“You… You say you’re the chairman of Firefish Toys?! Song Weilin looked at the young man in his twenties in shock, and almost didn’t get scared out of a heart attack by his words.

“That’s right, you should also know that Qingqing’s cousin Gu Yafei is the general manager of our company, and you can get confirmation from her.” Chu Yao knew that this news had a big impact on them, and continued to speak with a smile.

Song Weilin and Bai Shuiqin looked at each other at the same time, and they could still see the shocked look that had not yet dissipated from each other’s eyes.

He also knew that Chu Yao did not have to lie to them, because this kind of lie would be broken at the touch of a button.

In this case, then this young man is actually the chairman of Firefish Company with a quarterly revenue of more than three trillion yuan?!

Oh my God!

What kind of fairy boyfriend did my girlfriend find!!

They never dreamed that their future son-in-law would be so awesome!!

This is simply more than before they met, what they guessed was one earth, one heaven!

Song Weilin also told his wife before that he was not angry that his hundreds of billions of family property would be cheaper for that smelly boy in the future.

He also said triumphantly that he has hundreds of billions of assets, who can surpass them!

And now, the young man in front of him, a quarter’s revenue is twenty or thirty times his assets.

It is estimated that his hundreds of billions of assets, others still can’t look at it…

Song Wanqing’s face raised, and he proudly deliberately teased them: “Parents, what’s wrong with you?” If you want to look at each other affectionately, go home and say it? ”

Only then did Song Weilin and Bai Shuiqin come to their senses.

Song Weilin coughed to hide his gaffe.

And Bai Shuiqin blushed and glanced at her daughter, looked at Chu Yao with appreciation in her eyes and said: “I didn’t expect Chu Chu, you are young, you are the chairman of Firefish, the future is really immeasurable!” ”

She had already had a good impression of Chu Yao, and now she was even more favorable, and she really had a feeling that her mother-in-law was more and more satisfied with her son-in-law.

Chu Yao smiled confidently and said, “I just wanted to fight for our domestic toy brand;

After all, a few months ago, our Xia Guo’s toy brands were completely suppressed by foreign brands, and the living space was squeezed to the point of almost disappearing

Therefore, my goal is to lead the Xia Guo toy brand, lead the worldwide frenzy, break the technology monopoly of the inherent advantage, and lead the development of the entire industry. ”

“Spleen! Sure enough, it is a good boy of our Xia Kingdom! When Song Weilin heard his words, he couldn’t help but secretly give him a thumbs up in his heart, sighed and continued: “Your goal is very ambitious, not only do you think big, but you also do big, and it has been completed in a short period of time. ”

When Chu Yao heard their praise, he probably understood how to communicate with this business tycoon.

For a business tycoon like Song Weilin, it is useless to be humble and polite if you want to make such a character obey themselves.

After all, around him, there is no shortage of such people, and these people are people who are lower than his location.

It is for this reason that only by showing him part of your strength and hole cards, he will look up to you a few points.

The best thing is to make him realize that he is awesome, better than many people in the world, even better than him.

After figuring this out, Chu Yao said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: “Uncle and aunt, in fact, the toys launched by our firefish are only part of the firefish, and I have more amazing black technology products in my hand, I believe that in the near future, you will be able to see them.” ”

Sure enough, after Song Weilin heard Chu Yao’s words, he immediately looked at his wife again.

Bai Shuiqin looked at Chu Yao with a smile and said, “I’m looking forward to that day.” ”

Song Weilin picked up the wine glass and said, “I have already served, and with you as the son-in-law of our Song family, we also take advantage.” ”

Chu Yao picked up the wine glass funny and touched him, flicked a rainbow fart over and said: “Uncle, you are also in the past, and the future is also expected!” ”

“Haha! Well, you kid is so angry with me! Let’s have a drink today! Song Weilin said happily patting Chu Yao’s shoulder.

Song Wanqing was also very happy to see that Chu Chu was getting along with his family so happily, and took the initiative to call two more bottles of Feitian Maotai.

The atmosphere at the dinner table also became more and more lively.

Chu Yao also learned from the chat that the Song Group in Song Qiqing’s family is also hundreds of billions of assets, and its main industries are real estate and energy and steel.

