When the people at the scene of the car accident uploaded the video to the Internet, it caused a sensation again!!

“Awesome!! This video looks like you’re watching a movie!! ”

“Isn’t this young man just in the morning at the Xia Guo Model Toy Expo to show everyone the bumblebee? Saved people with bumblebees in the afternoon? That’s awesome! ”

“It’s amazing! This is simply Xia Guo’s version of Transformers saving the world!! ”

“Fantastic!! This is my dream after watching the “Transformers” movie, driving a car that Bumblebee turned into, and being able to transform into a rescue person in case of danger!! ”

“Handsome!! Kudos to the lads and bumblebees!! ”

“I was stunned!! Such a heavy big truck can be overturned by this young man and the bumblebee, the power of this bumblebee is too strong, right? It’s just as powerful as in the movie! ”

“It turns out that the Transformers toys made by Firefish are of such high quality, they are no different from movies!”

“I don’t have to say, such a handsome Transformers toy, you can’t buy it!! I also went to the Firefish official to place an order!! ”

“I also want to buy a bumblebee, with such a bumblebee with you, it’s just a sense of security, even if it’s a small 1:10 model, then I’m satisfied, after all, I can’t afford to buy a prototype, haha~!!”

“A good man’s life is safe!! Kudos to the little brother!! ”

Due to the video of saving people in this car accident, more people paid attention to the toy of Transformers, and it also attracted more people’s desire to buy.

And Chu Yao’s side, drove all the way to Donghai University and picked up Song Wanqing.

“Chu Chu, Teacher Song has good news for you.” As soon as Song Wanqing got into the car, her smiling eyes bent into a crescent moon, and she looked at Chu Yao happily and said.

“What good news makes you so happy?” Chu Yao looked at her with some amusement and asked.

Song Wanqing leaned over, kissed him, and said with bright eyes: “My parents are back, I told them that I have found a boyfriend, and they asked me to take you over to dinner.” ”

Chu Yao’s eyes widened sharply: “Won’t it? You want me to meet my future father-in-law and mother-in-law now?!” ”

I’ll go! This is the first time in his life that he has seen the partner’s parents, and it is false to say that he is not nervous!

“yes, how? Are you happy? Surprised or not? Song Xiqing looked at him with a smile.

“There is no surprise, there is a fright, why is it so sudden? I’m not ready yet. Chu Yao pinched her plain white face angrily.

“Afraid of what? You are so good, they must be happy with you. Song Xuanqing said in a persuasive manner.

Chu Yao thought about it carefully, there is really nothing to be afraid of, regardless of his character and appearance, he is now a top candidate, who in this world can compare with him, so there is really no need to worry too much.

So he agreed, and said, “Okay. I always have to bring some gifts for a meeting, right? It’s not time for dinner yet, why don’t we go to the mall first and buy some gifts first?

Song Xiaoqing nodded like a chicken pecking rice, sweet and tight, and said happily: “I listen to you.” ”

Chu Yao started the car and drove towards the nearby Qianda Plaza.

There are more brand stores over there, and the first time I came to meet my father-in-law and mother-in-law, how can this not be shabby? And Chu Yao is not bad at all at this time.

It’s just that like Song Wanqing’s family, they are obviously also rich and noble, otherwise she also bought a Vacheron Constantin watch a few days ago.

Therefore, Chu Yao didn’t know what gifts to buy for a while.

After all, the food used by their family is also the best, and it is estimated that they have seen everything, so what gift to choose, this is a little stumped by Chu Yao.

When the two came to Qianda Square, Chu Yao pulled Song Wanqing’s slightly cold delicate little hand, and couldn’t help but ask her: “Qiqiqing, what do your parents like?” What gifts do you think I should buy as a gift? ”

Song Wanqing pursed her lips and looked at him affectionately, smiled and proposed to him: “I think it’s better for you to send some delicate little things, or gifts with special meaning, such as my father, you can send a pen or the like, my mother’s words, jewelry is on the line, after all, women don’t think they have too much jewelry.” ”

When Chu Yao heard Song Wanqing’s words, his eyes immediately lit up slightly, and he suddenly had an idea in his heart.

As Song Wanqing said, people like her father who do business definitely need to sign and so on, so having a good pen is very useful.

Especially Chu Yao has also heard a saying, like some entrepreneurs, the better the pen, the more it can set off his identity and temperament.

As for Song Qiqing’s mother, a wealthy lady, she naturally likes all kinds of jewelry, and women love these shiny and delicate little things.

After Chu Yao had a direction in his heart, he immediately happily hugged Song Wanqing and kissed her heavily and said, “Baby, you can solve your husband’s troubles.” ”

Song Wanqing’s face turned red, and he took a sip: “What baby, you call it good meat hemp~”

“My own daughter-in-law, the meat is numb, let’s go and buy gifts.” Chu Yao was in a good mood and said with a smile.


Just as Chu Yao was buying gifts, Song Weilin and Bai Shuiqin had just come out of the hospital, and they had already checked all over the place, and there were no injuries.

And the wound on their driver, Hou Fengxian, on his forehead has also been treated and is bandaging gauze.

“Lao Hou, you have also worked hard during this time, you also go home to see, these days have given you a holiday, we are all in the East China Sea during this time, just to accompany the evening sun, and we don’t need you to accompany you.” Song Weilin patted the driver’s shoulder and said with a smile.

“Okay, thank you sir, I have already asked someone to drive over the new car.” Hou Fengxian quickly opened his mouth to thank him.

“Okay, you can also go back, if you want to come to the hospital for re-examination later, just take the invoice to the financial reimbursement.” Song Weilin smiled and said.

“Okay.” Hou Fengxian handed over the car keys to Song Weilin and left knowingly.

Bai Shuiqin said with some sighs: “Today thanks to that young man saved us, it’s a pity that he walked so fast and didn’t leave a phone number, so it’s hard to find him to thank you.” ”

Song Weilin took his wife’s hand and said comfortingly: “Looking at his clothes, he is obviously not an ordinary person, and he may not care about these thanks, moreover, I believe that if we have a chance, we will be able to meet soon, Donghai said that it is not big, and there are fewer people at the top, it is good to thank him well next time.” ”

“Too.” Bai Shuiqin temporarily put this matter down, remembered something else, and continued to speak: “Let’s go to the hotel first to order a dinner, today our girl said that she would bring her boyfriend to meet us, but we can’t lose courtesy.” ”

“Don’t worry, I have already called Lao Li from the Jinling Hotel just now, and asked him to arrange a table for us, and it will not make the girl lose face.” Song Weilin said.

“Okay, let’s go first.” Bai Shuiqin nodded, took her husband’s arm, and walked towards a brand new black Rolls-Royce Phantom parked on the side of the road.


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