On this night, Chu Yao spent the night directly in Song Wanqing’s boudoir.

Anyway, Song Xiaoqing’s parents would not run to the guest room to check if Chu Yao was in the room.

Moreover, since they left Chu Yao at home, they knew these things tacitly, so they would not impose interference.

Anyway, Song Weilin and Bai Shuiqin’s room is on the second floor, which is not on the same floor as Song Wanqing’s room.

The decoration of the villa is soundproofed and good, just don’t know it.

At seven o’clock the next morning, Song Weilin and Bai Shuiqin had already got up.

For those of them who are rich, exercise and health preservation are very important, after all, they have not enjoyed enough fun in life, how can they age so quickly.

Song Weilin likes to run in the morning, so he jogged around the villa area.

Bai Shuiqin, on the other hand, likes to practice yoga, which can maintain his body and improve his spirit.

After Song Weilin came back after running a lap, it was more than half an hour later.

“Shuiqin, call the children down for breakfast, and we’ll go to the headquarters of the Song Group in Donghai later.” Song Weilin wiped his sweat with a towel and said to his wife, who had already practiced yoga.

“Okay, you go take a shower and change your clothes.” Bai Shuiqin said to her husband with a smile.

Song Weilin nodded and went upstairs to go back to the room.

And Bai Shuiqin sat on the sofa in the living room, picked up her mobile phone and called her girl.

Because she thinks that if she sends a text message, these two children will probably not be able to hear it if they sleep to death, and go upstairs to call someone, if they see something, how bad it is.

Song Xiaoqing was sleeping soundly in Chu Yao’s arms, and Mimi heard her mobile phone ringing.

I took my mobile phone from the bedside table, saw the caller ID on it, and suddenly fell asleep.

“Hello? What’s wrong with Mom? Song Wanqing quickly connected the phone and said.

“Qing’er, I’m going to go out with your father to the company later, you and Chu Chu have breakfast first.” Bai Shuiqin held the mobile phone and said to the girl.

“Okay mom, I’ll shout Chu Chu now, you guys wait a minute, hmm…”

Song Xiaoqing didn’t seem to finish speaking, so he hung up the movie.

“These two children want me to be a grandmother.” Bai Shuiqin put down the mobile phone funny, and a red cloud unconsciously appeared on his mature face.

When Chu Yao and Song Wanqing held hands and came down the stairs, just after entering the restaurant.

Bai Shuiqin smiled and took the initiative to speak: “Come and sit quickly, let’s have breakfast first.” ”

“Good morning uncle and aunt.” Chu Yao also greeted Song Xiaoqing’s parents politely.

“Well, it’s all my own family, so you don’t need to be so polite, sit.” Song Weilin nodded and said gesturistically.

Chu Yao didn’t be polite with them, and pulled Song Wanqing to sit down on the chair opposite her parents.

The maid waiting by the side quickly served the two glasses of hot milk.

Bai Shuiqin opened his mouth while eating breakfast: “Chu Chu, wait for me and your Uncle Song to go to the Donghai Song Family Headquarters to take a look, you can help send Qing’er to school to work.” ”

Chu Yao took a soup bag and took a bite, nodded and said, “Okay aunt.” ”

And Song Weilin, who was sitting next to Bai Shuiqin, looked at Chu Yao and said, “I heard that your Firefish Company is looking for material suppliers, I wonder if you are interested in cooperating with our Song Group?” ”

“No problem, the Song Group is also the top energy and steel merchant in the Song Group, and I still trust the Song Group’s signboard.” Chu Yao said with a faint smile.

Previously, Firefish’s toy factory also used a decomposition system to break down waste products as raw materials, but as the company got bigger, the number of sales increased.

Waste as raw materials is no longer enough, and it is not formal enough.

Toys and gunpla models from the Yu-Gi-Oh series, as well as yo-yos, battle tops, and four-wheel drive vehicles use a lot of raw materials.

Only Pokémon and Gundam battle equipment, as well as Transformers, are crafted from materials rewarded by the system’s main quest.