The East China Sea Purple Garden where Song Wanqing now lives is also the property of the Song Group.

Chu Yao suddenly recalled something, no wonder it would be so fast and cost-effective when he asked Song Wanqing to take him to buy that factory.

It must all be because of the relationship of the Song Group.

And Song Wanqing’s mother, Bai Shuiqin, was once the youngest female professor at Tunghai University.

It’s just that not long after she was born in Song Wanqing, she stopped teaching.

Most of the time at home with the husband and daughter, by the way, in the husband’s company, using his knowledge to tutor the husband’s career.

It wasn’t until Song Wanqing went to college that she was relieved to be in her abbot, specializing in her career.

A table of people chatted and drank wine, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

After eating the dinner, Bai Shuiqin took the initiative to invite Chu Yao to sit at home.

In her words, that is, in the future, the family will have more contacts.

Chu Yao saw that Song Wanqing was also looking at him expectantly, so he agreed very happily.

Since Chu Yao and Song Weilin drank a lot of alcohol, the task of driving was naturally given to the two women.

Not long after, the group came to Song Wanqing’s villa in the East China Sea Purple Garden.

Chu Yao had only come to pick up Song Wanqing before, but he had never entered her home.

Bai Shuiqin warmly beckoned Chu Yao to sit down in the living room.

And Song Wanqing sat next to Chu Yao like a little daughter-in-law, gently took his hand, leaned on his shoulder, and listened to the conversation between his sweetheart and his parents, his eyes were full of love.

When Bai Shuiqin saw the intimate appearance of the girl and Chu Yao, her heart was both a little relieved and a little worried.

Girl, your vision is indeed very good, and you can find a boy like Chu Yao who can’t find a second boy in the world.

But as he becomes more and more excellent, he will come into contact with more and more elite beauties from all walks of life.

In this long run, not many men can withstand these flowers, you don’t want to be like your mother in the future, force yourself into a strong woman, just to be able to spend more time with your man.

Song Weilin was obviously in a very happy mood today, and asked the maid of the villa to prepare a sea of tea and personally make tea to receive Chu Yao.

Song Wanqing looked at Bai Shuiqin who was sitting opposite, her face bloomed with a bright smile, and her eyes shone brightly and said, “Parents, don’t you want to see what gifts Chu Chu gave you?” Now take it apart and take a look. ”

Bai Shuiqin looked at the pair of golden children and jade girls leaning together kindly, and said with a smile: “How impolite it is to open gifts in front of people, wait until your parents return to the room.” ”

Chu Yao took the initiative to speak: “It’s okay aunt, I don’t know if it suits your wishes, just take it apart and take a look.” ”

Bai Shuiqin saw Chu Yao say this, so he nodded and said with a smile: “Okay, I’ll take it apart now.” ”

Saying that, Bai Shuiqin took out the beautifully packaged gift box, opened the outer packaging, and inside was a delicate flocked fabric jewelry box, which looked very high-end.

Bai Shuiqin noticed the LOGO on the box, and immediately said happily: “It turns out to be Bulgari, Chu Chu, you really know how to pick gifts, my favorite is this brand’s jewelry.” ”

When Chu Yao heard this, he also showed a faint smile and said, “It’s all thanks to Wanqing giving me advice.” ”

Bai Shuiqin glanced at Chu Yao with satisfaction, and reached out to open the flip cover of the jewelry box.

Suddenly, a white orchid brooch with a sapphire theme and pink diamonds next to it appeared in everyone’s eyes.

“This brooch is too beautiful, isn’t it?” Bai Shuiqin looked at this very delicate brooch with a very delicate color match, and couldn’t help but say in amazement.

For a high-class lady like her, brooches are definitely an indispensable accessory for all formal occasions.

And the delicate white orchid-shaped sapphire brooch in front of me is very fond of even the white water piano that is accustomed to luxury accessories.

Seeing her mother’s expression, Song Wanqing immediately leaned on Chu Yao’s body with a happy face, and said with a smile: “My mother is very satisfied with your gift.” ”

Bai Shuiqin also raised his head at this time, looked at Chu Yao, and said gratefully: “Thank you Chu Chu, the price of this brooch must be very expensive, right?” ”

“You’re welcome, as long as you like it, it’s worth it, isn’t the jewelry made to find the owner who can set it off?” Chu Yao said with a smile.

