The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 703 Perfect Understanding

"One is done, there are five left."

Zaki said sadly, without stopping the movements of his hands at all. I saw his hands reversed, energy gathered, and the powerful black and red energy brewed between his arms. As he raised his fists, they blasted out like a roaring river.

Zaki Gravity!

This luminous line is aimed at the sprinter. Facing the roaring dark energy, the sprinter couldn't help but feel a little disdainful, feeling that he seemed to be underestimated.

With his speed, how could he hit an attack aimed straight at his face like this?

While snoring in his heart, the sprinter dodged sideways, and his golden body moved sideways to avoid it. Zaki Gravity's unparalleled impact only penetrated the golden afterimage left by the sprinter, roaring towards an empty area behind.

Zaki sneered again.

The target of this Zaki Gravity shot was not an open area at all.

Behind the attack trajectory that the sprinter avoided, and behind which all the elders of the universe paid no attention, this light was aimed at Nexus, who had already silently quantized and moved here in advance.

Nexus was seen standing in a posture, his arms turned in front of him, and the arms on his wrists released majestic white energy. The soft light enveloped his entire body and transformed into a circular energy vortex between his palms.

Zaki Gravity rushed into the vortex surrounded by his arms, and was absorbed into the majestic light energy, which was quickly transformed. The darkness was transformed into light surrounded by layers of light, and the red and black rays transformed into a huge energy sphere along with the whirlpool of light.

Gao Tianzun was the first to realize something was wrong: "Behind you!"

But it was too late when he spoke up. Nexus slapped the surface of the energy sphere with his right palm, turning the darkness into light. The power combined with the energy of Nexus and Dark Zaki flew through the air and hit the sprinter's body from behind.

The sprinter didn't even have a chance to scream. His whole body was blown up into the air on the spot, floating far away like a golden kite riddled with holes, and finally fell back to the ground limply.

Got two, four left.

The remaining elders of the universe couldn't help but look surprised.

Was this black guy targeting his teammates from the very beginning?

These two people obviously had no chance to communicate and discuss tactics. It was the same with the two-stage flash attack on the gardener just now, and now it was the same with using light reflection to kill the sprinter instantly. Such tacit cooperation was as if they had practiced it hundreds of thousands of times, but they didn't even make eye contact.

Use mental energy to ventilate? No, that's not possible.

It would be fine if they were facing other enemies, but the person standing in front of them now was the serious Elder of the Universe. No fluctuation in mental power can escape the senses of these elders. They were convinced that the two men did not communicate with each other during the battle just now.

So how did they achieve such tacit cooperation?

In fact, there was really no communication between the two parties. The only time they could communicate with each other was when Zaki patted Nexus on the shoulder.

With that simple action, Zaki gave Nexus the formula for converting his ray attacks into pure energy.

In the Nexus TV series, the Night Raid team once used their black technology to restore the cannon that simulated Nexus' ultimate light into pure energy, and penetrated into Nexus's energy core to realize Ultra Man charging effect.

The formula that Zaki gave him here is also the same. It is a method that can restore Zaki's attack into the form of an energy matrix. In this way, Nexus can convert and absorb that energy and reflect it out with greater power.

Although there was no communication, he understood the meaning the moment Zaki handed him the formula.

It's an odd feeling, but not inexplicable.

After all, Dark Zaki is a copy of Noah. His body design is imitation of Noah, and all skill names are the same as Noah. His moves, skills and even his initial combat experience are all from Noah.

Richard is even more pure. He is the one who inherited Noah's light, and all his experience and skills are directly passed down.

When the two fought before, they discovered the similarities in their combat skills, and their move selections were often very similar in certain forms. Therefore, to a certain extent, they are from the same school and have basically the same tactical ideas, so they can achieve such a tacit understanding.

"There are four left. It would be too troublesome to deal with them one by one."

Dark Zaki snorted and stretched out his fist towards Nexus.

"Hey, go on. Let's do it all in one go."

Richard had a thought in his mind, seemed to understand what he meant, and then extended his fist.

The blue and black fists connected together, and the energy of darkness and light merged along their arms and poured into each other's bodies. Black and golden light intertwined and entangled the arms of both parties, pouring into their respective energy cores.

The air pressure in the subspace suddenly changed, and overwhelming pressure was thrown on the remaining four elders. Several old immortals realized that something was wrong one after another, and hurriedly used their own unique skills, and their whole bodies lit up with dazzling light to prepare for it.

Nexus and Dark Zaki retracted their fists in synchronicity, raised their legs and took a step forward. Nexus thrust out his right palm, and Zaki thrust out his left palm. The two of them moved in unison and their arms were almost level.

A powerful impact erupted from their parallel wrists, and in an instant it was as if there was thunder in the sky that penetrated the field. The ground beneath their feet collapsed, and the two of them were suspended in the air without relying on their own abilities. The rocks everywhere were blown apart by the energy impact, and the air waves formed a semicircular barrier, ejecting a beam of black and gold light.

The four elders of the universe took action together, pouring their entire life's strength into this attack, blasting the light that the two of them shot together.

Brilliant light effects and explosions filled the entire space for a short time. Without restraint or restriction, the energy of light and darkness and the majestic cosmic energy of the elders collided with each other and exploded, raging unbridled. The earth was torn apart, rocks were destroyed, rifts were opened in the sky, and subspace was penetrated vertically and horizontally.

The space was shattered and everything was destroyed until the entire realm collapsed under the impact. The ground where everyone stood collapsed, and the sky was scattered into countless pieces like broken glass. The light continued to spread until the figures of the six people on both sides became illusory and abstract in the light, until they completely disappeared.

And then all that's left is, silence.

Complete silence.

After a few seconds, they had returned to reality. Nexus and Dark Zaki are suspended side by side on the surface of Xandar, in the dark space of space.

it's over.

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