It is very easy to speculate that the prisoner imprisoned in a special cell one thousand meters underground is Galactus himself. With a bunch of cosmic elders personally guarding the place, and such tight and almost unnecessary security measures, Richard couldn't think of anyone else who deserved such special treatment.

It is said that the design of the underground prison is based on the most famous prison in the universe, Cairn Castle, which is the prison now guarded by the Nova Corps. There are rumors that two serious-level cosmic gods are imprisoned in that prison. The two earliest gods who were born at the beginning of the universe are also regarded as heretics among the gods.

Richard had seen the design drawings of Castle Cairn from the Nova Corps, and he knew every secret door, every pipe, every trap level and security facility in the prison. If the current prison was also designed with reference to Castle Cairn, it might actually provide convenience for him.

Teleportation is blocked, and quantum penetration will also trigger the alarm. And the entire prison is isolated from the outside world. There are no ventilation pipes, no lines, no passages, and not even a door between the metal and the soil at a depth of more than a thousand meters. The only way in and out of the prison is the portal in Gao Tianzun's room.

And even if he managed to avoid all the alarms and sneak into his room while Gao Tianzun himself was not around, no one other than him would be able to activate the portal.

But fortunately, Richard had another trick. There was another, and possibly only, way for him.

That is to take the data channel.

Although the underground cell's server is also independent from the outside, it still has three minutes every day to connect to the external network to perform security checks and data synchronization.

That's his chance.

At this moment, Richard's clone had quietly sneaked into the room where the server was placed. He made his body virtual and kept it transparent and pressed it against the wall. He used the tricks Ganata taught him to suppress the energy fluctuations in his body and hide his aura.

The next thing to do is to wait.

It wasn't until Richard himself lay on the soft bed and patiently watched two entire episodes of a program that to him was tantamount to a competitive show between rookies that the clone finally sent back a signal.

Today's server sync started.

Richard immediately checked the time. According to Saka star time, it is now exactly nine thirty in the evening.

In other words, does the server synchronization time be at 9:30 every night?

Richard started the timer, and at the same time controlled his clone to quantize and transform into a data form, and drilled into the server.

The underground prison is a completely independent system, but it involves many safety facilities, many items that require routine inspection every day, and the amount of synchronized data is also extremely large.

The clone of Richard's quantized state was mixed in the massive data, quietly mixed in like a trickle in the rolling river.

But he just borrowed this data transmission channel. Once he flows into the local server in the prison along with these data flows, the security system inside will soon detect his "heretic" and trigger an alarm.

That's why he had to de-digitize before entering the server.

A beam of golden light particles broke away from the trillions of data streams and returned to the life-size silver form of Ultraman, squatting and landing on the dark and cold ground.

He came in.

Richard stood up and quickly looked around to observe the surrounding situation.

He was in a narrow room with dark walls, except for a dark door in front and a complicated electronic lock plate next to it.

Richard tried using super vision, but as expected it didn't work. Everything and all materials in this space can shield any rays, and no matter what frequency the line of sight is switched to, it cannot be seen through.

Theoretically, he only has three minutes, so he must hurry up.

What is needed to unlock this layer of locks is the cosmic energy of Gao Tianzun himself.

Richard does not have the cosmic energy of Gao Tianzun, but fortunately his specialty is that he can imitate energy of any frequency and any attribute. When he met Gao Tianzun before, he had already memorized the other person's energy frequency, so he should be able to simulate it.

Nothing unexpected happened here. The clone Nexus inputted a burst of cosmic energy towards the lock disk. After a moment, the lock disk successfully recognized the energy signature and made a friendly electronic sound of welcome.

But the next few levels are a little more troublesome.

Perhaps considering the possibility that someone might be simulating his own cosmic energy, the next few levels will not be automatically closed just because Gao Tianzun himself is recognized. The prison and the external network must be connected to each other, and someone must manually operate on the main console outside to turn off the next series of traps.

Richard didn't have that kind of internal response, but that didn't matter. If the prison was indeed modeled after Cairn Castle, then he knew what to do.

The first level is energy fog. Countless energy particles permeate the only channel. As long as anyone touches even one particle permeating the space, the alarm will be triggered.

Richard's super brain was operating at full speed, observing and recording the properties and composition of these energy particles in the shortest time, and successfully disintegrated and dispersed his clone into photon levels within thirty seconds, and Each photon changed into the same form as those particles, blended into it and floated past without anyone noticing.

The second level is an ultra-high-density energy barrier. This barrier is similar to the protective shield of a star battleship, and even density transformation abilities like Vision cannot penetrate it.

It is not impossible to break the barrier, but once you do so, the alarm will inevitably be triggered, and the secret infiltration will fail.

However, Richard has already done research on this.

Thanks to Ant-Man and the Wasp for inspiring him. The clone of Nexus shrank directly on the spot, all the way down to the molecular and atomic levels, until it was about the same size as the energy particles that make up this barrier.

Then he directly released the Cross Storm and forcibly bombarded a gap in the barrier just enough for his body to pass through.

Because it was an atomic-sized explosion, no alarms were triggered. The Nexus clone successfully flew through the barrier through this small gap, and then grew back to its original size.

There are several levels to follow, including kinetic energy capture, cosmic energy turrets and unmanned aerial vehicles, but all of them are without exception handled by the Nexus clone using its diverse abilities.

After two minutes and thirty-nine seconds, he finally made it to the deepest part of the prison and saw the only big man imprisoned here.

Ganata's father, Galactus the Galactus.

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