Apart from these, Zaki seems to have little information to share about Dark Lucifer, and it seems that he doesn't know much more about Lucifer than Richard.

Lucifer is very bad, very awesome, very scheming and a villain behind the scenes, this is all they know now.

Finally, Zaki left, and specifically told Richard to be careful. He suspected that Lucifer would make a big move soon. But before leaving, Zaki also said that they should meet again soon.

I have to say that Zaki is relatively self-aware. Once things are done, he will take the initiative to leave without showing his face in front of anyone. After all, he is still a famous person on Xandar. When he fought against the Truth Cult, Dark Zaki came in person and almost blew up the entire Xandar planet into the sky. He didn't think the Xandarians had such poor memories that they could forget him after such a short time.

Returning to Xandar at this time, Ego and the Novas were still fighting. However, judging from the battle situation, it seems that he has been suppressed by the Nova Corps.

No matter how you say it, the New Stars are a well-known peacekeeping force in the universe, but after all, they still have two tricks.

Richard arrived just in time and brought the extremely bad news to Egg. His new teammates, the elders of the universe, have left him here to run away on his own.

In other words, he was sold.

Of course Igo didn't believe it at first, but when he tried to contact his teammates but got no reply, he finally had to accept this cruel fact.

In front of him was Ultraman, who was also a god of the universe, and the entire Nova Corps of Xandar. Egg hesitated.

He has no hope of winning this battle. He is just thinking about whether he has a chance to fight his way out of here.

While Yi Ge was observing the situation, looking for weak points and trying to break through in one fell swoop, Ganata in the headquarters below had also completed basic charging. Although she was still as hungry as ever, she was finally able to move freely again.

After waking up, Ganata left her treatment cabin. When she heard there was a fight going on outside, she quickly flew out to help.

Ego is essentially a "living planet", in other words, a planet with life and consciousness. So you can imagine that when he saw the "Daughter of Galactus", he was frightened. Well, let's just say that the whole planet was frightened green.

So unconditionally, Egg immediately stopped struggling and raised the white flag to surrender.

However, it is difficult to capture such a stupid and big planet and imprison it. I am afraid that this point will have to be left to the Nova Corps to deal with.

Ego is not a positive image in either comics or movies. He is not a beneficial existence to intelligent creatures or the overall universe. His birth was a complete accident.

However, such a large planet has such rich resources. More importantly, it has its own consciousness, which can communicate and is more powerful than ordinary unconscious planets.

Richard had already begun to think about what use this thing could be used for.

He looked at Ganata and then at Egg, and suddenly a bold idea came to him.

Well, to be precise, this is not his idea. This is an idea of ​​Ganata's own, but it was proposed by Ganata in the original comic.

In the comics, Ganata once had an idea when she saw Wolverine on Earth - if Wolverine's X-gene for unlimited self-healing was extracted and then transferred to the living planet Ego, would that mean Ego? If a piece of Ge is eaten, it will be able to regenerate itself?

Then from now on, when she's hungry, she can just keep eating Egg and wait for him to heal on his own, right?

However, this tempting-sounding idea was quickly rejected by Ganata herself.

The reason is that after her research, she found that the X gene in mutants was too weak. This kind of gene was created by the cosmic god group. It can modify gene fragments to give living organisms all kinds of incredibly powerful abilities, but it is only limited to creatures as small as humans.

If these genes were transferred to gods or living planets, the genes themselves would be diluted millions of times, making it impossible to exert their original effects. So this idea was quickly rejected by Ganata herself.

But this did give Richard some inspiration.

The X gene in the comics cannot give Ego the ability to heal himself, and the world they live in now seems to not even have such things as X genes and mutants. However, following this line of thinking, it seems that we cannot find some more powerful alternatives.

For example, the alien beast factor?

Richard has already seen the powerful self-healing ability of alien beasts. Even if they are blown to pieces, they can grow back again. And that's just an ordinary alien beast. If it were the factor in The One, the ancestor of the alien beast, the effect would definitely be much more powerful.

According to his previous speculation, if The One is restored to its complete form, it may be a boss on the same level as Noah, in other words, it will be a god-level alien beast. If it were this guy's alien beast factor, it would definitely give a living planet like Igo the ability to infinitely regenerate.

If successful, he might be able to solve Ganata's food problem once and for all. From now on, she no longer needs to worry about filling her stomach.

Of course, Richard didn't have The One's alien factor in his hands, but he knew that the dark Zaki who had just separated must still have it in his hands. From Zaki's tone, it seems that he is willing to temporarily ally with Richard to fight against Dark Lucifer. It is probably not difficult to ask him for some alien beast factor.

So the first issue to consider now is the risks that may arise from the application of the xenobiotic factor.

There are risks, of course. Any creature that has been exposed to the xenobiotic factor so far has been infected and transformed into a xenobiotic. The most ordinary cats and dogs in life can instantly turn into demons that destroy cities if they come into contact with a little bit of alien beast factor. If a planet like Igo is transformed into a alien beast, God knows what it will look like.

A moving living planet alien?

Just thinking about it makes my head feel big.

But this part of the problem should not be unsolvable. It is already known that the R7 factor contained in the light owned by Richard can suppress the alien beast factor. If it could be studied properly, Richard and Ganata's technology might be able to separate and extract pure self-healing fragments from the alien beast factors.

He couldn't help but smile at the thought.

Ganata tilted her head and looked at him: "Richard, what are you laughing at?"

Richard smiled and touched her head.

"Nothing," he said. "Just thinking of a new recipe."

Ganata's eyes immediately lit up when she heard it was food: "Ah? New recipe? Can I eat it?"

"Of course." Richard smiled, "We have agreed that when I develop it, you will be the first one to try it."

As he spoke, he glanced at the well-behaved captive Yi Ge, intentionally or unintentionally.

When Egg glanced at him, he suddenly felt a little nervous. He suddenly felt a little awkward for no reason.

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