The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 681 Looking for Ganata

Richard's guess was correct, Shia did have some relevant information.

It was rare that Doujian stayed at the headquarters to help him inquire about it, and soon got the reaction from the person in charge of a certain jurisdiction. It was informed there that someone did witness a god-level battle not long ago. The gods fought, and the universe was in chaos. The powerful divine power triggered a chain of explosions, and people on several surrounding planets observed strange phenomena. The scene was once regarded as an abnormal phenomenon.

Doujian specially sent an envoy to inquire further, and soon got further clues. Shia photographed the battle from a distance on a nearby planet's space station. Although the distance was very far, a large-scale explosion could still be vaguely seen at the end of the battle.

It was at that time that the Galactus messengers became separated. From the screen, you can barely see a group of purple shadows breaking away, accelerating and disappearing from the screen, quickly moving away from the battlefield area.

Next, the Shi'ar used machines to analyze the complex energy composition on the battlefield at that time, and further proved through the energy frequency that the purple shadow was Ganata.

"Going in that direction, less than a hundred light years away is the planet VOLDI." Doujian said, "Even if she is not there, she should at least have passed by there. When you go there, you should be able to find clues about her. "

"I know." Richard nodded, "Thanks."

"Wait." Seeing that he was about to leave, Dou Jian stretched out his hand to stop him and said, "I know what you are going to do next may be dangerous. I thought maybe you might need a little help? Although I may not be able to go myself, But I can at least send a fleet."

Richard shook his head and declined his offer.

"Thanks, but I can handle it." Richard said, "This is not your battle, and I don't want to involve you."

"Okay, if you insist." Doujian said, "But if you need anything, you can call at any time. The Shi'ar Empire is your eternal ally."

"Of course, I know."

Saying goodbye to the sword fight, Richard activated the space gem again, and a flash came directly to the coordinates given by the sword fight, the planet VOLDI.

If you have a specific destination and space coordinates, you can go anywhere with the space gem in just the blink of an eye.

The planet VOLDI is a small independent kingdom. Its spatial location is sandwiched between the two empires of Shi'ar and Skrull, and its relations with both sides are relatively harmonious.

This is a relatively open country. They have a transfer station at the border specifically for interstellar travelers to stop and resupply, and welcome travelers from any star system and any country.

The transfer station is built on an artificial satellite, more like a small town on Earth.

Richard found a bar-like service center next to the entrance to the town. This building is located almost next to the airport where the spacecraft is parked and resupplied. If anyone wants to find out information, this is undoubtedly a good place to start.

Richard walked through the noisy lobby and walked up to the alien who looked like a waiter at the counter. He turned his palm over, and the light particles formed into rays of light, and the appearance of Ganata appeared in his palm.

"Sorry, I'm looking for someone." Richard asked, "Have you seen this girl?"

The old alien man with tentacles on his head behind the bar raised his head as if he didn't hear his question: "What do you want?"

Richard understood what he meant - intelligence couldn't be free. So he glanced at the menu posted on the bar and pointed to an unknown drink: "Then let's have some of this."

Anyway, after spending so long with the little rich girl Ganata, he has no shortage of alien currency. Speaking of which, he is still a wealthy man with millions of krye coins.

"OK, just a second."

The old man turned around and went to work. In just over ten seconds, he placed a drink as dark as octopus juice on the bar and pushed Richard away from him along the table.

Richard picked up the cup and looked at it. The inky black liquid was actually filled with something resembling an aquatic creature. If you looked closely, it seemed to be swimming around with its tail wagging in the turbid water.

There was a pungent smell coming from the cup.

In fact, with Richard's body, he can digest whatever he eats. Even if he swallows a ton of vibranium alive, the light in his body can break it down into pure light particles.

But he had already made up his mind that he would not touch this thing no matter what. It was really a bit too dark. Just imagining this sight and smell was enough to make Richard feel sick to his stomach.

He didn't come here for a drink in the first place. He put down the cup, took out a large piece of gold coin and pressed it on the table. The boss suddenly beamed, and while hurriedly putting away the gold coins, he asked: "What did you just ask?"

"This girl." Richard used light to shape Ganata's appearance again, "Have you seen her before?"

The boss held his chin and looked like he was thinking hard for a while.

Finally he shook his head.

"What a coincidence, I really haven't seen him before."

Richard: "."

Resisting the urge to hit the guy with a cross storm, Richard stood up and said, "Excuse me."

He turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly he heard someone beside him say, "What? Did you have a fight with your little girlfriend?"

Richard paused, turned his head following the sound, and found that the person speaking was actually a woman.

It was a woman with the same appearance as a human being - of course this is not surprising, there are actually many similar races in the universe. She has a Eurasian appearance, exquisite three-dimensional facial features, two thin cherry lips, and eyes like bright black pearls, reflecting a beautiful luster.

She was wearing a long black dress like a dress, revealing her fair-skinned back and slender arms. Under the hem of the skirt, a pair of slender thighs were looming, as if she was deliberately stimulating people's imagination.

It is always pleasant to meet a familiar face in a foreign country, especially if the person is a fair-skinned and beautiful girl. Richard paused momentarily and replied: "No, just a very good friend."

The woman smiled: "When someone says that, things are usually not as simple as they say."

She said, handing over a light blue drink.

Different from the drink Richard ordered casually just now, this one looked like a normal drink, with a refreshing light fragrance exuding from the cup.

Richard raised his eyebrows.

The woman smiled and raised her glass: "I'll invite you, for the sake of your pretty face."

Richard touched his face.

I, Mr. Li, will one day become a pretty boy?

He shrugged: "Thanks, but I have some urgent things and I'm in a hurry. If you're still here after I finish my things, how about I come back and buy you a drink?"

"Yes." The woman nodded understandingly, "Then go quickly. Don't let the girl wait too long. It might be too late to apologize now."

As she spoke, she blinked her right eye deliberately, as if to encourage Richard.

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