The Glasses Man of Senju

Chapter 302 Ōtsutsuki one style, reincarnation!

"Although I know that the visitor is not good

"But for the time being, let me ask, what is your purpose. 35

Ōtsutsuki said solemnly.

He was clearly restrained.

It has always been low-key lurking.

He never took the initiative to provoke Senju Qianyu.


"You can take a guess.

Senju Qianyu stepped on the Ten Tails under his feet.

home 35

"You even know this! 39

"Where are you holy?

Ōtsutsuki was startled at first, and then his eyes became sharp.

"You can freely imagine this... 99

"Ōtsutsuki I-style, I'm not interested in you."

"The person I'm looking for today is not you.

Senju Qianyu turned his gaze to Namikaze Mianma and Uchiha Hanasuke.


"The thawing of the wedges has already been completed, and it can barely serve as food."

He was stared at by Senju Qianyu's kind eyes.

Namikaze Mianma and Uchiha Hanasuke both had a shivering feeling.

Don't call it revenge now...

Even the courage to look directly at each other is difficult to generate.

"Sure enough..."

"Are you going to let the Ten Tails eat them?

Ōtsutsuki had a gloomy face.

This was originally his plan!

Occupy one of them with a wedge, then sacrifice the other to the Ten Tails to eat, and grow a divine tree!


"Compared to you who are about to run out of fuel, young Ōtsutsuki is obviously more suitable as a sacrifice.

"The sacred tree must also bear the best Chakra fruit? 35

Senju Qianyu made no secret of his purpose.

"That's my Ōtsutsuki thing!!!"

"The mere inferior creatures dare to touch!!!

Ōtsutsuki's face burst out with endless killing intent.

Chakra fruit!

This has touched his bottom line!

Start Wedge!

Immediately, a mysterious pattern spread across his body.

Unleashes the amazing Chakra above the Five Shadows!

"Is this the power of Ōtsutsuki?"

"If it's my father, I'm afraid... 99

Both Namikaze Mianma and Uchiha Hanasuke were amazed.

Have to admit.

If Namikaze Minato or Uchiha Fugaku were still alive.

Definitely not a match for Ōtsutsuki!


Ōtsutsuki moves extremely fast.

Holding a black stick, he charged towards Senju Qianyu!

"call out--!""

Senju Qianyu pulled out Zanpakutō.

A silver light flashed by.

The battle is over!

This process is unexpectedly fast!


I saw that the black stick in Ōtsutsuki's hand was cut off.

There was also a lot of blood on the body!


"Damn... 35

"Is it too late to use the little name Viguna?

Ōtsutsuki's face turned pale and he spat out a lot of blood.

He has the ability to make things bigger or smaller at will.

Follow the battle plan.

He intends to use the power of the little name Viguna to make Senju Qianyu's Zanpakutō smaller.

Then he took the opportunity to insert the black stick of yin and yang into the opponent's body.

In this way, the black stick can be used to imprison the latter's actions.

But the idea is beautiful, the reality is very skinny. . . .

Ōtsutsuki didn't have time to react at all.

Just got slashed by Senju Qianyu!

"too slow."

"Even falling down is so slow."

Senju Qianyu sheathed the knife.


Ōtsutsuki's body was split open again.

Squirt. Splash. More blood blooms!

At the ultimate speed that no one else can detect.

Senju Qianyu has actually made a second cut.

fatal blow.

suffered twice!

Ōtsutsuki was still unable to respond.

The torn body fell heavily to the ground.

Lost the breath of life.

"Ōtsutsuki one style, dead?"

"Just got killed?"

Both Namikaze Mianma and Uchiha Hanasuke couldn't help showing a look of astonishment.

Although they have already imagined.

Ōtsutsuki is unlikely to be Senju Qianyu's opponent.

But they never thought of it.

The gap between the two is so huge!

The fighting process of both sides starts from the beginning to the end.

Only time for a few breaths.


"Don't show such a terrifying expression."

"It would be too exaggerated to say that he killed Ōtsutsuki directly. 35

"After all, their vitality is still very tenacious."

Senju Qianyu stared at the corpse on the ground with playful eyes.

I saw that the torn corpse quickly reassembled.

There were bursts of white smoke.


The body, which had already ceased its life activities, actually regained its vitality!

However, there are some changes in appearance.

A long horn that covers the entire skull grows on his forehead.

The clothes on the body also became Ōtsutsuki's unique Tomoe pattern.

The left eye became a white eye, and the right eye became the mysterious golden rice word 047.

"Om!!! 35

Unleash the unprecedented pressure of Chakra all over the body!

The power is ten times more than before!


"Is this the real Ōtsutsuki?

Namikaze Mianma and Uchiha Hanasuke were shocked.

But soon, something even more shocking happened.

I saw a sharp pain in my hand.

From the mark of the wedge, the mysterious pattern stretched out uncontrollably.

"The power of the wedge, out of control?"

"No, it seems like... 99

The expressions of the two became unprecedentedly sober.

They feel something inside their body that is gone.



I saw the wedges on Namikaze's face and Uchiha's Hanasuke, along with those mysterious patterns.

All in an instant, turned into fly ash, annihilated and dissipated!

"An interesting phenomenon..."

"After one wedge initiates a reincarnation ritual, does it automatically deprive the other wedges?"

Senju Qianyu watched with interest.

This is presumably a mechanism to prevent the resurrection of multiple personalities.

"You bastard!!!"

"It actually caused me to be reincarnated in this body!

Ōtsutsuki was furious.

After being killed, he was forced to reincarnate with Ci Xuan's body!

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