Without letting Chu Yao wait long, a robotic arm was delivered to him with a nanoparticle memory (Mark50).

Chu Yao weighed the weight of this nanoparticle memory (Mark50) in his hand, which was quite weighty.

The shape is an inverted triangle-like ark reactor shape, the size of a palm.

The nanoparticles are usually stored in this reservoir, which is convenient to wear at any time.

When activated, it can directly cover part of the body or the whole body, and can also transform into other auxiliary weapons or propulsion devices.

This suit can be converted into weapons such as long shields, round shields, small hand cannons, large pulse electromagnetic hand cannons, tail wings, long swords, foot hammers, small hand hammers, large hand hammers, four-corner foot buckles, gloves, etc., and is also equipped with basic weapons such as missiles, palm arc pulse cannons, and artillery shells.

This is also why Chu Yao wanted to find Fang Mingyue and the country to ask for special materials.

Because the reactor energy used by the Mark 50 requires a lot of nuclear materials.

And some weapons also require a lot of state-controlled materials, special metals and so on.

Just like Tony in the original movie, the Mark 2 was made of ordinary alloy, but it flew too high and froze, causing the entire armor system to collapse, almost falling to death, and then replacing the gold titanium alloy used to make satellites.

Therefore, Chu Yao got the special materials from the country, as well as the gold-titanium alloy obtained from Song Weilin, after the transformation of the black technology toy factory, integrated into the nanomaterials sent by the system, which successfully created this set of Mark 50 nano armor!

“Nuwa, connect me to this Mark50nm armor control system.”

Chu Yao couldn’t wait to try this set of Mark 50nm armor.

After all, when he watched “Iron Man”, he fantasized about being able to have a steel armor like Tony!

This is a god comparable to the body of a mortal!!

“Good host… Nuwa has taken over the control system of Mark’s 50nm armor, please use it with confidence. ”

In the “Iron Man” movie, Tony’s steel armor is all in charge of artificial intelligence Jarvis.

And Chu Yao has Nuwa, so naturally let her be his artificial intelligence assistant.

After hearing that Nuwa had been connected, Chu Yao directly took this nanoparticle memory (Mark50) to his chest.

“Let’s first see the capabilities of this set of Mark 50nm armor!” Chu Yao said, and directly pressed the nanoparticle memory (Mark50) on his chest twice to activate it!

I saw that this nanoparticle memory (Mark50) instantly lit up with white light, and then a layer of metal skeleton diffused directly from the nanoparticle memory.

In just a few seconds, Chu Yao’s entire body was covered!

And, after the mask armor is covered, the two eyes also light up!!

Chu Yao looked at the floor-to-ceiling mirror on the wall.

This set of Mark 50nm armor colors is for famous and warp colors!!

The overall silhouette of the fuselage is even more close, showing Chu Yao’s tall figure, and the appearance is very cool!

It can be said that this set of outfits! Straight handsome to the explosion!!

“Okay, Nuwa starts the helmet monitor! Let’s try the upper body experience of this battle armor first,” Chu Yao said towards Nuwa.

Although the system has already transmitted the information about the use of the Mrk50 nano armor to his mind, he now only has knowledge and no practical experience, so he has to try it first.

“Good host!” Nuwa answered obediently.

As Nuwa’s voice fell, all the equipment and furniture in Chu Yao’s sight were loaded, which could display the specific information of each thing.

It’s just sci-fi to the point of explosion!!

“Let’s start with 1% axial load support capacity!” Chu Yao said as he stood firmly on his legs, and the injectors in the palms of his hands were down: “Ready!” Three, two, one! ”

As soon as his voice fell! The ejector under his feet and palm suddenly activated, spewing out propulsion energy, directly allowing him to float in the air!!

“Groove! I can fly! This is simply handsome!! Chu Yao was still experiencing this feeling of being able to fly in the air for the first time, and he directly shouted with excitement!

“Master, do you want to start the virtual walking procedure?” Nuwa’s voice continued to come through!

“Start!” Chu Yao maneuvered the Mark 50nm armor and landed on the ground.

“The owner’s walking habits are being loaded, the virtual environment is being measured… Please wait… Loaded complete! Nuwa continued.

“Nuwa check the weather conditions, as well as air traffic control, and start listening to ground control information!” Chu Yao couldn’t wait to experience it in a wider sky.

It’s night at this time, and you can cover yourself up well!! It’s just the right time and place!!

“Master, everything is ready! The balcony door of the experimental area has been opened for you! Nuwa said with a smile.

“OK! Three, two, one! As soon as Chu Yao’s words fell, he activated the jets under his feet and palms again, and the whole person took off and flew again!

Then a sharp acceleration, the body tilted, and the whole person directly “roared” and flew out from the balcony of the experimental area!!

Chu Yao’s entire body, just because of a meteor, flew directly into the sky!!

“Wow!!” Chu Yao directly cheered loudly!!

He maneuvered the Mark 50nm armor and flipped 360 degrees in the air, happy like a fool!!

“Master, how do you feel?” Nuwa asked with concern.

“It’s so cool! Simply a fantastic experience! “Chu Yao was excited to fly around the air, so cool that his scalp was numb!!

This is the real mortal body comparable to the gods!!

When the Bumblebee was produced before, it was never the ability that his body could exert, but now the Mark 50nm armor completely belongs to its own power!

If he went back to the scene of the accident that day, he was wearing this set of Mark 50nm armor, and one person could lift the big truck!!

Chu Yao had already flown to an altitude of five or six kilometers at this time, and could overlook the entire night view of Donghai City! And the rolling Yangtze River on the side!!

“Nuwa! What is the most extreme aircraft altitude for a global fighter? “Chu Yao plans to test the performance of this set of Mark 50 nanometer armor!

“The host! At present, the most extreme fighter height is 32,000 meters! Nuwa’s beautiful voice came from her ears.

“Very good! Records are meant to be broken! Come on!! Rush me!! Chu Yao shouted, and his leg suddenly turned into a large rocket injector!

The speed increased sharply to 8 kilometers per second!!!!

Quickly penetrate the atmosphere of Sky Blue Star!!

Came to space!! _

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