I don’t know how long it took for Chu Yao to let go of Song Wanqing, whose face was crimson.

“Bad guy, lie to you Teacher Song and me again!” Song Wanqing shyly stretched out her hand to pull Chu Yao’s ears, but let Chu Yao grab it.

“Dawn, I love you.” Chu Yao looked at her touching eyes and said affectionately.

“I love you too.” Song Qiqing’s face was still rosy, and after speaking, he lowered his head, his cheek pressed against his chest, and murmured: “Chu Chu, I haven’t been in love before, you are the first, I’m afraid that I won’t do well, make you feel that love is just like that, so, I will work hard to be a competent girlfriend for you, and a good wife for a husband and godson in the future…”

For a girl like her, it’s hard to meet a boy she likes.

Naturally, I don’t like to be deliberately reserved like other girls.

She had some good feelings since she first came into contact with Chu Yao.

After a few more contacts, she found that she already liked him.

Therefore, she wants to show him her love without reservation.

And when Chu Yao heard her words, he was slightly startled, and he felt warm in his heart, this feeling of being loved was too good.

Sure enough, there is always someone who appears to make you feel that the world is worth it!

Holding Song Wanqing’s hands, he also tightened unconsciously.

“I’ll show you something again.” Chu Yao put his arm around Song Wanqing’s slender waist, turned sideways together, and pointed to the thousands of lights in the starry sky.

Song Xiaoqing glanced at him curiously, her eyes following the direction he was pointing, looking up at this beautiful light road that looked like the Milky Way, and she didn’t know what else he wanted her to see.

Chu Yao quietly pressed the mobile phone in his pocket with one hand, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said to Song Wanqing: “I want the entire East China Sea to know that I love you.” ”

When Song Xiaoqing was still thinking about what Chu Yao’s words meant.

I saw an advertisement for a skyscraper in the distance, and suddenly the subtitle changed, and a vertical font popped up.

“Wanqing, I Chu Yao swear I will love you for the rest of my life!”

Immediately afterwards, the entire Xuanwu Lake suddenly rose up countless flaming tails with grains of golden sand.

And then bang bang! Exploded directly in the sky!!

The fireworks of Yan Ziyan are thought to have set the entire night sky on fire.

The beauty of the starry rain and brilliant fireworks blooming in the night sky is extremely shocking.

Song Wanqing’s beautiful eyes suddenly widened, and she was completely stunned.

Such a shocking way of confessing love not only stopped in Song Xiaoqing’s heart, but also left a deep and indelible trace.

Even the entire East China Sea region, who could see such a scene, exclaimed in shock.

“Aaaaa Who is confessing this! So envious! ”

“Thousands of bright lights, combined with brilliant fireworks, and staircase confession, this is the detail that all our girls want!”

“It’s so romantic, husband, I want a festival too!”

On the nearby streets, there were also people wandering around the edge of Xuanwu Lake, talking about it, and some women asked their boyfriends or husbands enviously for the same way of confession.

“Such a big scene, you call it a detail?”

“I don’t care, I’ll call it”

“The rich eventually become dependents, the rich can only witness, I can’t do such details, don’t think about it.”

“Hmph! You don’t love me! Break up, scumbag! ”

#Shocking confession method over East Xuanwu Lake#

#万明灯只为一! Fireworks all over the city just to set off the confession! #

Many citizens also took out their mobile phones to take pictures and videos, and then posted them on the Internet.

Many netizens are shocked to guess which local tyrant’s handwriting.

Of course, all this on the network, Chu Yao naturally didn’t have to worry about it.

Now, what he needs to care about most is Song Wanqing in front of him, she seems to be crying?

Chu Yao saw a tear fall from Song Wanqing’s eyes, swirling from her face and dripping on the ground.

“So happy today, doesn’t it mean that you can’t cry?” Chu Yao quickly gently wiped the tears on her pretty face and said.

“Chu Chu, I, I feel like I’m dreaming today.” Song Xiaoqing raised her red eyes to look at him, and her voice was as soft as the silky rain of spring.

Chu Yao pinched her snow-white face funny and said, “Do you feel pain?” Pain is not a dream, now there are countless people testifying to my vow, I will love you for the rest of my life, I must marry you back home as a wife. ”

Song Wanqing looked at Chu Yao’s clear and transparent eyes obsessively, suddenly leaned forward, stood on tiptoe, and took the initiative to send incense

A few minutes later.

“Wow! What is the situation, how beautiful. ”

Chu Yao and Song Wanqing were still engaged in communication, and then they were interrupted by Zhang Xueying’s exclamation.

It turned out that they saw that Chu Yao and the two had not returned for so long, so they let Zhang Xueying come out of the open-air balcony to take a look.

Before she could secretly blame herself for coming out at the wrong time, she was shocked in the night sky.

The thousands of Kong Ming lanterns, and the staircase with gorgeous fireworks set off the confession!

I couldn’t help but exclaim.

And Song Wanqing was also woken up by Zhang Xueying’s voice, and buried her head in Chu Yao’s arms with a red face and embarrassment.

“Xueying, what’s going on outside, it’s so loud.”

As the well-soundproofed balconies were opened, the people in the private room also heard the lively movement outside.

Then, Concubine Gu Ya and they all walked out of the private room curiously.

“Wow puppet ~ Kai Lai Yida (so beautiful)!” Hashimoto was directly shocked by the brilliant fireworks and spoke Japanese.

“It’s so beautiful!” Suman’s eyes also lit up.

“Hey, that building body confession, yo, it turns out that someone is showing love to my cousin!” Gu Yafei’s eyes were immediately attracted by the confession of the staircase, and she glanced at Chu Yao and the two who were hugging each other not far away, and suddenly couldn’t help but cover her mouth and chuckled.

“Woooo As a single dog, I was going to be filled with dog food. Zhang Xueying said with a playful laugh.

All the women were shocked by the big scene in front of them, and at the same time they were a little envious, this is a romantic scene that only exists in fantasy.

Chu Yao looked down at Song Wanqing, who was carrying an ostrich in her arms, held her face that looked more and more delicate under the light of fireworks, and said funny: “Teacher Song, are you still embarrassed to see people?” Am I the one who confessed? ”

“You think everyone is as cheeky as you.” Song Xiaoqing raised her head and glanced at him, her delicate face still dyed red.

“Cousin, let me help you take a picture as a souvenir.” At this time, Gu Yafei took a camera from the private room and walked out, winked at Song Wanqing and said.

As a woman, she naturally knows that such a meaningful moment must be recorded and appreciated for a lifetime.

“Hmm.” Song Wanqing also had this idea, and quickly answered, and pulled Chu Yao to the guardrail of the balcony.

Chu Yao had no opinion, smiled lightly and hugged her slender waist head-on, and looked at the camera together.

Behind the two of them, there is a huge staircase confession, and brilliant fireworks, and sky lanterns floating like a starry sky.

Click! Gu Yafei found a good angle and filmed this enviable scene.


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