Early the next morning, when Chu Yao opened his eyes, it was already past nine o’clock in the morning.

Song Wanqing, who was lying in her arms, still had her beautiful eyes closed and slept deeply.

Yesterday night, Chu Yao and Teacher Song tutored their homework until very late, and finally hugged each other and talked love words, and gradually fell asleep.

Chu Yao could deeply feel the deep affection for himself in Song Wanqing’s heart.

Looking at Song Xiaoqing, who was sleeping quietly like a mermaid in her arms, Chu Yao’s love for her in her heart became a little heavier.

Just as Chu Yao was thinking about things, his mobile phone suddenly rang.

Chu Yao quickly grabbed the mobile phone on the bedside table and pressed the voice.

Picked it up and glanced at the caller ID above, it was Gu Yafei calling.

Maybe the company has something to tell itself.

Thinking about it, Chu Yao lightly pulled out his arm from under Song Wanqing’s jade neck.

Picking up a dressing gown from the hanger and putting it on his body, he pushed open the floor-to-ceiling window and came to the outside of the balcony.

“Hey, what’s the matter?” Chu Yao looked at the sun that rose shortly after the morning, stretched out a big lazy waist, connected the phone and said.

“Chu Dong, didn’t disturb your sleep?” Gu Yafei smiled secretly on the other side of the phone, and then said innocently: “It’s not that I want to call you to wake you up, it’s that you said before that the Pokémon World Series is starting, let me tell you.” ”

Chu Yao shook his head funny, he had indeed asked Concubine Gu Ya to remind him before.

Because Song Wanqing said that he wanted to go to the competition to make it lively, he asked Gu Yafei to say something to him on the opening day.

“Is the competition happening today? What’s going on over there abroad? Chu Yao thought for a moment and asked casually.

“Domestic and foreign are held at the same time today, first in major cities for preliminary auditions, and finally win the national championship, and then come to the East China Sea for the world finals.” Gu Yafei said with a smile on the other end of the phone.

“That’s okay, you can follow up the progress of the competition, and report to me if there is any situation.” Chu Yao nodded and said casually.

Although he does not understand any big principles, but the laborers rule people, and the laborers rule people, and such a truth is still clear, after all, this is the case in ancient and modern China and abroad.

Therefore, as long as he uses his brain, he does not need to work to do things, otherwise it is so tiring to be a boss, then what do employees do.

Gu Yafei answered lightly at the end, what happened, and continued: “By the way, the title of our Pokémon World Series this time was won by Coca-Cola, and the slogan is Cocoa, win the Pokémon championship!” A batch of packaged Coke printed with our Pokémon World Series was also specially launched. ”

“Oh? How much money did Coca-Cola give? Yao asked with some curiosity,

“They bought it all in the name of the Pokémon Contest and gave them $100 million, which is really good money.” Gu Yafei smiled secretly on the other side of the phone.

You know, this naming right does not matter who it is for firefish, after all, firefish is now world-famous.

Like the last Firefish Cup Yu-Gi-Oh World Series, it did not accept the title of sponsor.

And this time, just such an advertisement title, sold for 100 million dollars, that is still very worthwhile.

“This big international brand is still quite rich, in this case, the cost of holding events has been reduced, it seems that next time there is any competition, it is better to find some sponsors to cooperate, gringo’s money, not to earn in vain.” Chu Yao also said with a smile.

“Chu Dong, you don’t know how fierce this advertising title earns, Pepsi has been making trouble for Coca-Cola when bidding, and every time they have one million more, it is best that Coca-Cola has no rut, directly shouted out 100 million US dollars, and then said who competes again will give up, which scares Pepsi.” When Gu Yafei thought of the auction scene, she covered her waist and smiled happily.

“Has the live broadcast rights of the final been sold?” Chu Yao continued to ask curiously.

“All sold, the domestic live broadcast rights of the competition were won by the wealthy penguin for 50 million, and the foreign ones were also sold to their national video platforms, adding up to the live broadcast rights sold for 500 million Xia national dollars!” Concubine Gu continued to speak.

“That’s okay, I’m relieved to have you in the company watching me, I won’t go back to the company today, and accompany Qing Qing to walk around.” Chu Yao nodded in satisfaction and said.

“Your big boss is really addicted to the palm cabinet.” Concubine Gu Yafei rolled her eyes and said.

“Otherwise, you think that it is so easy to get 1% of the company’s equity in the first place.” Chu Yao couldn’t help but say with some amusement.

“Yes, yes, your big boss is right, I was born to work hard.” Concubine Gu Yafei just pretended to complain, in fact, the better the company develops, the greater she will take advantage, so can she not work well?

“Then you go get busy, I’m hanging.” Chu Yao said with a light smile and ended the call.

When he hung up the phone and was about to turn around and go back to the room.

But I saw Song Wanqing wearing only a large white shirt and walking over from the room.

This white shirt is obviously Chu Yao’s, and it is worn on Song Wanqing’s body, with a different feeling.

Song Xiaoqing walked to Chu Yao’s side, hugged his arm, and said in a somewhat coquettish tone: “Why did you come out, I didn’t see you when I woke up just now, and I thought you went somewhere.” ”

Chu Yao chuckled and hugged her and said: “Just answered your cousin’s call, today is the official opening of the Pokémon World Series, I’ll accompany you out later, don’t you also want to participate in the competition to make it lively?” ”

When Song Wanqing heard this, her face immediately smiled like a flower: “Well, it just so happens that today is still Sunday, and I don’t have to go to school.” ”

“Then let’s change our clothes and go to breakfast first.” Chu Yao stared into her eyes, these beautiful phoenix eyes, every time he stared at it filled him with affectionate feelings.

“Teacher Song wants you to hold it before leaving~” Song Xiaoqing raised her delicate and charming face, looked at him with a pouting and said.

“Mr. Song, you are 26 years old after your birthday, two years older than me, and you are kind enough to coquette with me.” Chu Yao said with a smile, but a princess hugged her and walked towards the room.

“What’s wrong with being two years older than you? As the saying goes, female juniors hold gold bricks, and if you hold me, you are at least holding a mountain of gold. Song Xiaoqing giggled, and a pair of delicate white and tender feet restlessly swayed on the crook of Chu Yao’s arm.


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