At this time, in the Lincoln car, Bai Shuiqin and her husband Song Weilin were shrinking in the back seat of the car.

And the driver Hou Fengxian’s whole person was already lying between the driver’s seat and the co-pilot, with blood flowing from his forehead, but fortunately there was no big problem, and the person was still awake.

After all, their Lincoln car, but modified rebound-level materials, the body is alloy and bulletproof glass modified.

Even if the roof is deformed by the tail of a large truck of tens of tons, it is still safe inside, even the glass is broken, but there are some cracks.

“Old lady, it seems that someone has come to save us.” The driver Hou Fengxian, who was lying in the driver’s seat, saw it from the glass at the front of the car, and quickly reported excitedly to the two people in the back seat.

“Could it be that the fire cops are here so soon?” Song Weilin said strangely.

“Just now I heard two voices shouting outside, it seems that there are not many people coming, because it is not the fire police.” Bai Shuiqin also said curiously.

The two of them shrunk in the back seat, basically no big deal, only Song Weilin had some abrasions on his forehead.

Suddenly, click, click! Bursts of noise!! Came!!

The rear of the large truck that pressed against their car was suddenly propped up.

The Lincoln was already out of danger of being pressed, revealing the entire body.

Bai Shuiqin and Song Weilin quickly raised their heads to look at the window of the back seat, and immediately saw the scene they would never forget!

I saw a tall and thin young man with sunglasses, standing on the side of their car with his arms supporting a huge carriage!

Not far away, there was a raging fire under the car, which was the fire that started after the fuel tank exploded.

Behind him is exactly the direction of the sun, making his silhouette shining with gold, and the two arms that support the carriage with green tendons are full of a sense of power, like a shocking overlord!!

“Oh my God! This young man!! Bai Shuiqin directly lost his voice and exclaimed.

This shocking scene is simply too visually shocking!!

“We were saved by him alone?!” Song Weilin has experienced so many ups and downs in the business world, and when watching such a scene, he also felt his heart beat violently.

Chu Yao scanned the people inside through the car window, except for the driver’s face full of blood, the other two people were not a big deal.

This made him breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

“Hey!! Let’s see if you can push the car door out!! Chu Yao shouted loudly to the people in the car!!

“Oooh!” The people in the car, this seemed to wake up, quickly pushed the car door, and even the man inside kicked the car door with his foot.

However, the roof pressure was deformed, causing the doors to be seriously distorted, and it was directly stuck in the car and could not be opened at all.

“Young man, the car door can’t be opened!” After Song Weilin kicked several times, he quickly shouted at Chu Yao outside the car.

Chu Yao saw this situation, and he could only carry this large truck completely on its side first.

“Bumblebee!! Do your best!! Push the big truck up!! Chu Yao gritted his teeth and roared!!

Although even if he improved his body after optimizing the liquid, he also obtained the skills of Grandmaster Taijiquan, which made his use of strength more perfect, and the explosive power he could support was estimated to be a thousand pounds!

However, he is like an ant that can only discharge floods at the moment, maybe Bumblebee can push the big truck up with his explosive power of a thousand pounds!

Therefore, he still did not give up the law!!

“Received boss!!” Bumblebee answered, and the rumbling all over his body was launched to the extreme!!

Click!! The second crack under its thick metal leg is even bigger crack!!

“Work hard together!! A wave flies it!!!! Chu Yao drank violently! The lean arm pushed up hard!

Bumblebee also suddenly exerted its power to the extreme!! The metal arm held the huge carriage and lifted it heavily!!

Bang!! With a sound, the entire pouring carriage was directly lifted back by the two of them, and the tires went back to the ground!

The road seemed to shake a little.

The smoke and dust billowed out, Chu Yao stood between the smoke and dust, and behind him was a giant robot five or six meters tall.

The dazzling yellow paint, the skeleton of the metal structure, the slender and perfect structure, and the metallic feel that exudes a cold atmosphere!

“Oh my God! What is that? Song Weilin exclaimed directly.

