Seven days later, on Sunday, a huge pavilion at the Tokai Expo Center.

It is this Firefish as the venue for the organizer to hold the Xia Guo Model Toy Expo!

Since the opening of the museum in the morning, there have been a large number of model toy fans, as well as a lively crowd.

Each booth was decorated with huge banners of various toy brands, as well as the toy models they came to display.

Whether it is domestic Oti toys, or foreign children’s paper treasure, ten thousand bags, Lefu, Meita, Domei and other toy giants have come to participate.

Moreover, this is an important publicity, and no toy company will miss the opportunity to let their toys occupy more markets in Xia Guo.

Even the 10,000 bags of their GUNPLA toys had been completely beaten by Firefish’s GUNPLA toys, but they still came to participate.

Because they have significantly reduced the price of all their GUNPLA toys and started to go the low-end route.

A few dollars, a dozen, dozens of dollars of GUNPLA they sell.

After all, the price of Firefish’s GUNPLA is 10,000, so the low-end market is still blank, which has been discovered by 10,000 bags.

The high-end market is not competitive, so let’s sell it to children, target the low-end market, and launch cheaper GUNPLA models.

Although the low-end market, because of the low selling price, can not make much money except for the cost, but at least some money is made, right? Small meat, that’s also meat.

Therefore, Wan Bao also came to the Xia Guo Model Toy Expo this time to promote their low-end GUNPLA toy products.

This year’s Xia Guo Model Toy Expo is very lively, and at least thousands of people come to watch the entire exhibition area.

Many of them are flown in from all over the country, and some media reporters are filming to find news topics.

Yang Zhijin, as a big fan of Firefish GUNPLA, naturally came to the scene.

And Zhang Xueying, Xiao Xuanyi, and Feng Qingrui also followed her to make fun.

“Brocade, you see that there are so many people in the firefish area over there~” Zhang Xueying looked at the firefish area that was surrounded by people, and suddenly said with some shock.

Yang Zhijin smiled slightly and said, “Because didn’t Firefish announce the launch of various GUNPLA models of the full-color series some time ago? Today, a limited edition of Genzo and Unicorn is on display, so there are sure to be many Gundam fans who have come to see it. ”

Feng Qingrui hugged her six tails, pointed to the side of Wanbao in surprise, and said, “Why are there so few people over there.” ”

Yang Zhijin glanced at it and said with some sigh: “Because now Wanbao is already taking the low-end route, in order to save costs, the model is not as sophisticated as before, so there are naturally fewer people watching.” ”

As a Gundam fan, she had collected many bags of GUNPLA models before, but when Firefish released the GUNPLA model that could be manipulated by real people, she directly lost interest in the 10,000 bags of GUNPLA that could only be seen.

Xiao Xuanyi also shook his head and said: “What a brilliant 10,000 bags that used to be, but now they are so affected by our country’s firefish that they can only mix with the low-end market.” ”

Zhang Xueying pouted and said: “That technology can’t keep up, you can only look at the gunpla model, once compared with the firefish, then sooner or later it will be eliminated, they are still now. There is a living space in the low-end market, like Koyuemei’s Yue-Gi-Oh, because Firefish’s Yu-Gi-Oh series of toys has completely lost its life. ”

She knew that the firefish was Brother Chu’s enterprise, and naturally wanted to say good things for him.

But Wan Bu is really much luckier than Ko Yuemei.

Because Firefish’s Yu-Gi-Oh series of toys is not high, it is widely popular, and only Firefish’s cards can be found in Firefish’s duel board.

Therefore, no one buys Keyuemei’s cards anymore, and they are also a piece of waste paper.

“Huh! There are quite a few people over there, so we might as well go over there to see it first, wait for the firefish area to have fewer people, and then go to see the firefish area. Feng Qingrui pointed to the side of the children’s paper treasure area and said curiously.

“Okay, let’s go.” Yang Zhijin saw a crowded scene in the Firefish area, but it was not suitable to pass now, especially when they girls were crowded together with so many people, it was easy to be taken advantage of, so he also agreed.

A group of four girls came directly to the children’s paper treasure area.

I saw that in this special area, there was a host holding a microphone introducing Children’s new toy products.

“Let’s look at this side, this is our new Transformers toy from Baby Paper, which can not only put together a model of a robot, but also assemble a model of a car.”

“And this one, is a “Transformers” toy that can be controlled by a remote control, it can make classic line sounds, and the car can also start, the only drawback is that after deformation, the individual parts cannot move, after all, there are many electronic components, wiring, horns and the like!”

“And our third model, although it can’t change back into a car, but this robot can move, and can also make classic line sounds!”

The host of the baby paper baby said while showing everyone how to play these new toys of “Transformers”.

The second model, in particular, can control the car to drive around at a glance like a remote control car, and press the deformed button, the door will be propped up, and then the chassis will be exposed.

And the chassis of the car is the image of the Transformer, which means that the rear of the car has become two feet, and the head of the chassis at the front of the car is just unable to move.

The third, on the other hand, is a model of Optimus Prime, which can walk back and forth according to the program, and can also do some fixed gestures and postures, and then make the classic original sound.

“Baby Paper Treasure really deserves to be the world’s toy giant, and this “Transformers” toy is still very good.”

“Yes, you can also change from a car to a robot, although you can’t move, but this technology is also very good.”

“My favorite is still the third one, a robot that can walk, and a classic line, doesn’t this feel like a restoration of the movie Optimus Prime?”

The audience also talked about it, and most of them felt that Children’s Transformers series toys had improved a lot.

When the host heard the discussion of the audience, he was obviously very happy and shouted excitedly: “Our Baby Baby’s “Transformers” toys are absolutely very sincere, and they are not inferior to any toy company, including Firefish!! ”

When Zhang Xueying heard this, she immediately pouted and muttered in a low voice: “Just you are ragged, you still don’t want to belong to the fire fish?” Where does the confidence come from? ”

Yang Zhijin, who was holding her arm, couldn’t help but smile faintly when he heard her muttering: “In fact, if it is not compared with the firefish, these toys of the child paper treasure are indeed done very sincerely, but they lack the breaking point and do not have a leapfrog improvement.” ”

And at this moment, a group of staff members ran over.

“Please let it go, we need to clear a way, our organizer Firefish also has a new toy to meet with everyone.”

“Please cooperate, we will temporarily open a police cordon, everyone please stand outside the police cordon.”

The staff pulled a path from the entrance of the venue to the wide area in the center of the venue.

After hearing their words, the people at the meeting also quite cooperatively gave way to the middle road.

They are also a little curious in their hearts, what other new toys are coming to the firefish? Do you have to deliberately empty such a road and space?

“What is the situation?” Feng Qingrui blinked her eyes curiously.

“Didn’t they say that? It’s the organizer’s new toy for Firefish. Xiao Xuanyi grabbed the key word and said.

“Is it the new GUNPLA?” Yang Zhijin’s eyes suddenly lit up.

“Huh? How did I see a car coming in. Zhang Xueying looked in the direction of the door and was immediately surprised.

The entire venue also discovered this scene.

A bright yellow sports car with tax headlights drove straight in from outside the venue along the empty road cleared by the police cordon.

The roaring sound of the engine comes from afar, letting people know that this is a powerful sports car!! _

Feilu reminds you: read three things – favorites, recommendations, and points

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