Space, somewhere.

The space was opened up by cosmic energy, and the cosmic elders chased out of the cracks one after another.

Following the energy tracks left by their companions, it didn't take them long to find their already settled companion in the empty space. At this moment, the sprinter was still bound by circles of binding light, and it was difficult to even move a finger.

The champion of the universe raised his hand and cut off the circles of light wrapped around his companion with a hand knife. After the blue energy broke, it turned into starlight and dissipated. The sprinter babbled as he broke free: "Be gentle, you almost cut me just now."

"So where are the others?" the Collector asked.

"I lost him." The sprinter was a little depressed. "I was careless. He was more cunning than I thought. I hesitated and fell into his trap."

"We were all careless," said the gardener. "We originally thought that the only one we had to deal with was the little girl who swallowed the stars, plus a few messengers. We didn't expect that the patron saint of the earth would suddenly come out."

"Humans call him 'Ultraman'." The Collector said.

"I don't care what his name is, I just care that he ran away now, taking that Galactus girl with him." The champion of the universe seemed to be angry and didn't know who to vent his anger to, "And you just said that Galactus was also Letting go? This is a complete failure. So what on earth are we, a bunch of old guys, getting together to do? Have a party?"

"Calm down, champion. This is not over yet." Gao Tianzun looked calmer than usual, "We can still get them back."

"Oh? How to do it?" asked the champion of the universe. "Do I need to remind you that he has infinity stones in his hand? The fact is that he can go wherever he wants in this universe. We have missed the best opportunity. What's next? It’s almost impossible to catch him.”

The gardener pondered for a moment and said: "That's not true. Unlike us, he is a god with a divine status. He has his own work and responsibilities, which are things he cannot abandon. Sooner or later, he will always have to Go back to your own planet."

"Yes, this means that he can't keep running away. Sooner or later, he will stand up and face us." The collector said.

"And when he shows up next time, he won't be able to escape." This time it was Sprinter who spoke. This elder has a deep fascination with racing. Although he was tricked, he still regards the previous confrontation as a victory that he lost. Now he can't wait to find Ultraman for a rematch.

"He will never be able to escape next time, not even with the help of infinite stones."

"Don't worry, I think it's not far away. The fact is, we don't have to wait and see on Earth." Gao Tianzun smiled, "We will find him soon, or our allies will."

At this moment, Xandar, the Nova Legion.

This was the first stop Richard took Ganata to after getting rid of the sprinter.

Ganata's condition was very bad. She was in a state of exhaustion due to excessive consumption, and she was in a deep lethargy from which she could not wake up at all. The Nova Corps had helped her the last time this happened, so Richard thought they might be able to help again.

Well, and there's nowhere else for him to go but here.

It is definitely not possible to return to Earth. It is precisely because he is the guardian of the earth that he cannot bring this battle to the earth.

According to the original Plan A, after evacuating with Ganata, he was going to go back and cover Brother Hammer's retreat, but in the current situation, there was obviously no chance. However, after their battle broke out, the Saka Star Arena was in chaos, and all the captive prisoners rioted on a large scale. I believe that Brother Hammer should be able to withdraw easily with his ability.

The Nova Corps learned of the situation and were happy to lend a helping hand. Nova Supreme once again temporarily lent them the energy of the Legion's central computer, guiding the huge Nova energy from another dimension into Ganata's body.

During this period, Ganata woke up dizzy once.


"I'm here."

Ganata sat up with his help and blinked her eyes blankly, her watery eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of mist.

"Where am I?"

"The Nova Corps." Richard said, "The Nova Supreme has promised to help you recover your physical strength, but it will take a while. You have to try not to move first to reduce your physical energy consumption."

Ganata held her forehead and shook her little head, still seeming a little dizzy.

Then she remembered something: "My dad"

"It's safe. I got him out," Richard said.

Ganata was silent for a moment and asked: "The Nova Corps. I remember they hate me. Why do they want to help me?"

Richard smiled, rubbed her head gently, and stroked her smooth hair with his gesture.

"No one hates you, Carrie," he said softly. "You saved this planet, remember? The people here are grateful to you and consider you a hero, just like me. They all owe you, so They are willing to help you.”

Ganata lowered her head. After a long while, she whispered: "I'm sorry, Richard."


"I'm in trouble again," she said. "I'm always in trouble. I can't do anything by myself, and I drag you into trouble with me."

Richard raised his eyebrows.

Is there any?

Why do I feel like I'm dragging you to help me more?

He found that Ganata seemed to have a particularly bad memory when she helped him, but she remembered quite clearly every time he helped her - even if it was just a plate of the most ordinary sweet and sour pork ribs.

She seemed to have no memory of helping him fight against Zaki on Xandar. Without her, Richard might have become a part of Zaki now, both as a person and as a light.

Richard thought for a while and said: "I have asked you something similar before, but now the situation is different. I want to ask again. Do you want to stay on Earth? Stay with me?"

Ganata still lowered her head, but nodded slightly.

"Then let's stay together." Richard smiled and continued to caress her hair, "After today, after we defeat all these elders, we will go back to the earth together, and then I will I’ll cook you a lot of delicious food, okay?”

Ganata hesitated and whispered: "But...but they are all very powerful."

"Yeah, I know, but I'm not a vegetarian either. I'm a patron saint and an Ultraman. Remember the movies I showed you and the stories I told you? Ultraman always wins, especially When they fight to protect something.”

With that said, he stood up.

"As I said before, if I can't protect even one person, then why should I be the patron saint of Hammer? I might as well be laid off on the spot.

Don't worry, I will win, no matter who the opponent is. "

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