An hour after Richard and Ganata landed on Xandar, the Legion reported an attack alert.

The Legion's radar detected an extremely powerful energy body intruding into the star domain controlled by the Nova Legion. Communications at the Nova Outpost originally guarding the border were suddenly completely cut off, and there was no news.

Based on the situation, it is not difficult to guess that some or some god-level enemies have broken into this star field.

Nova Supreme was notified and without hesitation immediately ordered the entire Xandar planet to enter the highest alert state. She called back all the rising stars currently in action and nearby, and arranged for them to be on the highest alert for an attack.

Richard watched Xandar enter the first level of alert, and countless new stars and aircraft took off. After thinking for a moment, he said: "Maybe we should leave."

Nova Supreme, who was standing next to him in the watchtower, tilted his head: "No, you don't have to go anywhere. Although the power of the Nova Corps may not be comparable to yours, we cannot be ignored. Even if our opponent is a god, we can't. Have no fear.”

"That's not the problem." Richard shook his head, "I have never doubted the strength of the legion, and I am grateful that you are willing to take action. But after all, this is not your battle, and you don't have to."

"Actually, we do." Nova Supreme said seriously. Richard saw an almost stubborn determination in the gray-haired woman's eyes.

"When Xandar was in crisis before, it was you who saved us. You and the Daughter of Galactus did it together. If you weren't there at that time, neither Xandar nor Xandar would exist anymore." Xinxing Supreme "I know there are many people in this universe who only prioritize themselves, but I assure you that is not the case with the Nova Corps.

You have helped us when we were in trouble, and everyone in Xandar will remember this kindness. If we stand idly by at this moment when you need help, how can the Nova Corps maintain peace from now on? Does this mean that whenever we encounter a powerful enemy in the future, we must turn a blind eye? "

At this time, the rising star Centurion Roman, whose hairline resembled Coulson's, also came up. He first bowed to the Nova Supreme Standard, and then said seriously to Richard: "Please, please let us help. This is the unshirkable obligation of the Nova Corps."

".All right."

Now that the words have come to this point, Richard naturally can't refuse.

But to be honest, he was quite moved.

This battle clearly had nothing to do with them. Even Richard didn't want to bring the battlefield back to Earth at this time, but the Novas did not hesitate to provide them with shelter and participate in this battle.

Although this approach seems silly to so-called smart people, it does have the style of the nosy Nova Corps.

Maybe the world needs some nosy fools like this sometimes.

Ganata is absorbing energy in the isolation area to replenish her strength and recover from her injuries.

If she knew that the enemy was coming, she would definitely insist on fighting - even though her body might not be able to support another god-level fight. So Richard decided not to tell her just yet.

Just ten minutes after the Nova Corps detected the enemy attack, the invasion came as planned.

And beyond the imagination of everyone, including Richard, the enemy neither flew directly across the galaxy with a powerful god-level body, nor did he ride on a planet-level battleship that could cover the sky and the sun.

What appeared in front of them was a planet.

Yes, that's right, a whole planet has arrived in front of Xandar Star, just like a real "planetary" battleship, flying directly towards Xandar Star with its own consciousness in the universe.

"Sir! The enemy scanning test is completed!" Xinxing shouted, "It's Ego! That planet is Ego!"

Xinxing Supreme's face suddenly darkened.

Egg is recorded in the Nova Corps, and he is also a top dangerous person ranked very high on the wanted list.

It is a planet with life and its own consciousness, and it has destructive power comparable to that of gods. He wanders around the universe all year round and has devoured many other planets over the years, including many intelligent creatures on other planets.

And unlike Galactus. The planets that Uncle Tun devoured were carefully selected and could be devoured with the permission of the will of the universe. The energy released after devouring the planets is beneficial to increasing the life of the universe. But Egg is different. He eats planets without rules and all depends on his own preferences. Eating planets does not do any good to the universe. It is just pure self-satisfaction.

So relatively speaking, this thing is a devastating disaster for intelligent life, and from the perspective of the universe as a whole, it is also a cancer.

The new stars recognize this guy, and so does Richard, but his impression of Egg may be different from the new stars.

His first reaction when he saw Egg was...fuck! Isn’t this Star-Lord’s super stud dad?

In the MCU movie setting, Ego is the father of Star-Lord, the protagonist of the Guardians of the Galaxy. He first appeared and died in the movie "Guardians of the Galaxy 2". In the movie, he claimed to be a "Celestial".

Well. In the end, he was killed by Gingo with a bomb.

If you can directly attack the core of the planet, Yi Ge is not difficult to deal with. Once the cross storm hits Yi Ge, the entire planet should explode. But if there is no access to the core, Ego's combat power is still considerable. In the movie, a small clone of him can destroy an entire fleet of spaceships with a wave of his hand. It must be a cosmic-level combat power.

Richard remembered that Ego joined the Universal Council of Elders late in the original comic and became a member of the elders. In addition, as Ego is a walking planet, it is conceivable that there must be some differences between Ego and Galactus, whose duty is to eat planets. Therefore, it is quite reasonable that Yi Ge would join the elders of the universe to defeat Tunmei.

At this moment, Ego had arrived outside the atmosphere of Xandar, and the big-head-like planet began to emit a strong and blazing light, as if preparing for a world-destroying blow!

"Shield!" Nova Supreme shouted.

A pale golden stream of light shot out through the launch tower, forming a protective shield like an eggshell to protect the entire Xandar star in the middle.

Planet Ego bombarded the planet with a cannon, and the energy in the planet's core was concentrated to a point and turned into a true Star Destroyer cannon, which slammed into the surface of the protective shield!

Fortunately, after experiencing the invasion of Dark Zaki and the Cosmic Truth Cult last time, the system of the Nova Corps was also upgraded. Although it looked very dangerous, the protective shield finally withstood the impact. The shock wave released by the energy washing on the surface of the transparent shield spread like water waves in the sky of the planet, and a thunderous rumble came from behind the clouds.

"New Stars!" Nova Supreme ordered on all channels, "Get ready to fight to protect your homeland!"

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