured.

His surfboard was stuck upside down in the ground, only half of it exposed, and it seemed dead and motionless.

Yin Hua took a few steps with difficulty, and then he lost all his strength. Under the gaze of everyone, his legs and feet fell to the ground. He exhausted what seemed to be his last bit of strength and raised his hand.

"To find him, we must find Ultraman."

Then his hands dropped limply and he collapsed on the ground motionless.

The agents looked at each other for a moment.

"Sir, what should we do now?" an agent asked.

The leader in charge put away the gun in his hand: "Take him back first, including the skateboard. Also inform our great leader that something tells me that this matter is beyond the scope of what we can handle."

When Richard arrived after hearing the news, the Silver Glider had already woken up.

His hands and feet were tightly bound, his body was tied to a hard bed board, and he was isolated and sealed in a room within the Hydra base.

Richard motioned to his agents to untie him, saying that these measures were unnecessary. The misunderstanding from last time has been solved. As the messenger of Galactus, Yin Hua is still Ganata's retainer, so it is appropriate to be a little polite.

But Yin Hua's condition didn't look good at all. Although he woke up, his body was still in a state of collapse at any time, and it was difficult to even stand up. Richard didn't know how he managed to make it all the way from the other end of the universe to the earth with a body like this.

Richard had an ominous premonition. He frowned and asked, "So, what happened? Who beat you like this?"

There are really not many masters in this universe who can beat Yin Hua to such a level. Generally speaking, even if he can't do it, he can still outrun him. The Silver Glider really couldn't catch up with the ordinary God of the Universe if he wanted to outrun him. Richard knew clearly because he had directly competed with the opponent.

If it was an ordinary injury, the cosmic energy in Silver Glider's body should be able to repair it quickly, but now it seems that even the energy in the surfboard can't do anything about his injury.

Looks like damage from cosmic energy?

In other words, the one who injured him was also a god of the universe?

Yin Hua took a breath and looked at him solemnly: "I know we had some misunderstandings last time. If I still had a choice, I wouldn't want to come here. But I really don't know who else to turn to."

Richard asked, "What happened? Where's Ganata? How is she?"

His ominous premonition grew stronger. If there was anything I had to ask him for, it should be Ganata.

Since she didn't come, what appeared here was a wounded and half-dead Yin Slipper. Thinking about the worst, maybe something happened to Ganata?

But she is the supreme god of the universe, and she has such an awesome father protecting her, so what could happen?

The Silver Glider hesitated for a moment without speaking, then glanced at Richard, seeming to have made up his mind.

"This was originally classified and I shouldn't have said it. But if it were you, well, the truth is, I have no choice." He took a deep breath and said, "Galacto has been defeated."

Richard narrowed his eyes.

"This has happened before, and that's why we came to Earth last time to find our little master, because there were a lot of things to deal with." Silver Glider said, "But after that we were attacked again. I was scattered. I was seriously injured and managed to escape with my speed advantage. I don’t know what happened to the others, but I had to prepare for the worst.”

Richard's face darkened.

"Who?" he asked, "Who attacked you?"

The silver glider raised his head and looked at him.

"Cosmic Council of Elders."

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