The sales of the Firefish version of the Transformers series of toys in Xia Guo have been going all the way.

And on the third day of release, the world’s bigwigs gathered in the East China Sea again to bid for the distribution agency rights of Transformers toys in various countries.

This time, the distributor’s agency right is even hotter than the previous two, allowing Firefish to earn more than 20 billion Xia Guoyuan just by bidding for the global distribution agency right.

Because every time the company bids for the distribution agency of Firefish, it can enjoy a wave of dividends and make the stock price rise.

Therefore, these bigwigs are willing to pay a higher price to compete for this agency right.

The bigwigs of the countries who succeeded in the election all returned to their countries with truckloads of Firefish Transformers toys.

Countless foreign players who have long been waiting for this Transformers toy have flocked to the stores that have obtained agency rights to buy, forming a wave of feverish rush purchases.

Firefish’s version of the Transformers series of toys has skyrocketed in sales again!! Global fire!!

Especially in the country of Millikian, they love Transformers to the bone, which is the big I they have seen since childhood!

The global influence of Transformers is even wider than Gundam.

And the gameplay is different, so it will not have a big sales impact on the gunpla of Firefish.

Therefore, Firefish’s Transformers series toys were only exported for a week.

In countries around the world, small robots can already be seen everywhere on the road, chatting with their owners, playing with them, or helping their owners move things.

Although the Transformers toy released by Firefish is only 1:10, this body size is already quite a lot.

Like the prototype of the bumblebee more than five meters tall, 1:10, that is, more than 50 centimeters tall.

And like Optimus Prime, the prototype is about ten meters high, then it has a height of almost 1 meter.

Such Transformer robots can already help their owners do a lot of things.

And Optimus Prime can transform into a heavy truck, even if it is 1:10, it is not small, at least people can sit on the carriage of this small heavy truck and drive…

As for the baby paper treasure, it can only tragically keep up with the footsteps of 10,000 bags, and can only launch low-end products and occupy the low-end Transformers toy market.

When could they have thought that the Xia Guo, whom they despised before, secretly mocked them for only following the trend, pirating their toys, and mixing and eating in the low-end market.

Now because of a firefish, toy giants like them are forced to be reduced to eating scraps in the low-end market.


At the same time, in a military research laboratory in Millikian.

A bunch of scientists and a few men in military uniforms are studying a few firefish Transformers toys.

“The self-destruct device of this toy is so advanced that if we forcibly disassemble it, we will self-destruct the electronic components inside, which is very difficult.” A professor with eyes, shaking his head and sighing.

“Look here, just now we shot a machine gun at this transformer, and these bullet holes actually began to slowly recover!” A man in military uniform, with some gray hair, pointed to the bullet holes in shock.

“What kind of material is this firefish made of, this is simply a self-healing armor!” Those scientists also said with amazement on their faces.

“Professor Aoun, can you extract the technical information from these transformers?” The man in military uniform, with some gray hair, pressed the shock in his heart and asked a professor.

The bespectacled professor shook his head and said helplessly: “Admiral Kaji, you better hurry up and report, the technology used in Firefish’s Transformers toys is more advanced than we thought.” ”


On Xia Guo’s side, during this week, Chu Yao stayed in the Firefish Park.

Because he wants to build a personal laboratory of his own.

There was such a laboratory in the construction drawings that Nuwa designed for him before.

A few days ago, news came from Xia Guo Railway Construction that this laboratory has been completed.

Therefore, Chu Yao came to this laboratory for acceptance, and used the toy factory to create some robots, and let Nuwa manipulate these robots to continue to transform the entire laboratory.

Chu Yao’s goal is to build a personal laboratory like the one owned by Tony Stark in Iron Man.

Make this personal laboratory your own home base!

To this end, it took him a full 9 days, and this personal laboratory was finally transformed by Nuwa.

The appearance of this laboratory looks like a big fish with these two big wings!

There are five floors inside.

It has a floor-to-ceiling glass design with a good view.

It also distinguishes between living areas and experimental areas.

Chu Yao named this laboratory “Kun”!

There is a fish in the north, and its name is kun!!

That is, the mythical beast in the ancient myths and legends of the Xia Kingdom!

In the entire Firefish Park, there will be various small flying insects controlled by Nuwa around it, which are specially used to monitor the entire area.

Moreover, the building materials of ‘Kun’ are very special, and they have also been transformed by Nuwa, which can easily withstand the bombardment of ordinary missiles!

At this time, Chu Yao was standing in front of a huge machine in the ‘Kun’ experimental area.

This machine is a device separated from the closed laboratory of the black technology toy factory.

【Ding! The owner has selected the ‘Mark 50nm Armor’ in the Iron Man series of toys, should it be produced now? If so, the corresponding material is placed on the conveyor belt and the nanomaterials required in the system space are automatically consumed. 】

After Chu Yao heard the sound of the system, he directly spoke: “Nuwa, are you there?” ”

“Master, is there anything you want to order Nuwa?”

A bright light flashed, and Nuwa’s figure in a red brocade robe appeared directly in front of Chu Yao.

“Put a set of materials needed for the Mark’s 50nm armor into the transport belt.” Chu Yao said commandingly.

That’s right! Chu Yao was going to manufacture the Iron Man armor in the black technology toy system at this time.

A few days ago, the gold titanium alloy that Song Weilin got for him, as well as the special materials that Fang Mingyue asked people to send over for himself, have all been transported here.

So, he finally has enough materials to make some of the armor in the Iron Man series.

“Yes, master.” Nuwa answered, and then manipulated some robotic arms in the experimental area and put all the required materials on the transport belt of this equipment in front of Chu Yao.

【Ding! The production conditions of ‘Mark 50nm Armor’ in the Iron Man series of toys have been met and are being manufactured…】

Soon, the system’s prompt sounded in Chu Yao’s mind again.

And all the information about the use of ‘Mark 5 nano armor’ was transmitted to his mind by the system.

He couldn’t help but swallow his saliva!

This is the most handsome transformation armor in Iron Man!

When he was watching Avengers 3, when he saw Tony transform, he was simply handsome!

And now, he will soon be able to have the same Mark 50nm armor !!

Such a great ‘toy’, he naturally can’t sell it.

This is the guarantee of your own safety!

It’s like Song Weilin told him before, we must ‘think of danger in peace, some things, not afraid of 10,000, just in case.'”

Therefore, he wanted to create this set of Mark 50nm armor so quickly, just to make himself stronger.

Only if his own strength is strong enough, then any obstacles and conspiracies can be shattered by him! !

After all, this set of Mark 50nm armor can have very powerful weapon firepower!!

That’s a deterrent!!

Let no one dare to act rashly against him!!


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