Chu Yao and Song Wanqing washed and changed their clothes, came out of the villa, first went to find a place to have breakfast, and then wandered side by side on the street.

“Chu Chu, we have recently come to the East China Sea with a lot of foreign tourists.” Song Wanqing was holding Chu Yao with one hand and the little leather girl with the other, and was curiously looking at all kinds of foreign friends on the road.

Chu Yao also looked around, smiled and stretched out his hand to wrap his arms around Song Wanqing’s slender waist, and said: “Most of the foreign tourists this time are obviously men, it seems that the situation is the same as when the last Pokémon toys were released, these foreign Gundam fans can’t wait to experience the GUNPLA model that can be manipulated by real people.” ”

Today is the seventh day of the Firefish GUNPLA toy series, which went on sale in China, and sales are still very hot.

Those foreign Gundam fans, who couldn’t bear it a few days ago, came to Xia Country one by one by plane to buy gunpla toys for firefish.

“Chu Chu, look over there.” Song Xiaoqing stared at the crowded store in front of him and motioned for Chu Yao to look.

It turned out that there was a GUNPLA battle hall in front of them, which has been popular all over the country recently.

At this time, this battle hall was crowded with people, and there were a few foreigners who were fighting with a few Xia Guo University students with GUNPLA.

The fiery battle scene amplified by the equipment in the air attracted many onlookers, all of whom were shouting.

“I didn’t expect this GUNPLA to have such a good business for the war hall, and it was almost as good as the Internet café when I was studying.” When Chu Yao saw such a hot scene, he thought of the scene when he was in college, and he went to the Internet café with his roommate on weekends to open black.

This GUNPLA battle hall is obviously very good business and has a large space, in addition to the Xia Guo people watching the battle, there are also many foreign tourists.

They take their mobile phones to record these battles and post them to social platforms in their countries, which can attract a lot of traffic.

And those who have the time and funds will naturally want to come to Xia Guo to experience it in advance.

Gundam fans around the world, it is definitely no less than Pokémon, especially gunpla models such as Firefish that can manipulate battles in real life, and it is a man’s dream.

Therefore, many people around the world are now very envious of Xia Guo people, because every time Firefish generally launches new toys, it is Xia Guo people who give priority to experience, and they can only look at the eyes of these foreign countries.

When their addiction is enough, they are exported to their countries under the spotlight.

And the country’s tourism industry is also full of money because of firefish, because these foreign friends, basically none of them can speak Chinese, come to Xia Guo, then you can only find a travel agency, or contact part-time college students as translators.

It can be said that any move by Chu Yao can bring a huge boost to the tourism industry of Xia Country.

Even the official government wants to give Chu Yao a grand prize for the cultural export ambassador of the Xia Kingdom, or the tourism leader of the Xia Country!

“Chu Chu, the front seems to be a preliminary point of the Firefish Cup Pokémon World Series.”

Not long after walking along the way, Song Wanqing and Chu Yao saw a park in front of them full of various Pokémon contest promotional flags and posters.

These propaganda flags and posters naturally also have Coca-Cola’s title trademark.

At present, the preliminary auditions across the country are held in wide venues such as parks or gymnasiums in various cities.

Only the finalists will be able to participate in the next level, and the ten strongest players will be selected to compete for the city championship.

Whoever wins represents the city. Compete with other city champions, and then play layer by layer to the national finals, world finals.

“Then let’s go over and have fun.” Chu Yao took Song Qingqing’s little hand and walked into this park.

There is a specific area in the park where a row of tables and umbrellas are placed, and a computer is placed on the table, and someone is responsible for registration.

At this time, there were already many people lining up, both men and women, and each holding a Pokémon, as if they had come to a Pokémon gathering place.

“Wanqing, the entry conditions are to meet three Pokémon, have you met the standard?” Chu Yao remembered the rules for registration, and asked Song Wanqing beside him.