At this time, Song Wanqing said to Song Weilin, who was watching the excitement on the side: “Dad, you can also open the gift and take a look.” ”

“Okay, I’ll tear it down now.” Song Weilin took out the beautifully packaged gift box, and his face was full of smiles.

As he spoke, he also tore open the packaging of the gift box, and after opening the box, he found that it was a high-end pen of Montblanc.

Looking at the beautiful design made of 18K gold, with diamonds and rubies, it is definitely a limited edition.

This kid really knows how to pick gifts!

Although Song Weilin is not very fond of reading and writing, he is very fond of fountain pens.

Because successful businesses like theirs often use pens in business situations.

It’s like the cars that ordinary people like, they are all things they like to show out.

Therefore, Song Weilin liked the very exquisite Montblanc pen that Chu Yao gave him at a glance.

“It’s a great gift.” Song Weilin reached out and took out the pen, played with it in his hand for a while, and said to Chu Yao with a satisfied smile.

Chu Yao was also relieved to see that Song Qingqing’s parents were quite satisfied with the gifts they picked.

Song Weilin put the pen back into the box, personally poured a cup of tea for Chu Yao, and put it in front of him: “Let’s have a cup of tea first and solve the bar.” ”

With this move, he also expressed that he was very satisfied with Chu Yao, the future son-in-law, and had begun to really walk his heart.

Chu Yao accompanied Song Weilin and Bai Shuiqin while drinking tea, chatting casually about the sky, and the night gradually deepened.

Chu Yao took the initiative to stand up and leave: “It’s quite late today, uncle and aunt, you can also rest early, I’ll go back first.” ”

Bai Shuiqin went up and grabbed him and said, “Chu Chu, you drank a lot of wine with your Uncle Song today, don’t go back, just live in our house, anyway, our family has more spare rooms.” ”

“This…” Chu Yao glanced at Song Weilin unconsciously, and saw that he didn’t react much, so he didn’t pretentiously, and directly agreed to come down and say: “Okay then.” ”

In fact, Song Weilin and Bai Shuiqin are both from here, and when they see the girl’s charming face like a peach blossom, they can guess that the two have developed to that step.

Therefore, they did not think of blocking it, anyway, they already recognized Chu Yao as the son-in-law of their Song family.

“Parents, then I’ll take Chu Chu to see the guest room first, and you guys should rest early.” Song Xiaoqing smiled happily and pulled Chu Yao towards the stairs.

Chu Yao was pulled all the way by Song Wanqing all the way to a very girly room on the third floor.

There is also a faint fragrance of white orchids in the air, which is very good.

Apparently this is her boudoir, where is the guest room.

“Just yesterday I bought you some clothes before I could give them to you, I’ll go find you to change, you can shop around by yourself.” Song Xiaoqing chuckled and winked at him, her laughing voice soft.

Chu Yao nodded casually, and saw that Song Wanqing was rummaging through the closet, looking around her boudoir with interest.

Suddenly, his gaze was drawn to a huge picture framed on the wall.

In the photo, Chu Yao and Song Wanqing are very sweetly snuggled together, and the original building behind them still shows: “Chu Qing, I Chu Yao swear to love you for the rest of my life!” “The word of the light!

Beautiful fireworks bloom in the vast night sky, and behind them, thousands of Kong Ming lanterns are floating like a starry sky road.

The scene in the photo is very dreamy and beautiful!

“Isn’t that what happened on your birthday?” When Chu Yao saw this photo, he couldn’t help but ask Song Wanqing.

“Yes, this is what my cousin took for us that day, and I found a photo studio to print it out after I went back.” Song Xiaoqing smiled lightly and walked over with a dressing gown, with a somewhat proud tone.

“Aren’t you afraid of being seen by your parents?” Chu Yao raised his hand and slapped her on the leather drum she knocked up, and said funny.

“I saw it, I identified you anyway.” Song Xian said arrogantly, stuffed his dressing gown into his hand, pointed to the supporting bathroom in the room, and said with a wink: “How about you go to Xi Zao first?” ”

Chu Yao looked at her arrogant little appearance and suddenly hugged her horizontally.

“Yay! What are you doing? ”

“What do you say?”


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