The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 680 The Council of Elders of the Universe

"The Elders of the Universe." The silver glider gave the name, "The enemy we are fighting is the Elders of the Universe."

So that’s it, is this the Universe Presbyterian Council?

This seems to make a little more sense, but the matter is also more difficult.

It stands to reason that Galactus is one of the five creation gods, and in terms of official position, he is basically at the top level in the current universe. Although he is always hungry, and when he is seriously hungry, he cannot even reach the average strength of the gods of the universe, but no one will bother him.

Because everyone knows that Galactus represents a kind of incarnation of rules, and you can't kill him. Even if you look like you've killed him, he'll pop up again after a while to do his job. Because he is the embodiment of the rules in the universe responsible for digesting the planet. As long as this universe exists, he will never be eliminated.

Furthermore, as the creator god, most gods also have to give him face. Strictly speaking, the Universe God Group is considered to be members of the same system as Uncle Tun. Even if their responsibilities do not overlap with each other, Uncle Tun is still considered a leader in terms of level, and it is impossible for the Gods to trouble him.

So the only cosmic gods left who might be able to trouble Uncle Tun are the cosmic elders.

In the stories of various Marvel parallel universes, the Elders of the Universe are always at odds with Galactus. The Presbyterian Church is different from the Celestial God Group. They are not public officials of the universe. Strictly speaking, they should be regarded as a bunch of wild universe gods who spontaneously gathered to form an organization. Each of them is the last descendant of their respective race. After the Big Bang, when the cosmic energy in space was the purest, they absorbed a large amount of cosmic energy. Therefore, each of them gained extremely strong strength and immortal eternal life.

For various reasons, many cosmic elders in the organization have had conflicts with Galactus. And the result can be imagined - a single elder generally has nothing to gain from dealing with Uncle Tun.

Although the elders of the universe are usually distributed throughout the universe, they always go about their own business without interfering with each other when there is no special business. But once someone gets into trouble, they don't mind swarming up to fight.

According to the comic records, Uncle Tun was beaten by a group of elders of the universe more than once, with both sides winning or losing.

Judging from the words of the Silver Glider, it seems that Uncle Tun was beaten down by the elders this time?

Richard continued: "So, you don't know where your little master Ganata is?"

Yin Hua shook his head: "I don't know. We were scattered. I don't know where anyone else is, or even whether they are still alive."

"What about Galactus?"

"I don't know either. We were caught in a trap by the Universal Council of Elders near Torfa. We were defeated and they took the master away. I don't know where he is."

Richard frowned and thought for a moment.

"So," he continued, "if nothing happens to Ganata and she is not captured or defeated she will go to her father, right?"

Yin Hua was silent for a moment, nodded and said: "Yes. She did reveal this intention to us. She wants to rescue our master."

Richard mused. He said no more, but turned around solemnly and prepared to exit the room.

"Wait a minute." Silver Glider called to Richard. He struggled to get up from the bed, limping.

"If you want to find her, I have to help." Silver Glider said seriously, "I didn't do this work out of my original intention. Galactus wanted to eat my home planet, so I made a deal with him. Deal. I volunteer to be the messenger of Galactus. I am willing to run around the universe and help him find planets that meet his requirements and are suitable for him to eat. In exchange, he will let go of my hometown.

To be honest, I don't respect him, I only feel afraid of him. But his daughter Ganata is a pure and kind girl. She did not lose herself in her innate strength. She respected life and loved the world. I could not stand by and watch her die. "

Richard paused and glanced sideways at him.

Then Richard smiled.

"I will convey your words to her." He said, "But before that, you'd better not show off. I can see the energy status in your body. In fact, I can easily see it even without super vision. How bad your physical condition is. Even if you follow me, you won't be able to help me. You are just a burden now."

Yin Hua was a little reluctant, but even so he had to agree with Richard's words. Indeed, his current physical condition does not allow him to intervene in another god-level battle. Even if he follows, he will only be delayed.

"Okay." Silver Glider sat back, but said solemnly, "I don't want to involve you, but I don't know who else can help. At least you do seem to care about Ganata. But If you go, be careful. The strength of the Elders of the Universe is beyond imagination, and there are many of them."

"Don't worry." Richard said calmly, "I'm not a vegetarian either."

After leaving the room, Richard briefly explained to the agents in the base that this person was not an enemy and there was no need to keep him like a prisoner. Yin Hua can stay here to adjust his injuries until he comes back.

It looks like he'll be taking another long-awaited trip to the universe.

Because he didn't know how long he might have to leave this time, Richard first contacted Gideon Malik, informed him of his temporary departure, and told him not to let Hydra cause trouble during his absence. After all, Hydra has just been integrated and unified at this moment. The other leaders are cooperating on the surface, but God knows what they have in mind.

It was still late at night, and Richard didn't want to wake up the tenants at home, so he just reached back silently and left a note. Anyway, this is not the first time he has traveled far away, everyone is almost used to it.

Everything was arranged, and Richard left the earth without any delay.

This time the situation was relatively urgent, and he didn't plan to get a spaceship to fly as leisurely as last time. He plans to directly travel through the universe in the form of Ultraman and the teleportation ability of the Space Stone.

First of all, the first stop he had to go to was Shia.

The Shi'ar Empire has the most advanced intelligence network in the universe, and nothing that happens in the entire known galaxy of the universe—including within the jurisdiction of the other two empires—can escape the eyes and ears of the Shi'ar.

The scale of the head-on conflict between Galactus and the Elders of the Universe would not be small, and he believed that Shia would definitely hear about it.

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