He was busy looking at the documents today, but he didn’t pay attention to the news on the Internet.

“Isn’t this the bumblebee I read on the report today?! Oh, my God! I didn’t expect us to run into them. Bai Shuiqin read the relevant reports, but also said in shock.

Just now because of the problem of the viewing angle of the window, and the carriage blocked most of the figure of the bumblebee, they didn’t see clearly that there was such a big guy, and now the whole carriage is lifted, they can see such a shocking giant robot at a glance!

“Awesome!! Heroes!! ”

“This young man is handsome!! How brave!! ”

“He’s still a young man!! We are not as brave as him!! That’s great!! ”

“So handsome! Save the world with Bumblebee!! This is my dream!! ”

“Kudos to this handsome guy and Bumblebee!!”

The surrounding crowd of onlookers also cheered loudly with excitement, and some of them burst into tears with excitement!

“Bumblebee help them break open the car door!” Chu Yao moved his somewhat sore arm and continued to say to Bumblebee.

“No problem! Top dog! Bumblebee answered, directly stretched out a huge metal palm, pulled the door on one side, pressed the other hand on the car, and easily pulled the entire door out with a sharp force.

Chu Yao looked at the three people who were widening their eyes inside, and said to them: “Now you can come out, it’s all right.” ”

“Oooh!” The people inside then sobered up from the shock and quickly walked out of the car.

The man and woman in the back seat were about forty years old and were obviously a middle-aged couple.

And from their temperament and what they wear, they are obviously not ordinary people.

The middle-aged man is tall and thin, wearing a decent suit, with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and his temperament is very extraordinary.

And the middle-aged woman is wearing a Dior customized version of clothing, although there are already several crow’s feet at the corners of her eyes, but from her mature and beautiful appearance, you can see that when she was young, she must be a big beauty.

As for the man with a bloody face coming out of the driver’s seat, he was dressed in a black suit, which was obviously a driver’s attire.

“Young man, thank you so much, if you hadn’t come to save us, being pressed down by such a heavy truck, maybe there would have been an accident.” The middle-aged man hurriedly came over and held Chu Yao’s hand, and said thanks.

“Yes, young man, you are our lifesaver, my name is Bai Shuiqin, if you have anything to thank, just tell me.” The middle-aged noblewoman also looked at Chu Yao with a smile on her face and said.

“That’s right, that’s right, young man, I’m Song Weilin, the chairman of the Song Group, whatever thank you gift you want, as long as I can do it, I promise you!” Song Weilin also nodded and said.

Chu Yao smiled lightly and said: “I don’t need your thanks, you don’t have to be polite, I just passed by pedestrians, and when I happened to encounter this, I tried my best to come up and help.” ”

However, he glanced at the middle-aged couple a few times, but he felt a little strange, and felt that their faces had a sense of familiarity.

“Young man, don’t be modest, there are so many people around to watch, you alone are willing to come up to help, this kindness I Song remembers.” Song Weilin said solemnly.

At this moment, sirens began to sound in the distance, and it seemed that the police fire or ambulances were coming.

Chu Yao glanced up at the surroundings, the crowd of onlookers were taking pictures at him with their mobile phones, he didn’t want to stay and spend time recording confessions or something.

Therefore, the middle-aged couple said: “I still have something to do and leave first, although you guys seem to be fine, but go to the hospital to check on safety, and have a chance to see you again!” ”

After speaking, he greeted Bumblebee and walked directly to the road in front.

Because this side is a one-way road, a car accident on this side only blocks the car behind, and the road in front is completely smooth.

“Oops! Boy, we don’t know your name yet! Bai Shuiqin hurriedly shouted from behind.

Chu Yao turned around and waved at them, and without returning their words, he said directly to Bumblebee: “Let’s get out of here.” ”

“Okay boss!” Bumblebee answered.

Then, under the gaze of many people, there was a direct click, and it changed back into a dazzling yellow Chevrolet Camaro!

Chu Yaola opened the door and sat in, and under the shocked, envious, excited, excited, and bloody eyes of everyone, he started the car and left!


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