Therefore, since the Firefish Toy Factory moved to the Firefish Park, it began to find regular raw material suppliers to cooperate.

Song Weilin did not expect to solve this big business so easily, and he was in a good mood: “That’s okay, although we are now a family, but public to public, private to private, we still negotiate the specific price according to the normal process, and then sign the contract.” ”

He didn’t want Chu Yao to deliberately give them benefits because of their personal relationship, so as not to seem as if he was looking for Chu Yao to take advantage, so it was best to follow the direction of official affairs.

“Well, I’ll arrange for someone to connect with you.” Chu Yao nodded, but then remembered something, and asked Song Weilin: “Uncle, does your company have gold-titanium alloys, or tritium-containing materials?” I want to go in and do new product development. ”

He remembered that in his black technology system, there were also cow than black technology toys such as Iron Man armor, which could not be produced because of lack of materials.

So, it’s time to ask this future husband.

Song Weilin thought for a while and said: “I can help you get the gold-titanium alloy, but the tritium-containing material is controlled by the state, because it belongs to a kind of nuclear material, and you have to talk to the state about this;

But this should be easy for you, after all, your Firefish is now a national heavyweight high-tech company, you can take some low-end technologies or products that you need to exchange with the country. ”

Chu Yao raised his eyebrows and said, “Exchange with the state? ”

In fact, people are selfish, naturally do not want their own black technology technology, let others, all cows than technology is their own.

Therefore, since the last time he gave Fang Mingyue’s technology to Yu-Gi-Oh Z3, he didn’t think about giving them the technology again.

When Song Weilin saw Chu Yao’s expression, he probably knew what he was thinking,

So he continued to say with a smile: “You don’t have to think that this is your own loss, first of all, you have to understand what is called a country, there is a country to have a home, only if your own country is stronger, you can have a happy home;

Just like the products currently launched by your Firefish Company, each of which is the top of the world, or a product of this era, do you think that there will be no foreign officials, will not be interested in these things?

It’s just that they don’t dare to mess around because they are afraid of our Xia Kingdom, otherwise do you think that with firefish, you can be the enemy of the whole world?

Therefore, the country is the most solid backing for our Xia people, you cooperate with the country, the country’s technology is stronger, the weapons and equipment that can be developed are better, it has a higher status in the world, and it can also make more countries fearful;

This change makes you safer and better able to develop your career. ”

Chu Yao listened to the words of this industrial tycoon, and his heart also became thoughtful.

Song Weilin is right, the toy technology he is currently showing is nothing to him, because he has more and more powerful technology.

And these technologies that are “backward” to themselves can be fully traded with the state.

First, you can exchange it for what you need, and second, you can improve the country’s technology.

It is indeed as Song Weilin said, only the stronger our Xia Kingdom is, he can live more at ease.

After all, this is his root, can he still go abroad and then give the technology to a foreign country? Isn’t that a traitor?

Therefore, since Xia Guo is its own base camp, naturally the stronger the country, the better.

It’s as if at present, the spies around him or something, it wasn’t Fang Mingyue who took the people of the country to clear him out?

Chu Yao felt that the dead end he had entered before suddenly walked out of Song Weilin’s words.

Only when the country is stronger can there be a stable home!

After all, their own countries are all Xia Guo, and those abroad are foreigners, and they don’t even help their own countries, so can they really be enemies of the whole world as an enterprise?

After thinking about these things, Chu Yao sincerely said to Song Weilin: “Uncle, your words have benefited me a lot, and I have also gained a lot of inspiration, thank you for your point.” ”

Song Weilin smiled lightly, nodded approvingly and said: “You are still young, and when you have experienced more, you will understand these truths, and my uncle will send another word ‘think of danger in peace’, some things, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.” ”

“I see, I’ll pay attention to those.” Chu Yao was sincerely grateful to Song Weilin for teaching him experience like this.

This is also the biggest gain in his current life.

Song Weilin smiled and said: “Okay, let’s eat breakfast first, if you have anything or want to talk about something in the future, you can come to me, although uncle is not as good as you, but at least he has eaten more than twenty years of rice than you, and his life experience is richer than you.” ”


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