Song Xiaoqing blinked and said with a smile: “Some time ago, I went to catch a perfect quality little fire dragon just to participate in the competition.” ”

“Okay, let’s go to the queue.” Chu Yao nodded, and pulled Song Wanqing to find a team with few people to line up to sign up.

Firefish’s employees were working very quickly, and it didn’t take long for their turn.

Responsible for the registration records is a female employee of the Firefish Marketing Department.

“Hello, I’m here to sign up for the competition.” Song Xiaoqing held the little leather girl and said politely to the female employee.

“Hello, please show your ID card, let’s register your ID number, as long as you win, we will enter your record into the computer system.” As the female employee spoke, she looked up and wanted to see the contestants.

But at a glance, I saw Chu Yao with a baseball cap next to Song Wanqing, and the handsome face with clear corners was too unique, which directly made the female employee recognize it at once, and her eyes widened in surprise.

Isn’t this the chairman ?! Why is he here!!

Frightened, the female employee quickly stood up and said in a panic: “Dong…”

Chu Yao quickly interrupted her and said, “I accompanied my girlfriend to sign up for the competition, is there any problem?” ”

As he spoke, he quietly put his finger to his mouth and made a boo gesture.

This side is the registration point, there are many people around, even there are many people lining up behind him, if he exposes the identity of his chairman of Firefish, then he must not be watched.

The female employee reacted to this, remembering that the employee contract signed when she first joined the company, there was a rule that could not disclose the identity of the chairman.

Quickly pressed the panic in his heart, sat back down, smiled at the big beauty next to the chairman and said: “This beauty, please show your ID card, I will register for you.” ”

Although the people around were a little strange about the reaction of this female employee just now, they didn’t think much about it.

Song Wanqing pursed her lips and smiled, took out her ID card from her bag and handed it over: “Trouble you, thank you.” ”

“No trouble, no trouble.” The female employee took Song Xiaoqing’s ID card with both hands and began to register neatly.

Song Xiaoqing took out a pair of sunglasses from her bag, turned around and put them on for Chu Yao, and said with a light smile in her bright eyes: “The sun is so big today, it’s better for you to wear sunglasses.” ”

Chu Yao naturally knew what was going on, hugged her slender waist funny, and did not speak.

It didn’t take long for the female employee to register, drop a badge on a device, and hand her ID card and a badge back.

“Beauty, the registration has been done, this badge is a guaranteed result, as long as you win a game, you will get another badge, win eight times in ten days, get eight badges, you can enter the city regional competition, but if you lose, you will reduce one badge, if there is only one badge, once the loss is confiscated, the participant will lose the qualification for the competition.”

Song Wanqing took everything back, looked curiously at the Pokémon World Series badge with the Firefish logo printed on it, and asked curiously: “Then a new player like me who has just signed up will be assigned to an old player who has already obtained seven badges?” Or did anyone go straight to the regional tournament by privately acquiring eight badges? ”

The female employee explained with a smile: “The matching of opponents is randomly drawn according to the number of badges of three levels, for example, 1 to 3 badges become a random group; 45 will become the second group, 6 to 7 will become the third group, and if you win from 7, you will get 8 badges to successfully qualify for the next stage;

Moreover, each badge will enter the player’s information, and it cannot be given to other players at will, because the information on the badge will be verified during the competition, and if cheating is found, it will be disqualified from the competition. ”

“Thanks, I see.” Song Wanqing politely thanked and pulled Chu Yao to leave.

Chu Yao poked her waist funny and said, “Why are you asking so clearly?” Do you still want to win the world championship? ”

“I just want to see for you if there are any loopholes in the format, and besides, I don’t have a championship look?” Song Wanqing puffed out her cheeks, glared at him and said.

“What’s good about champion looking, isn’t it better if we have husband and wife?” Chu Yao looked at her arrogant little appearance, and immediately coaxed her to say.

“You’re just talking.” Song Wanqing suddenly ate and smiled, and the snow-white jade took his arm and walked towards the competition area.


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