The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 720 The Battle of the God King

As if in an instant, the fearless God King of Asgard who fought in all directions was back. He rode an eight-legged horse, wore heavy armor, and held the eternal spear with flashing golden light in his hand. He was full of fighting spirit and seemed unstoppable.

With a violent roar, the eternal spear pointed straight ahead, and the god-king of the generation sprinted out without any confusion!


Thor shouted loudly, holding a hammer in one hand and an ax in the other, and flew out together covering his father.

Even he never thought that he would have the opportunity to fight alongside his father in his lifetime. Thor's temperament is a bit like the replica of Odin when he was young. He won't worry about this and that like the old guy. His thinking is quite simple, that is, just rush forward and do it.

In Thor's eyes, the aging Odin has become a timid old guy who likes to talk about "Twilight of the Gods" whenever he encounters any situation, as if even his perseverance to resist has been worn away in endless years. All gone.

Now, after so many years, he is happy to be on the battlefield with his father again. At least he knew that the lion of Asgard had not really disappeared, but carefully hid its fangs, waiting for the best opportunity to make another desperate charge, and draw a successful conclusion to his life as a warrior.

"It's a useless effort, Asgardian." The Eradicator said dullly, raising his hand, "You may be strong, but it means nothing in front of me."

Odin ignored it and instead responded with a series of violent roars that resounded throughout the sky.

The Eradicator took a step, his footsteps causing the ground to sink.

Thor threw Mjolnir. The thunder falling from the sky enveloped the war hammer, and the hammer seemed to turn into thunder itself and stab the god.

But it wasn't over yet. He was in mid-air, and then he threw out the storm ax in his other hand with all his strength. The battle ax spun rapidly like a windmill, and the lightning it carried also spun with it. The edge of the ax struck the flying Thor's hammer with a loud "clang", and all the lightning was transmitted to the Thor's hammer through this blow. The war hammer was endowed with speed and power ten times higher than normal, and it struck the gods with a single blow that was like the creation of the world.

In Avengers 3, Thor, who was in explosive form, could split even the beams of the Infinity Stones with his storm axe. Its power should not be underestimated.

The Eradicator originally wanted to ignore his attack, but at this time he realized that it was too much, so he temporarily raised his huge palm to block it. Thor's hammer struck the metal palm of the god like a heavy cannon. The thunder exploded, the shock wave spread, and the loud noise and bright light seemed to engulf everything.

But the offensive failed to break through the gods' defense. His armor was too strong, and Thor's full blow only blew out a wisp of black smoke in his palm, and even if it caused very limited damage.

But this attack was just a feint.

Odin took advantage of the opportunity created by his son, and the horse underneath him bypassed the god's hand and charged along his arm!

The eight-legged horse is extremely fast, and the spear in Odin's hand is trailing a golden stream of light. An old man and a horse seem to have really transformed into a shooting star!

At the same time, Stark's armor also fired! Not a destructive weapon, but a sensory bomb that maximizes its auxiliary abilities. The anti-Ultraman armor and more than forty sets of Mark armor fired at the same time. A large number of flash bombs, concussion bombs and nerve-stimulating bombs exploded near the god's head, aiming at his sensory system.

In order to be able to deal with super-normal creatures like Ultraman and the Dark Giant, Stark has worked hard in this regard. He worked with Mr. Fantastic to develop a bunch of weapons specifically designed to interfere with the senses of those god-level beings, using sound waves and spectra that only super senses can capture.

Of course it is impossible for a god to be directly blinded or lose his hearing, and even if he loses his main senses, he can rely on other methods to replace them, with very limited effects. But it can still be done if it only causes a moment of loss of concentration.

A pause of a few tenths of a second in action is long enough in a god-level battle.

When the god reacted, Odin had already rushed to his forehead and let out a shocking battle cry!

The Eternal Spear shot out as if it had exhausted all his strength, and the entire gun body turned into a golden stream of light!

That is the legendary gun that is sure to hit. Once thrown, it will definitely hit and will penetrate everything in the world.

The indestructible armor of the gods has been chipped away!

Odin's gun blasted a gap in the invincible armor with difficulty, and traces of golden light overflowed from the cracks. That is the energy of the universe, the source of the gods.

This means that Odin has wounded his very foundation. This was also the first time he was truly injured since the arrival of the Eradicator.

But it's not enough.

The Eradicator made a strange sound that was somewhere between a machine and a living thing. There was a light sound like the collision of mechanical components inside the huge armor, and there was a buzzing sound of energy flowing.

Then more powerful energy burst out from the crack! Countless blade-like lights pierced out of the God's wound, and the Eternal Spear encountered unprecedented resistance. Even with Odin's divine power, it was unable to penetrate further.

The impact hit Odin's body without any explanation. The old man's body shook violently, and he was knocked away from the horse. He spit out a mouthful of blood, and his white beard was dyed red.

He flew backwards, the spear in his hand was also knocked far away, and his whole body fell down weakly.

It seems that the gods have proved that the legendary eternal spear Gangnir does not seem to be able to penetrate everything.

There are always things in the world that cannot be penetrated.

Being directly hit by the divine power of the god, Odin's vision began to blur. He was unable to fall, feeling like a silly kite whose string had long been torn.

He heard someone calling, and seemed to hear the voice of Thor galloping towards him on a thunderbolt.

Are you really still old?

When people reach this kind of age, even if they don’t accept old age, it won’t do.

After all, he is not a real god, and no matter how powerful he is, he cannot bring about eternity.

The legend of a generation of god-kings seems to have ended here, and from now on it will be the era of latecomers.

At least he tried his best in the end and was so cool in his later years, leaving scars on those arrogant gods of the universe.

It’s just that you’re still a little bit unwilling, right?

If I were younger, this level

No, that's not right, those are just excuses.

Odin subconsciously thought of the fight with the guy called "Ultraman" by humans, and what the kid said.

Someone who is old, unable to do what they want, etc. is just an excuse to fool themselves and try to be lazy.

The corners of the falling old man's mouth were raised, and his beard was pulled straight by the airflow, but he still smiled.

Master, I'm not finished yet.

Odin moved again.

He turned around, and the divine power appeared in his body again. The power of the Heavenly Father circulated in his body, and his bones crackled.

He kicked his right foot into the air and stepped on the transparent magic circle that opened in mid-air. His whole body suddenly used the force to recoil and charged towards the God of Heaven again at a speed a hundred times faster than falling!

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