At night, Chu Yao came to Firefish Toy No. 1 Factory alone.

At this time, in the enclosed area inside, Chu Yao was looking at a car in front of him that had just been produced using the metal of organic intelligent life forms in outer space.

That’s right! It’s the latest Chevrolet Camaro Camao RS!

Dazzling yellow body, beautiful lines, very modern atmosphere, and at the same time has a mighty body.

“Did you buy the rights to produce other people’s cars like this?” Chu Yao looked at this Chevrolet CamaroRS and couldn’t help but swallow his saliva.

When he watched the “Transformers” movie, he fantasized that when he woke up and walked out of the gate, his car would “click” into a giant robot, and then take him to save the world.

And now, in front of him, his youth, favorite bumblebee model!

【Ding! Please rest assured that all the toys produced by the black technology toy system will buy the copyright in advance, there will be no copyright disputes, if you need it, the system can send the signed copyright contract to you at any time. 】

Soon, the system’s response sounded in Chu Yao’s mind.

“Then I’m relieved!”

Chu Yao’s heart suddenly had a bottom.

First of all, according to the production of Transformers toys, the system outputs the data in its mind and binds it to this bumblebee.

I recorded my fingerprints, portraits, voices, etc. into this car.

After operating all this, Chu Yao came to this Chevrolet Camaro and shouted directly at it: “Bumblebee, transform for me!” ”

“Receive master!” In the stereo of this Chevrolet Camaro, the original voice of a bumblebee actually came out.

Then, a metal sound of “clicking” sounded, and the doors, front covers, tires, etc. of the entire Chevrolet Camaro were all separated and deformed and expanded outward.

After a bang, a high-precision giant robot five or six meters tall and composed of various car parts!

The dazzling yellow paint, the skeleton of the metal structure, the slender and perfect structure, and the metallic feel that exudes a cold atmosphere!

It’s exactly the same as Bumblebee in Transformers!

This is simply a man’s dream!

“There was a bang in the sky, and my bumblebee appeared! Master am I handsome? Bumblebee said while posing in a muscle-dazzling pose, and it was really as naughty and arrogant as in the movie!

“Handsome!” Chu Yao looked up at the huge bumblebee in front of him, and his scalp was numb with excitement!

This is the toy you should play with!!

The other toys are not as attractive to him as this bumblebee!

“Master, you are also super handsome!” When Bumblebee heard Chu Yao’s praise, he was very happy, and the huge metal leg “clanged” a few times, and also drummed a few metal slaps, which seemed very flexible.

Chu Yao looked at Bumblebee with great satisfaction and said, “In the future, you can call me the boss, I like to hear this title!” ”

“Okay boss!” Bumblebee replied happily.

Chu Yao knew through the information in his mind that the wasp, like Pokémon, had its own intelligent system.

And because it is made of metal with intelligent life forms in outer space, its parts are hard and terrifying, and even if it is damaged, it can automatically recover!

This is simply the product of super black technology!

“Bumblebee, can you use all the weapons on you?” Chu Yao saw the two cannon ports on Bumblebee’s arm, and couldn’t help but ask again.

“Boss, the spy supervisor I am in charge of is the best agent and master of covert operations, and the weapons on his body can be used normally!” Bumblebee clicked and turned the barrel of the cannon in his hand and showed off to Chu Yao.

Oh! Lao Tzu, this is a transformer with its own arms came out!

Chu Yao hurriedly asked the system: “Can the Transformer toys I produce in the future remove the weapons and equipment, and only produce 1:100 Transformer toys?” ”

Since Transformers’ toys are so cowhide, he definitely doesn’t want to sell them, and everyone can drive a car that can transform and click on the road.

Let’s not talk about whether it is a selfish problem.

If you sell it like this, it will definitely be a mess in the world.

【Ding! Black technology toy system, all at the disposal of the host, if you want to produce a castrated version of the Transformers, or a scaled-down version of the Transformers, the Black Technology Toy Factory can be completed. 】

“That’s good.” Chu Yao’s heart suddenly had a bottom.

The Transformers he wants to sell can only be a scaled-down version of Transformers toys that can only be seen.

Can it become a Transformers toy for a car to drive, don’t say that he can’t sell it, even if it is really sold, is the price affordable for those ordinary people?

This is equivalent to buying a car and turning into a robot Transformer!

There is no price of tens of millions of levels, Chu Yao does not consider it.

Therefore, a prototype transformer like the bumblebee in front of Chu Yao’s eyes cannot be popularized at all.

Simply selling a scaled-down version of a Transformers toy that loses the ability to weaponize is the right way.

Of course, if it is used for display, it must be the original Transformer, anyway, no one knows whether its weapons and equipment are taken to see or can really be used.

At this moment, Chu Yao’s mobile phone rang.

When I took it out, it turned out to be a call from Gu Yafei.

“Hello? Is there something wrong with Mr. Gu? Chu Yao connected the phone and asked directly.

“Chu Dong, I just received news that this year’s annual model toy industry event, Xia Guo Model Toy Expo, the government wants us to be the organizer and hold it in the East China Sea, what do you think of this matter?” On the other side of the phone, Gu Yafei’s voice came.

“What is the situation of the Xia Guo Model Toy Expo? Will any companies participate? Chu Yao didn’t know about this expo, and asked curiously.

Gu Yafei said: “Basically, the world’s toy model companies will come to participate, because in previous years, such a Xia Guo Model Toy Expo, our Xia Guo has always worked for foreign brands, because at the expo, the limelight is always these foreign brands, so the government hopes that we will be the organizer and find all the venues lost over the years!” ”

We Xia Guo have always worked for foreign brands?

When Chu Yao heard this, he looked up at the five- or six-meter-tall bumblebee in front of him, and showed a smile.

“Okay, promise them, we Firefish will be the organizer of this Xia Guo Model Toy Expo, this time I have a new thing, I can definitely get all the venues back!” Chu Yao said without hesitation.

“Okay, then I will reply to the official office, and by the way, I will start to follow up on this matter, by the way, this Xia Guo Model Toy Expo will officially open in seven days, should the new things you want to display be arranged in advance?” Need my help? Concubine Gu continued to say on the other side of the phone.

“No need to help, you just do a good job of this expo, this new thing, I will personally bring it!” Chu Yao said with a grin.

“Well, I’m going to get busy, I’m looking forward to what new things you will use to find this venue, bye~” Concubine Gu Yafei also said with a slight smile.

After Chu Yao hung up the phone, he reached out and patted Bumblebee’s thick metal knee, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: “It seems that it is time for the world to see what is really called a living robot!” ”


(ps: Kneel and beg the bosses to read it, trouble leaving flowers, evaluation tickets, reminders, monthly passes, and tip support!) Explosion is coming soon!!! )_

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