When Chu Yao saw Song Wanqing’s parents sitting in the box, he was also slightly stunned!

Isn’t this middle-aged couple the same couple who were saved by themselves in a car accident an hour or two ago?

When you hear the other person exclaim, “Is it you? At that time, Chu Yao also knew that they also recognized themselves.

“Hehe, hello uncle and aunt, I didn’t expect us to meet again so soon.” Chu Yao quickly reacted and greeted them with a smile and said.

“Young man, we are too lucky, right? We just talked about you, please sit down, let’s sit down and talk. Bai Shuiqin quickly stood up, and helped him pull away the chair, with a smile on his face, greeted him warmly and said.

“Well, aunt, you don’t have to be polite, I’ll come by myself.” Chu Yao quickly pulled Song Wanqing over, held the chair, and by the way, pulled the chair on the side away to let Song Wanqing sit.

Song Weilin also handed over the menu and put it in front of him, and said with a smile: “We have just ordered some dishes, and I don’t know if it suits your appetite, let’s see what else you need to order.” ”

Chu Yao knew that they had arranged the dishes in the private room just now, so he said casually: “I’m okay, I’m not a picky eater, let’s not order it later.” ”

Song Xiaoqing, who was sitting next to Chu Yao, looked at this scene blankly, and was stunned for a while before coming back to his senses.

“Parents, Chu Chu, you already know each other?” Song Xiaoqing looked at them confused and asked.

Bai Shuiqin smiled and said, “I know, but I met it once.” ”

Chu Yao opened his mobile phone funny, clicked on the hot search for his neck, and the video of saving people not long ago was pushed in front of Song Wanqing and said: “See for yourself.” ”

Song Xiaoqing grabbed her mobile phone and saw that on the video, Chu Yao took the bumblebee to save people, the scene was very shocking, but she was still a little strange, how could she know this?

When at the end of the video, after Chu Yao rescued the people in the car, Song Wanqing’s eyes suddenly widened.

“Mom and Dad, you guys had a car accident?!” Song Wanqing suddenly became anxious, quickly stood up and went to her mother’s side, looked them up and down and continued with concern: “Are you all right?” ”

“Didn’t you watch the video? Fortunately, your boyfriend came in time and rescued us all, only the driver Hou was slightly injured, and we all went to the hospital for examination. Bai Shuiqin hugged her girlfriend and said with a smile.

“It scares me to death.” Song Wanqing suddenly patted her heart and breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Song Weilin remembered something, smiled at Chu Yao and said, “Young man, you have to tell us your name now, right?” ”

“That’s right, you were walking so fast at that time, and you didn’t say your name or leave your phone, I thought it would take some time to find you, but I didn’t expect to meet so soon.” Bai Shuiqin was already looking at Chu Yao carefully with the gaze of his mother-in-law and son-in-law.

They had a good impression of Chu Yao, and now they knew that the girl’s boyfriend was him, and they were naturally even more relieved.

After all, this is a person who does good deeds without leaving a name and does not want to return it, at least his character is already very satisfactory to them.

“Uncle and aunt, my name is Chu Yao, you are the same as the sun, just call me Chu Chu.” Chu Yao smiled at them and said.

“Okay, then we’ll call you Chu Chu,” Song Weilin said happily.

Bai Shuiqin also smiled and said: “So happy today, do you two want to drink some wine?” ”

She knew that her husband liked even cups, so she specially gave Chu Yao the opportunity to perform.

“No problem, I’m drinking well.” Chu Yao naturally would not refuse, and replied cheerfully.

Song Wanqing quickly raised her little hand and took the initiative to say, “I’ll help you get the wine!” ”

Saying that, she pressed the button to call the waiter, called the waiter over, asked for a bottle of Maotai, and then informed them that they could start serving.

Chu Yao saw that the waiter had gone out to get the wine, and he knew that he would not start eating until the wine came.

Just from Song Xiaoqing’s bag, she took out the gifts she had prepared for her parents before coming.

Bai Shuiqin saw Chu Yao take out two beautifully wrapped gift boxes, and guessed that this was a gift for them.

For her future son-in-law, who knows so much etiquette and respect, her heart is more and more satisfied and happy.

“Uncle, this is a small gift for you, I hope you can enjoy it.” Chu Yao stood up, handed the gift box containing the Montblanc Rainier III limited edition fountain pen to Song Weilin, and said with a light smile.

At this scene, the smile on Song Weilin’s face was more satisfied, and he nodded and took the gift and said: “I have a heart, thank you.” ”

“It should.” Chu Yao said, and handed another gift box containing Bulgari’s sapphire brooch to Bai Shuiqin, and said with a smile: “Aunt, this is for you, I hope you like it.” ”

Bai Shuiqin’s face was full of satisfied smiles, took the gift from Chu Yao’s hand with both hands, and said with a smile: “Chu Chu, you kid is really polite, but thank you.” ”

Chu Yao just sat down, Song Wanqing sat back next to him with a grin, held his arm and asked his parents for credit: “These two gifts, but Chu Chu visited many stores to pick them up.” ”

“Mom knows that Chu Chu is good, you nizi, do you have to continue to praise him?” Bai Shuiqin couldn’t help but laugh.

The waiter quickly brought up a table of meals arranged by Song Weilin in advance and a bottle of Feitian Maotai.

Song Wanqing took the initiative to help open the wine bottle and poured a glass for Chu Yao and Song Weilin.

Bai Shuiqin also asked for a small half cup, and then the four of them touched the cup together, drank the white wine in the cup, and began to gather everyone to eat.

After Song Weilin and Chu Yao had another drink, they asked him casually: “By the way, me and her mother, I don’t know what kind of work you are doing now, is it convenient to tell us?” ”

The benefactor returns to the benefactor, but the kindness cannot be mixed with the rest.

In particular, this is the basis for the future happiness of the girl, so it is time to consider the future son-in-law’s things, and I want to consider it.

Chu Yao thought for a while, and said directly: “I work in Firefish.” ”

“Oh?” Song Weilin and Bai Shuiqin quietly glanced at each other, which was not much different from what they guessed.

Bai Shuiqin took over and said: “We have also seen the video of you introducing Transformers at the expo today, you should be in a good position in Firefish, right?” ”

With a snort, Song Wanqing couldn’t help but laugh.

“Girl, what’s wrong with you?” Bai Shuiqin was suddenly slightly stunned.

“It’s okay, it’s okay.” Song Xiaoqing continued to bury her head in the meal with a smile, her small mouth shining.

What’s wrong with this girl?

Song Weilin and Bai Shuiqin both looked at each other a little strangely.

Chu Yao shook his head funny, and also felt that there was no need to hide anything, so he said directly to them: “Uncle and aunt, in fact, I am the chairman of Firefish, and the whole Firefish is mine.” ”

Jingle bells!!!

There was a sound of chopsticks falling on the table and hitting the dishes, and as his words fell, it suddenly sounded.

Song Weilin and Bai Shuiqin directly widened their eyes and looked at Chu Yao in disbelief!!! _

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