The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 704 Lucifer’s Plan

The impact is over, the subspace collapses, and the dust settles.

Everyone in the war returned to the real universe to confront each other.

The six elders were beaten to a pulp, and they were all in a miserable state. The gorgeous clothes made of extraordinary materials were also riddled with holes. But at least they were alive and breathing.

Many people say that the Elders of the Universe are immortal. This of course cannot be true, everything has an end, anything immortal can be killed. But this is not unreasonable within a certain scope.

At least within the scope of this single universe, the universe elders are already top experts, and the pure and powerful cosmic energy from the beginning of the universe guarantees their immortality. You can defeat them, but it's hard to kill them outright.

But at this point, even if they were still alive, they didn't have the strength to fight anymore. This encounter was undoubtedly a complete failure for the Universe Elder camp.

Now they have no choice but to give up. It won't be long before Ganata will recover, and Uncle Tun, who was rescued from Saka, doesn't know when he will regain his divine power.

Even the two people in front of them cannot be dealt with, and with the two fathers and daughters of Galactus, the elders may not be able to regain their position from now on, so they can only give up.

But before leaving, Gao Tianzun couldn't help but ask: "You still haven't answered my question, God of the Earth. That girl, the daughter of Galactus. Why did you help her?"

"I told the truth, I don't know either." Richard replied, "But maybe. Maybe it's just because she is more important to me than I thought."

Gao Tianzun glanced at him one last time, said nothing, flicked his sleeves, turned around and left with all the elders of the universe.

None of the elders had any intention of saying anything more. The six of them fought together aggressively, but they retreated in disgrace despite having an absolute advantage in numbers. They couldn't save face and were in a bad mood. No one was really in the mood to talk.

They shook their hands, started teleportation, and soon disappeared into thin air.

Zaki glanced sideways at Nexus and said in a mocking tone: "Important person, huh?"

Richard glanced at him in turn: "It's a bit hard to understand, right? I think so. It's normal for someone like you not to have such an experience."

Zaki snorted: "There's nothing new. Those of you who inherit the light are all like this. You will never have anything new to protect something or someone."

Richard turned his head and looked at him.

"So what now? We're going to fight again? Just like last time."

Zaki turned his eyes to the energy core that was still flashing rapidly on his chest and sneered.

"No need." He waved his hand, "It's better to forget about your current state. You can save your life until I'm in the mood to take it."

"You look a lot calmer than before." Richard said.

He didn't forget that at the end of the last meeting, Zaki was almost in a state of explosive hair, with a fierce look on his face and black energy lingering all over his body. A single blow was enough to blast through the star field, and he had the potential to eat him alive.

Now Zaki not only seems to have calmed down a lot, but she has also turned into a girl to chat with him, and in the end she actually helped him.

"So why were you waiting for me in that bar before?" Richard asked. "At first, when I asked the boss behind the bar if he had seen Ganata, he said no, but before I left, he changed his mind. You asked him to say it, right? You threatened him, or mentally manipulated him? In short, it was you who showed me the way, why?"

"Why? Because it's interesting." Zaki's voice sounded a little evil again, "Because I want to see you fight and see how you deal with those old immortals. And you did not disappoint me, your handling methods It was very interesting. Although there were some accidents in the end.”

"You mean you're waiting for me there specifically? Just to give me information?" Richard asked, "And about Galactus being imprisoned on Sakaar. Don't tell me that you ran errands specifically for me. Go find out."

Zaki chuckled: "You thought it was just that one time? No. I have been monitoring you for much longer than you think. I am aware of your every move, and everything you do and every step you take is monitored. I see it. You have never escaped from my sight."

".You know, we on earth have a saying for your behavior, it's called a crazy person."

Thinking about it this way, Richard still felt a little weird. It sounded like there was a stalker following him 24 hours a day.

Ah, no, judging from the human body shape, Zaki seems to be a girl with long legs? That doesn't seem to be unacceptable.

What a fart!

Sure enough, I'm still disgusted.

Richard decided to turn the page for now and get down to business.

"Dark Lucifer." He asked, "Does this name sound impressive?"

Hearing this, Zaki also put away his previous casual attitude.

"Oh?" he said, "Have you already contacted him?"

"I thought you said that every move I make is under your control?"

Zaki snorted without explaining, but seemed to acquiesce that he was just messing around.

"So Lucifer," Richard pressed, "what do you know? Are you under his control?"

"No one can control me!" Dark Zaki said with a louder voice, but then he crossed his arms and looked away, "Huh, but I was really careless before. That guy tried to use me, and I started Not aware yet. He wants me to be your whetstone so that the light can fully awaken in you."

Zaki smiled gloomily: "But that guy made a miscalculation. I'm not that easy to manipulate. He wants me to defeat you and absorb your light, and then he will probably take this opportunity to sneak attack me and swallow our power together." . What a pity, what a pity, I saw through his plan."

God, you have seen through it. Your plan to kill him was obviously caused by me and Ganata joining forces to kill him, right?

Richard thought so, but didn't say it out loud.

One thing is that he is really not in good condition right now, and he will really suffer if Zaki gets angry and takes action.

So although he was sorry, he decided to endure it and not complain.

"That's probably what happened." Zaki snorted, "But partly thanks to you, I'm awake now. Maybe I realized that the plan failed. The guy seems to have decided to take action himself. But I won't do it like this. What he wishes. I will let that arrogant guy know that I, Dark Zaki, am not anyone’s subordinate. Anyone who dares to use me as a pawn will pay the price!"

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