The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 719 Gathering Moment

Anti-Ultraman armor is something that Stark started tinkering with many years ago. However, because the target was a bit too strong and the technical difficulty was too great, it was never completed.

And not long after becoming Director of SHIELD, Stark's armor was finally completed.

As for the actual effect, it's hard to say since I haven't tested it yet.

Stark originally wanted to give it a more domineering name, but after hesitating for a long time, he finally chose the classic name "Anti-Ultraman Armor". I don’t know if Stark had foreseen the fate of this armor before naming it.

But for an interstellar giant who is a mile tall, Stark's anti-Ultraman armor looks like it is more than 100 meters tall, but it is actually a small thing. It is just like an ordinary Iron Man armor flying around the alien beast. The effect of flying away is almost the same. His super-amplified version of the repulsion cannon and tactical warheads seemed to have no effect on the gods. At best, they only contributed some special effects.

Not to mention the other Avengers, War Machine and the like are just buzzing mosquitoes in the eyes of the Eradicator, and they are the kind that can't even bite out the bag. The biggest effect is probably to annoy the gods with outstanding hearing through the noise of jet engines, Gatling barrels and high-explosive missiles.

Now that the director himself is here, there is no reason for SHIELD to be a coward in the background.

Three floating carriers came out domineeringly, and the sky was filled with Quinjet fighters that were as black as locusts.

Although it may not be of any use, if this battle cannot be won, it will be the end of mankind, and there is no point in hiding behind it. At this time, each of SHIELD's agents also showed the courage to sacrifice their lives generously and bravely stepped forward to face this seemingly impossible battle.

The Aegis Mothership was already equipped with a bunch of high-tech weapons. After Stark took over as the director of the government, the weapons and equipment were naturally further upgraded.

In particular, Stark has been studying how to defeat god-level opponents like Ultraman all day long, so he has developed a large number of auxiliary weapons targeting the senses, touch, nervous system, etc. rather than purely lethal weapons. A large number of weapons targeting the sensory system were aimed at the gods and bombarded them indiscriminately, but it was not without effect.

Ganata half-knelt on the ground, panting rapidly, trying hard to hit the limitations of the cosmic energy in her body again and again. At this moment, he suddenly heard a deep voice coming from the horizon.

"Isn't it good at this level, girl? I think back then your father was more than capable of this."

Ganata raised her head in surprise. I saw golden meteors piercing the space, dragging a long arc and falling from behind the clouds. The shadow swooped down quickly, becoming larger and clearer in everyone's field of vision.

His long pale hair and beard fluttered in the wind. The old man was dressed in golden battle armor, with an eight-legged horse underneath him. He held a golden spear in his hand, and his whole body seemed to be bathed in flames as he cut through the sky and swooped down.

It's Odin!

Odin landed, and the legendary spear Gungnir shot out a golden spear light. The golden cyclone shot into Ganata's body from the center of her eyebrows.

In fact, this is similar to the acupuncture points in ancient martial arts. The shackles imposed by the gods on Ganata's body are difficult for her to break through, but if a strong person helps from the outside and she attacks from the inside, she can easily do so. get rid of. With Odin's help, the blockade in her body was broken in just a moment.

"Thank you, grandpa." Ganata stood up and nodded obediently. Then she tilted her head and remembered something, "Grandpa knows my father?"

Odin gave a long laugh: "Hmph, I traveled all over the universe when I was young, and there are few strong men in this world that I have not fought against. You, me, are considered to be one of the few strong men in this universe, and I have fought against each other countless times without ever being victorious. Defeat, of course I will remember it.”

Ganata was immediately in awe.

Wow, is grandpa so proud?

She didn't know that the old man had a problem with oral pleasure, and he would only say nice things when he was blowing sex with others. I remember that the old man's ancestral power had not yet been fully digested. When he was wandering among the stars, he heard that the legendary Galactus was eating on a certain planet, and he rushed forward with his spear to challenge him.

Since no one saw the process, no one knew the outcome, but the old man returned to Asgard immediately covered in blood, and fell into a week-long "Odin's Sleep".


Thor, who was thundering around the Eradicator's big head, landed and said in surprise: "Why are you??"

In his impression, his father has become half an old salted fish, the ultimate stay-at-home type. For more than a thousand years, even if the sky fell, Odin would sit peacefully in his palace and refuse to come out even if he died.

Not to mention that the Asgardian protoss and the Celestials have an agreement to never interfere in major events that affect the fate of mankind. Thor privately participating in the war on behalf of the Avengers is already breaking the rules, but how could Odin himself participate in the war himself?

Did the old man suddenly change his gender?

Odin snorted coldly.

"God of the universe. I have compromised for long enough." He said solemnly, "I have tolerated and retreated, but they have pressed hard again and again and have entered an area that I should not have entered.

This is still one of the nine realms, and it is our territory. What about the gods of the universe? Do they think they can do whatever they want on our territory and modify it as they please?

Then they will find that they are wrong! "

Odin raised the golden spear, and the eight-legged horse neighed beneath him.

"They will find that even a dying old man cannot be ignored by those superior gods!"

His eldest son Thor's brain circuit is relatively simple, and he doesn't know whether he understands the meaning of his father's words. Anyway, Thor is very happy that his father is willing to join the battle. He knows how awesome his old man is, and his chances of winning this battle will at least double, even if it is not much in the first place.

The Eradicator looked at Odin coldly, seemingly unfazed by the return of his heavenly father.

"Aesir Protoss." The God spoke in a voice as heavy as a nasal sound, "Do you want to break the regulations and become an enemy of the Gods?"

Odin looked directly into his eyes and faced off with the gods: "The era when you were able to dominate has passed. Get out of Midgard, this is still my territory, Odin!"

"Yes, that's a pity." The Eradicator's voice remained unwavering, "You were not part of the target originally. In this case, Heavenly Father, I have to eliminate you as well."

The god only spoke half of what he said, and the second half was swallowed up by an exaggerated explosion.

It was a heavy cannon that penetrated the sky, a pillar of light that condensed but never dispersed and was as powerful as earth-shaking. The white shock enveloped the god entirely, and the shock wave spread like a tsunami of pure energy!

The blow from the sky came from the Shi'ar super battleship "Ares".

That's Hydra entering the war.

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