The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 685 Special Prisoners

"Topaz, can you please take our guests out?" Gao Tianzun turned to the old lady in armor next to his seat, "Prepare a suite for our distinguished guests. Oh, by the way, don't forget tomorrow Tickets to the game.”

Topaz—the old lady beside Gao Tianzun who always reminded Richard of Grandma Rong—mechanically nodded solemnly: "Yes."

Richard thanked him. Before he left, he made eye contact with Brother Zhui, who was still tied to the seat. Brother Zhui also winked at him, with an expression that seemed to say, "Don't worry, leave everything to me."

Then Richard followed the old lady and left the room.

Not long after he left, another old guy came out from the other side of the room.

The old guy had the same face as Gao Tianzun, and even his hair and makeup were exactly the same. However, he was wearing a loose black robe and looked a little funny.

The Collector, Gao Tianzun's brother, is also a member of the Universal Council of Elders.

"I've said it more than once, brother, you really can't do this," the Collector muttered. "We've captured Galactus, and now his daughter is trying to get him out. How can you still do this at this juncture? Keep letting people in from outside?"

Gao Tianzun hummed: "The arena needs to maintain operations. In order to present a more exciting game, strong fighters are indispensable."

"Why is this broken competitive event so important to you?"

"Then why is collecting weird and weird things so important to you?"

The collector choked.

That's true. The elders of the universe regard their hobbies as being as important as their lives. If someone forces them to give up their interests, they may really fight each other with their lives.

"The arena is my life's work and the foundation of Sakaar. My brother, can't you see how passionate the people here are about athletics?" Gao Tianzun said proudly.

Absolutely not.

The collector thought so, but did not say it out loud. He snorted: "Okay, that's up to you. But things better not go wrong."

"Of course." Gao Tianzun was full of confidence, "There is no safer place in this universe than here. Don't worry, no one can go to the restricted area here, and no one can get out."

Richard left Gao Tianzun's room with the old lady who looked like Nanny Rong - he remembered her name being Topaz.

The old lady knew that he was Gao Tianzun's distinguished guest, so she was quite polite to him. She arranged for him a room specially designed for foreign guests to stay. It felt a bit like a luxury hotel on Saka. Finally, she told her that if she needed anything, she could call the servants outside, and then left.

So Richard lay comfortably on the bed in the room and began to quietly watch the stereoscopically projected videos of past competitive events. It was strange.

On the surface, it seemed that he was just quietly watching the game video in this room, but in fact, he had already sneaked into the arena facilities.

The arena's stage and auditorium, including guest rooms, are placed around the perimeter of the facility. The peripheral and core facilities are completely isolated.

In other words, even if you pretend to be a spectator and sneak into the peripheral area, it will be almost impossible to sneak into the core area.

But Richard didn't sneak in from the outside.

In fact, since he just met with Gao Tianzun, he has not come out at all, or he has not come out completely.

It was indeed Richard himself who tied up Thor to meet Gao Tianzun and then left under the supervision of the old lady beside Gao Tianzun, but before that he left a clone inside the facility and has not come out until now.

And while he was talking to Gao Tianzun, his clone was already wandering around the facility looking for information.

There was teleportation shielding interference throughout the facility, and he was unable to use space to move. In addition, various high-end security systems and traps are set up in many places, not to mention that Richard still knows nothing about the terrain structure of the entire building.

So before taking action, he decided to at least catch a pawn and ask for relevant information in a "friendly" manner.

Richard's clone wandered around for a while and finally caught a lone pawn in the toilet. He smoothly dragged the pawn into the cubicle, then slapped him unconscious. Then he reached out and pressed his hand on the pawn's forehead and began to use his mental power to invade his mind and read his memory.

Mental power is not Richard's specialty, but after being promoted to the god level for so long, it is not difficult to read the thoughts of ordinary soldiers. It's just that the feeling of entering someone else's brain is weird, and he has never liked using this trick.

But these are extraordinary times, and he doesn't have many options.

This was indeed not in vain, and he soon gained a large amount of important information.

First of all, from the pawn's memory, he obtained information about the overall structure of the entire facility. At least he would not be blinded like he was in a large maze.

Then he learned more that Gao Tianzun had recently received many cosmic elders who came from afar as guests. At this moment, there are probably quite a few cosmic elders gathered on the Saka planet.

This also proves that his guess is likely to be correct. Galactus is indeed being held here, and Ganata may indeed intend to attack this place.

Another more important piece of information is that Gao Tianzun indeed imprisons an extremely important prisoner here.

The pawn whose memory was read did not know who that person was. His level was too low to be qualified to know. In fact, it seems that not many people on Saka planet know who the prisoner is. Everyone only knew that he was an extremely terrifying prisoner, an enemy of Gao Tianzun, and that he was highly valued by the elders of the universe.

Because he was very special, the prisoner was personally sealed by the Elder of the Universe into the "Absolute Restricted Area" of Saka, the safest place on the entire planet. That place is located one thousand meters underground in this facility. It is as tight as an iron barrel and no one can enter.

That special prison was placed directly below the ordinary prison area (the ordinary prison area was where fighters captured for competitive duels were held), but it was almost completely isolated from the outside.

The special prison has a completely independent energy system and no physical connection to the outside world. The only way in and out is through the specially set directional portal in Gao Tianzun's room.

All electronic systems in the prison are almost completely isolated from the outside world. It has its own local server and is not usually connected to the arena's network.

But there are exceptions. For only three minutes every day, the underground prison server will be connected to the arena's main server in order to synchronize, keep updated, and automatically perform daily maintenance.

After reading the memory, Richard deleted the pawn's memory about himself. In this way, when this guy wakes up, he will only remember that he fell asleep for no reason in the middle of going to the toilet, and will not remember the fact that he was attacked at all.

Richard raised his chin, carefully reviewed the information he had just obtained, and began to think.

It looks like the next step might be a little trickier again.

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