Bang! Bang! Bang!

On the East China Sea Xianlin Avenue, a huge yellow painted bumblebee robot five or six meters tall is moving its metal legs.

Following a young man with sunglasses, he rushed from the sidewalk to the place of the car accident ahead.

The sound of metal colliding with the ground gives a very heavy sense of power.

“Groove!! I actually saw a bumblebee running on the road!! ”

“Oh my God!! This picture is like making a movie!! ”

“This is the bumblebee that can be transformed reported on the Internet today, I didn’t expect it to be so real!”

Passers-by along the way all raised their heads in shock to look at the two- or three-story bumblebee robot.

Many people took out their mobile phones and filmed at Bumblebee, and some people began to record videos and run with Bumblebee.

Chu Yao ignored these people around him, and said into the Bluetooth headset on his ear: “Nuwa, quickly call to help call the police and call an ambulance!” ”

“Yes, master!” Nuwa’s voice soon came from the earphones.

Although Chu Yao did not know whether anyone had called the police and called an ambulance.

However, if you think that someone else has called, you don’t have to call.

So as a result, all think like this, then no one calls?

Therefore, these calls to save people do not care about making more calls, and the most afraid is that no one will call.

The distance of 120 is not long, and it won’t be long before Chu Yao can see the scene of the car accident.

An extended truck overturned, and thousands of pieces of mineral water were poured out on the ground.

And the big truck also hit five cars in a row, crashing backwards, and finally the front of the car directly crashed into a restaurant on the side of the road, and then stopped.

And the position of the fuel tank of the large truck has been blown up, the entire body is on fire, and the rear of the car is turned over and a black Lincoln is pressed.

“It’s over! This big truck is at least a dozen tons, right? Plus the cargo, the man in the tail of the Lincoln, can still live? ”

“It’s so dangerous! This entire body was deformed by the rear of the car, and it is estimated that it was suspended. ”

“Alas! I hope people are okay! Why didn’t the fire police come to the rescue! ”

“It should be soon, this has just happened in a car accident, they also have to rush over!”

The crowds standing in the distance around were also talking about it.

But no one dared to approach, after all, the explosion of the big truck just now had injured several people.

Now no one dares to approach with their own lives, for fear of a secondary explosion.

“Get out of the way!!” Chu Yao kept walking, shouting at the crowd surrounding him while running.

Bumblebee also stepped on the heavy gold while issuing a warning sound: “Please step aside from the crowd in front, we want to save people!” ”

The onlookers in front looked back and suddenly “lay down.”

“Someone is coming with a bumblebee!”

“Get out of the way, don’t get in their way!! Saving people is important!! ”

Passers-by were still very sensible, and even the street was given way.

I don’t know which shop on the street, and there is a song “Arrialtoearth”, which gives this scene a movie texture!

“Bumblebee! Get out of the car at the back first!! Chu Yao saw at a glance that the situation at the scene was urgent, and jumped over from the front cover of a car with one hand, and quickly said to Bumblebee.

“Received boss!” Bumblebee directly stepped over the car blocking the road and followed Chu Yao to the rear of the big truck.

Chu Yao glanced at the tonnage of this large truck, it was actually 0 tons, and there were many boxes of mineral water in the huge compartment.

Although half of them are thrown out of the car, there are still a lot of them in the compartment, so that the body plus cargo is more than 20 tons.

Therefore, the Lincoln car, which was pressed under the tail of the car, deformed and pressed down the entire roof.

Fortunately, this Lincoln, which was pressed down by the tail of the car, was of good quality, otherwise it would have been flattened.

“Bumblebee, let’s raise the tail of the car!!” Chu Yao commanded decisively.

Step forward and directly hold the carriage of the big truck with both hands and lift it up.

“I’m here too!” Bumblebee slammed its two thick mechanical legs, and two hard metal arms, supporting the edge of the carriage, followed Chu Yao up.

Gaa With a sound, the carriage only made a slight noise, but there was not much noise!

After all, this is 20 tons, a large truck with an extended compartment, and half of the goods on the car, and all the dense goods such as water, add up to thirty or forty tons.

The surrounding crowd also looked at Chu Yao and Bumblebee.

“They don’t seem to be able to lift ah, this big truck is too heavy!”

“Bumblebee is not originally a power type in the movie, and if you think about it, Bumble Hornet is a Chevrolet Camaro deformation, so the sports car is more than ten times different in size than this elongated large truck, right? It is estimated that Optimus Prime will have to come. ”

“So what to do? The people who are pressed at the rear of the car don’t know what the situation is now, and whether they will all die if they wait any longer. ”

Passers-by opened their mouths slightly and watched in horror.

“Arivaltoeart’s song just came to the high dynasty!

Chu Yao gritted his teeth, his hands burst out, and burst out: “Bumblebee!!” We must lift up!! Get people out!! ”

Buzz!! There was a violent roar from the parts of the bumblebee!!

The eyes of the tax eye directly lit up with blue light, and the parts of the body clicked, and suddenly tensed: “I am a bumblebee!!” Give it to me!! ”

Rumble! The ground was shattered by its metal thickness!!

“Give it to me!!” Chu Yao also violently exerted his strength and shouted loudly!!

This hoarse cry spread directly all around!

Let the onlookers can’t help but tremble inexplicably, looking at the young people and bumblebees who are trying to save people at the scene, their hearts are grabbed! ! !

“Ah! Get up!! ”

“Really up!! That’s amazing!! ”

“How heavy is this body! This is all lifted! Awesome!! ”

Suddenly the crowd of onlookers let out a burst of excited screams and cheers!

I saw that in the distance ahead, Chu Yao and Bumblebee had lifted the rear of the entire truck on its side little by little.

Chu Yao’s two arms were already bruised, and he lifted the rear of the car to the position of his chest, and directly bent down to get under the tail of the car, his feet were on the horse, and his hands supported the carriage hard, and he supported it up! ! !

“Ahhh!! This is too dangerous!! ”

“This young man is so bloody!!”

The onlookers all exclaimed when they saw this scene!

After all, Chu Yao is directly under the car, if he can’t support the rear of this car, even he has to press underneath! _

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