The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 706 Don’t do this!

"I owe you this time."

On Xandar, Nova Corps headquarters, Richard spoke solemnly to Nova Supreme.

"I will remember the help provided by the Nova Corps. If Xandar faces any threats in the future, I will rush to support as soon as possible."

For example, a purple sweet potato spirit came and led thousands of troops to bloodbath Xandar or something like that.

Xinxing Supreme smiled: "Your guarantee is enough. Also, please don't think that you owe us anything. We are just repaying the last favor. As I said before, we can still stand here. It’s all thanks to you for talking.”

After a pause, she turned to say: "In addition, I have sent people to investigate the matter you gave me. You said you want to find someone with dark power?"

Richard nodded: "I'm looking for his movements. Have you found anything?"

"There may be, but not necessarily." Xinxing Supreme said, "Our Xinxing stationed in a certain border star field reported that he found some clues a week ago, and his team is still continuing to follow up the investigation. Maybe that has something to do with what you are paying attention to. The content is related, or there may be nothing. But you can rest assured that we will continue to investigate and we will let you know as soon as there is any progress."

"Thank you for taking so long," Richard said.

The universe is huge, even for a god. Richard could not possibly be aware of everything going on in every area of ​​the universe at all times.

That's why he needs to mobilize as many allies as possible to pay attention to Lucifer's situation. If Dark Lucifer recruits troops and develops power in the universe like Zaki did, his allies will notify him immediately so that he does not have to be as passive as when he fought against Zaki.

While the two were talking here, Ganata was circling around the command room like a curious baby. She lay beside the window and was lost in thought for a while, studying the Nova computers for a while, and then curiously patted the helmets of the two Nova soldiers standing guard at the door.

Her movements suddenly stopped.

Ganata's eyes widened, as if she suddenly discovered something, she slowly turned her head and looked out the window.

Not long after, a Nova soldier rushed into the command room in a hurry: "Sir! A giant life form is approaching!"

Xinxing Supreme suddenly became nervous: "Who? Are those elders just back again?"

"No, judging from the readings and images that's Galactus, Galactus!"

Xinxing Supreme's expression changed slightly.

Uncle Tun still had a lot of troubles with the Legion. It was for this reason that Ganata was listed on the Nova Legion's blacklist. After all, the Nova Corps is the guardian of intelligent life in the universe, and Uncle Tun is a natural disaster that destroys stars. It is inevitable that the two sides will conflict with each other.

Although under the current circumstances, it seems that Uncle Tun did not come to Xandar to cause trouble, the new stars will still be nervous for no reason.

Ganata looked as if she couldn't wait to fly out to see her father, but she still hesitated before leaving. She turned her head and gave Richard a questioning look, as if asking for his permission.

Richard nodded: "Go ahead."

Although he was very happy that Ganata asked his opinion so obediently, his father came all the way to see his daughter, how dare he say no?

I'm afraid he didn't know how he died.

Ganata stood up happily, flew directly through the wall and flew out of the room, and escaped from the atmosphere in less than a blink of an eye.

Richard did not follow. He didn't want to disturb the reunion of father and daughter, and with his eyesight, he could see clearly what was outside the atmosphere even if he was sitting here.

Sure enough, Uncle Tun is here.

He seemed to know that he was not welcome here, so he did not approach the atmosphere and only stopped near Xandar Star with his arms folded.

In fact, this is enough to see Uncle Tun's principles. Although the Nova Corps repeatedly interfered with his "official duties" and had many conflicts with him, Uncle Tun never once found the Nova Headquarters on Xandar to settle accounts. Even if he occasionally passed by, he always took a detour.

Because eating planets is a job for people, and they don’t just eat whatever they want. Before Uncle Tun decided to eat a planet, he had to send envoys out in advance to collect a large number of samples and conduct investigations, and he had to strictly follow the work procedures. He will not start eating until all aspects of the assessment are over and the target planet meets all the standards for his work.

As for Uncle Tun’s specific criteria for eating planets? No one knows, this may be a professional secret.

Anyway, Xandar Star is definitely not within the scope of his work now. So no matter how arrogant the Nova Corps was and hindered his work, Uncle Tun would never come to take down their headquarters.

Galactus' huge body stopped near Xandar, as if he knew his daughter would come on her own.

After a moment, Ganata indeed appeared from the direction of Xandar. She happily flew in front of Uncle Tun and gave his nose a big hug - yes, the scene was a bit funny, but compared to Uncle Tun in giant form, she was too small and could only open her arms. Hold Dad's nose.

Richard saw them talking for a while, and Uncle Tun might have made some requests. Ganata nodded and shook her head sometimes, not knowing what she was talking about.

Finally, he felt that Uncle Tun glanced in his direction from the universe. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but the two sides were clearly tens of thousands of meters apart, but he felt that Uncle Tun was looking at him.

Then Galactus left.

He didn't land, and he didn't do anything. He just paused over Xandar, said a few words to his daughter, and then left.

Janata did not go with him. She watched her father leave, turned around and flew back happily, looking as happy as a lively elf.

"What did you say?" Richard asked as he watched her fly back into the house.

"I didn't say anything. Dad asked me about my situation." Ganata said seriously. "He asked me if I was okay, and then told me not to mess around next time. Well, especially not to go looking for me alone. So many elders of the universe are fighting.”

I think what he said makes sense. Richard thought.

"He asked me to go back with him," Ganata said. "I said no, I didn't want to go back."

"Then what?"

"Then. Then he left."

Richard was stunned.

What? Uncle Tun is so easy to talk to?

"Oh, by the way, he said he had something to convey to you."

Richard immediately focused his attention: "Oh? What did he say?"

"He asked me to tell you that he is very grateful for this incident." Ganata smiled, "He said he will remember you."

Richard raised his eyebrows.

Remember me?

I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing

"And this time I said it myself, thank you!"

Ganata said, hugging him suddenly and kissing him hard on the face.

Richard was a little frightened and quickly pulled her away.

Why is this child so ignorant! Didn't you tell her not to do this again next time?

Besides, even if we have to kiss, why don’t we wait until Uncle Tun is far away?

What if he turns around and comes back right now?

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