Deep in the universe, on an unknown planet.

This is a planet with a similar fate to Earth.

Three million years ago, giants from the stars descended on this desolate planet and sowed the seeds of life for the first time.

Three thousand years ago, the giants came again and inspected the planet's evolutionary trajectory and the development of civilization. After they judged that the result was satisfactory to them, they brought more technology and left knowledge to the people here, hoping to speed up the development of their scientific civilization.

But it backfired.

Not long after that, the rapid progress of this civilization came to a halt. The intelligent creatures here split apart and began to fight with each other to plunder limited resources.

The battle lasted for three thousand years, countless lives were lost in the war, and endless blood was spread all over the land.

But their fight ended here, for today.

So does their civilization.

The god who had given them life and brought knowledge came again. They were wearing strange-looking metal armor, and they were accompanied by amazing visions when they appeared in mid-air. Strong winds howled, tsunamis swept across, the land was cracked, and houses were swept up into the air.

They are called the "Cosmic God Group" by most civilizations and are the supreme beings in this universe.

Every coming of the gods means a judgment and possible judgment.

The huge god stood on the earth, looking down at the flames of war spreading across the planet. The creatures on the battlefield stopped fighting one after another, and raised their heads blankly to look up at the gods who suddenly arrived.

Three gods landed in the atmosphere, while the other six stayed in the starry sky outside the planet and looked from a distance.

The three gods exchanged glances with each other, seemingly completing the communication in their own unique way.

A minute later, the verdict was handed down.

One of the six gods outside the atmosphere moved. He was the biggest one among them, but he had only one eye on his face. He was more than a mile tall, and the armor made of Celestial Alloy was more than three hundred meters thick. When he fell from the sky, it was like a huge mountain being thrown down from a height close to the atmosphere.

His name is Eradicator.

A combat-type god, his duty in a team of gods is to be the attacker, and he is the core strength of the team.

boom! ! !

The Eradicator's landing sounded like a catastrophe. The terrain of the entire area changed due to his arrival, and the ground collapsed from the location where he landed. Endless dust rolled in all directions, and countless people fell into the cracks in the ground, were swallowed up by the dust waves, were picked up by hurricanes, and were torn into pieces by the air pressure.

The Eradicator turned his head and glanced at the three gods who arrived first. Among them, the god named the Judge nodded to him and said simply and clearly: "Yes."

After receiving the order, the Eradicator turned around, a dangerous light emitting from his one eye.

The majestic energy swept across the entire planet's surface, sweeping away everything.

Just one blow.

There was no fierce battle, no technological weapons, and the tragic process of resisting the disaster sent by the gods. There was just a judgment that ended in an instant.

A civilization disappears, a species ceases to exist.

The bulky Eradicator stood up straight, crossed his arms and took two steps back. One by one his companions landed.

His part of the work was done, and now it was his companion's task.

Destruction is only the first step. They destroy just so they can start over.

Now they need to heal the planet and erase all the scars of thousands of years of war. They then reseed, sowing new life, creating an entirely new race and giving them a chance to grow.

This is the work of their deity group, a process they have repeated day and night for tens of billions of years.

However, on this planet where life had been completely wiped out, laughter suddenly came.

"Wonderful. Very wonderful."

The gods at work temporarily stopped and turned around.

A wrinkle appeared in the space, a figure emerged, and the dark giant seemed to come out of the void.

"It's great to finally meet you," he said. "I'm a fan. I really admire your work and the way you handle problems. I like your style - simple, direct, no nonsense, fast and effective. "

The other gods just looked at him but said nothing. Only the judge said: "You have the power of God, but it is not within our cognitive system. Who are you?"

"Me? You can call me Lucifer."

"I don't like your aura. Your energy is impure and will bring disaster."

"But power also depends on the user, doesn't it?"

The judge turned his head, as if he didn't want to spend any more time with him: "We have work to do, alien gods. Now is not the time."

"Actually, I think you will be interested." Lucifer smiled softly, "I am here to provide convenience, and I may happen to know some information that you will be interested in. For example, someone who disappeared a few years ago A god was wiped out from the particle level, and even the energy mark was erased. You still don’t know who did it, right?"

The judge turned back, seeming to be interested again.

"So what do you know?"

"Of course, I know a lot."

Lucifer said, snapping his fingers lightly.

The surrounding space suddenly changed, the ground turned into an endless red-brown ground, and auroras rippled in the sky.

The god who disappeared in the past appeared in this space and was fighting fiercely.

His opponent was a warrior with a red body.

The two sides fought to the death with fists, kicks, rays and various techniques. The two powerful energies continuously collided and released a strong hurricane in the space.

This is the Meta Realm, the scene of the battle between the former red adult form of Nexus and the god he first encountered.

These are not real, but are reproductions of images from the past, as if they were showing a movie.

This happened a long time ago.

The video ends with the god being defeated.

After watching this video, the judge thought for a while: "This is the god of the earth, right?"

"I think so."

"Then he defeated a god and then filled the vacant position himself, and the balance was not destroyed." The judge said, "In my opinion, he has made up for it."

This sounds very strange, and seems unreasonable to ordinary people, but for these gods, it is perfectly normal.

Revenge for the murder of a brother is not the focus they need to consider. They only care about the functioning of the system and the balance of the universe.

The reason why the Celestial God Group will immediately come to a group once they are beaten down is because they are thinking about the stability of the universe, and it is really not a personal grudge. Because in the eyes of the Celestial Gods, whoever can defeat their members is not only powerful, but also proves that the other party is a potential threat to the stability of the universe, so a group of Celestials must be dispatched immediately to fight and eliminate them.

But now that Ultraman has joined the system of regular universe gods, he is in the same camp as the Celestials and will not be judged as a threat to the universe. Everything he did before he became a god can be wiped out.

In addition, after he eliminated a god, he added himself to the system, increasing and decreasing, so from a macro perspective, the overall number of gods in the universe has not changed, and the balance has not been affected. There is no reason for other gods to waste their precious time trying to find trouble with an active god for a dead god.

"Yes, I know, I understand how your system works." Lucifer said, "But that's not the point. The point is what the god was doing before he was killed. He threw it at the Earth. A probe was dropped. He visited Earth and wanted to bring data back for judgment but he was dealt with before that could happen."

The judge asked: "Then what do you mean?"

"I mean, the earth may need to be judged again." Lucifer said easily, "It's time to re-determine the value of human beings."

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