The Glasses Man of Senju

Chapter 303 Hadō of Ninety-six One-knife cremation!

The boarding body is wiped out.

Ōtsutsuki is forced to complete the wedge's reincarnation ritual from Ci Xuan's body!

But this way......

The wedges that were originally branded on Namikaze Mianma and Uchiha Hanasuke disappeared automatically.


Ōtsutsuki has a very powerful Chakra, which Ci Xuan's body can't bear at all.

That is to say.

Now, he can only survive for three days at most...

before that.

He has to re-brand Namikaze or Uchiha with wedges!

However, Senju Qianyu in front of him obviously couldn't give him the chance to do so.

"Is the reincarnated Ōtsutsuki with this level of power?"

"Looking at it this way, it's not much better than Seventh Hokage and Uchiha Sasuke.

Senju Qianyu said with a slightly disappointed face.


Ōtsutsuki stomped his footsteps and turned into an extremely fast sword and flew towards him!

Senju Qianyu smiled without saying a word, quietly watching the other party pretending to be forceful.

Sure enough.

At the moment of approaching Senju Qianyu.

Ōtsutsuki's one-shot is to activate the pupil technique, little name Viguna!

Make your body shrink infinitely small in an instant!

Although the ability is still the same single.

But the speed of the operation is different from the previous one!


Ōtsutsuki's shrunken figure reappeared behind Senju Qianyu in less than 0.1 seconds!

"Bakudō No. 81 Splitting Void!

Senju Qianyu Instant Kidō.

A dense energy shield wall was formed behind him.

"Clang! 35

A Ōtsutsuki-style black stick hit the shield wall.

"Yellow Spring Hirazaka!"

Through the pupil technique of manipulating space.

Bypassed the Splitting Void's defenses.

A large number of black sticks were instantly summoned from all directions.


Senju Qianyu casts a normal Shunpo.

Easily dodged the Black Rod's intensive attacks.

Ōtsutsuki looked left and right with his eyes, and his concentrated pupil power barely caught the opponent's high-speed movement.

"Caught you!

Ōtsutsuki waved and grabbed.

With five strong fingers, they pressed Senju Qianyu's arm.

However, there seems to be something wrong with this arm...

I saw an arm growing out of Senju Qianyu's back.

Generated by virtual abilities.


Ōtsutsuki's face was stunned for a moment, thinking what is this operation?

But don't wait for him to think carefully.

The arm in turn grabbed his arm.

And the scorching fire cracked from the arm—

"Hadō's Ninety-six One-knife Cremation!"


Sacrifice Hadō by burning a phantom arm as a price!

The deep red ultra-high temperature flames formed the shape of a giant knife and shot straight into the sky!


Ōtsutsuki was burnt by the unstoppable blazing sword.

The body with a large area of ​​charred body flew out.

I saw that one of his hands and one leg were directly burned to ashes!

"This attack...

"Can't the recovery keep up?"

The Ōtsutsuki clan are all powerful and incomparably powerful.

Resilience per capita Ten Tails Jinchūriki!

Ordinary attacks can't harm them at all.

But Senju Qianyu's Kidō can deal a double blow to the body and soul at the same time.

If a Hadō of this level is cremated with a knife, if he is hit in the front, he will have to shed a layer of skin if he does not die!

"Tough life force.

"But you know what?

"Without the strength to match, tenacity becomes a waste."9

Senju Qianyu waved.

Using the power of emptiness, a white arm was formed out of thin air.

Like a magic hand from hell, the scene is very Liao people!


Ōtsutsuki chose to dodge for the first time.

"Hadō's Ninety-six One-knife Cremation!""

"Hadō's Ninety-six: One-knife cremation!

"Hadō's Ninety-six: One-knife cremation!

Each arm, is the medium used to release the sacrificial Hadō.

That bunch of blazing swords that rose up burned everything here!

The earth was burned through huge potholes, and a large amount of lava emerged.

And as the burning area expands.

The sea of ​​fire covered all the ground and engulfed everything!


Ōtsutsuki floated in the air, looking solemnly at the crimson fire below.

This terrifying destructive power is even more outrageous than their Ōtsutsuki clan!

"What's wrong?"

"This is the cremation I prepared for you."

"`, Why don't you go down and try?"

Senju Qianyu's voice came from above the Ōtsutsuki style.

White eyes!

With a 360-degree field of vision, Ōtsutsuki can see clearly.

The golden rice word in the right eye activated another pupil technique——

"Big Black Sky!"

That is the ability to instantly summon objects from different dimensions.

A black cube instantly appeared above Senju Qianyu's head.

Cubes have an ultra-dense mass.

This piece alone has a weight of no less than one million tons!


Senju Qianyu drew his knife and picked it up.

It looks like an ordinary swinging knife, but it contains the ultimate slashing technique!


The black cube was split in half.

But immediately around, more black cubes appeared out of thin air!

"Crush me to pieces!!

Ōtsutsuki used his pupil power to control the incomparably heavy vertical cubes.

A violent attack was launched towards Senju Qianyu in the center!

"Clang! 35



"Clang! 55

The collision of the cubes made a long humming sound.

Due to the extremely high density and mass, it can even cause the collapse of the entire space!

"Destroy the space to prevent me from dodging?"

"I have to say, your imagination is very rich."

"But have you ever thought that your attacks are not enough to pose a threat to me?

Senju Qianyu waved his fists and feet.

Ultimate's Shinigami White Hits, knocking that million-ton black cube into the air.


"It doesn't even work...

Ōtsutsuki's expression became even more ugly.

In frontal combat, he is at an absolute disadvantage and is not an opponent at all! Spoon.

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