“Wow!! It’s so cool!! “Chu Yao stopped above space, overlooking the entire sky blue planet!!

Most of the planet is blue oceans, city lights dotted with sky blue stars, and the most beautiful aurora!!

That unique perspective is simply amazing!!

“Hahaha!! I am also the first person to fly into space to overlook the sky and blue star!! Chu Yao exclaimed in comfort.

This Mark50nm armor has an efficient system that converts carbon dioxide into oxygen, a fairly advanced distributed heating/cooling system, or a magical thermostat!

So even if Chu Yao is in space, he still doesn’t have any discomfort!

After all, Tony in the movie wore this set of Mark 50nm armor to fight on an alien planet!

Moreover, Chu Yao also tried, this set of Mark 50 nanometer armor can be manipulated with consciousness.

Through the neuromechanical interface in the helmet, it reads his brainwaves to operate.

It was as if the Mark5 nano armor had become a part of his body, and the armor would react with one thought.

Its energy sources come from a variety of sources, including solar energy, batteries, and a built-in generator that absorbs beta particles, as well as the ark reactor in Chu Yao’s chest.

Warframe can also absorb surrounding energy sources such as heat and kinetic energy and convert them into electricity, and even directly absorb electricity to charge the battery.

Nuwa can use the internal and external sensors of the warframe to provide Chu Yao with strategic information and real-time status reports of the warframe.

It can be said that this set of Mar50 nano armor is simply perfect to the explosion!!

“Master, please note that there is a space satellite approaching, and Nuwa suggests that the master return home.” At this moment, Nuwa suddenly began to prompt Chu Yao.

“OK, then let’s go back! Help me navigate Tokai City! “Chu Yao directly reversed direction and launched at full speed to return to Sky Blue Star!

After all, at this time, he didn’t want to be known by others so quickly that he had created a black technology like a steel armor.

Nuwa quickly displayed the navigation route of Donghai City in Chu Yao’s line of sight.

Chu Yao followed the route, like a meteor falling, quickly descended and successfully landed back into his ‘Kun’ experimental building.

“Nuwa, cut off the power, it’s here today.” Chu Yao said with satisfaction.

“Yes, master.” Nuwa replied.

As the words fell, the Mark 50nm armor on Chu Yao’s body began to retract towards the nanoparticle memory on his chest, and finally all returned to this palm-sized nanoparticle memory!

“It’s really cool!” Chu Yao looked down at the nanoparticle memory on his chest, and was no longer willing to take it off.

Picked up a coat and put it directly on his body, blocking the nanoparticle memory.


Early the next morning, Chu Yao called Fang Mingyue and asked her to meet in the Firefish Garden.

Because the three thousand original Transformers that Chu Yao promised to give her have already been produced by the toy factory.

At two o’clock in the afternoon, not long after Chu Yao came to the laboratory, his phone rang.

“Hello? Miss Fang? Chu Yao connected the phone and said.

“Well, I’ve already arrived at the gate of the Firefish Park, where are you?” Fang Mingyue’s cold voice came from the mobile phone.

Let Chu Yao’s mind suddenly appear her beautiful and elegant figure.

“Oh, you can’t wait to see me?” Chu Yao couldn’t help but want to tease this cold female soldier.

When Fang Mingyue heard his words, she was obviously silent for a while, and then her cold voice came again: “I came to get what you gave me.” ”

Chu Yao pouted, this female soldier really didn’t understand the style, and she didn’t bother to tease this ice cube, and said directly: “You just wait at the door, I’ll go over to find you.” ”

“Okay, I’ll wait for you.” Fang Mingyue replied softly and hung up the phone.

“Hey? Groove, I haven’t finished talking yet, so hang me up? ”

Chu Yao looked at the hung up mobile phone, rolled his eyes angrily, could only put it in his pocket casually, and walked outside.

This Fang Mingyue person looks like a fairy, but his personality is a little strange.

Chu Yao drove the Chevrolet Camaro that Bumblebee turned into and drove directly to the door of the Firefish Park.

When he arrived at the door, he saw two army-green jeeps parked on the side of the road.

Fang Mingyue wore a long white dress on her exquisite body, standing in front of the military vehicle in the autumn breeze.

The slightly swaying skirt, illuminated by the warm afternoon sun, really fluttered out like a Lingbo fairy.

Chu Yao parked the car beside her, lowered the window, looked at her beautiful figure that floated out of the dust, and looked at her with some gambling: “Put ice cubes, why did you hang up my phone so quickly just now?” I’m not done yet. ”

Fang Mingyue turned around and looked at him with a low beautiful little face: “I’m sorry, I won’t be like this next time.” ”

Chu Yao didn’t expect her to apologize so seriously, so she could only roll her eyes and say, “Okay, I don’t blame you.” ”

As he spoke, he glanced at Fang Mingyue’s not far behind, only to find that there were still six young female soldiers standing there.

However, at this time, these six female soldiers looked at him with strange looks.

His eyes widened as if there was an incredulous expression.

Isn’t Instructor Fang usually serious and smiling?

In their hearts, they all respected and feared each other’s instructors, and they had a feeling of being unapproachable.

And at this time, they actually saw Instructor Fang, who made them awe, and bowed his head to a man to apologize seriously?

It simply filled their hearts with shock and incredulity.

“Hey! Hello. Chu Yao saw the expressions of these six female soldiers, but he thought it was quite interesting, and waved at them.

“You… Hello. These six female soldiers hurriedly saluted Chu Yao and gave him a military salute.

Chu Yao scratched his head, was he so scary?

How can the person who put the ice cubes out be as strange as her?

Chu Yao shook his head and said to Fang Mingyue: “Put ice cubes, I will give you three thousand original transformers, in an open space in the park, I will take you over and get it.” ”

“Oh.” Fang Mingyue nodded gently, and her beautiful eyes with outstanding demeanor looked at him, but did not move, but calmly continued: “I don’t call it to put ice cubes, my name is Fang Mingyue.” ”

“Oh… Sorry, I misremembered. Chu Yao saw her protesting so formally the nickname he gave her, and he was also a little laughing, and he was embarrassed to tease her anymore.

“Well, I forgive you.” Fang Mingyue blinked her beautiful eyes and said coldly.

Chu Yao climbed a few black lines on the door of his head, waved his hand and said, “Okay, you guys follow me.” ”

With that, he didn’t talk to her anymore, raised the window, and turned the car around.

Fang Mingyue also turned around, and the group got into the two military vehicles.

Chu Yao watched them get into the car from the rearview mirror, only then started the car and drove towards the location where the three thousand original Transformers were parked. _

Feilu reminds you: read three things – favorites, recommendations, and points

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