A large open space in the Firefish Park is filled with various Autobots of various Transformers series, as well as Decepticon Force models and aircraft.

Chu Yao took Fang Mingyue and his group to this place and looked at the three thousand original transformers that could not be seen at the end.

The six female soldiers directly widened their eyes and their faces were full of shock.

“Miss Fang, everything I sent you is here, you can find a way to get it back yourself.” Chu Yaochao was standing beside him, looking at Fang Mingyue, who was looking at this large original Transformer, and said with interest.

“Okay, thank you Chu Yao.” Fang Mingyue still thanked him indifferently.

Chu Yao rolled his eyes, took out a U from his car, handed it to her and said, “This is the instruction for use, you can also take it to study.” ”

“Hmm.” Fang Mingyue took it and carefully hid it closely.

Then, he took out the phone, dialed a call, and hung up again after only saying two words, as always saving words like gold.

Soon, not long after, Chu Yao suddenly heard the sound of a buzzing propeller in the sky.

Looking up curiously, five large army-green transport helicopters actually came in the distance.

“This is here to take over these Transformers?” Chu Yao asked Fang Mingyue beside him curiously.

It seems that the military attaches great importance to this batch of original Transformers, and has sent five large military green transport helicopters.

“Well, this is sent by our military district.” Fang Mingyue nodded gently, her tone still ancient.

Chu Yao suddenly felt a little pity for her, she was young, how could she seem to have lost the liveliness and beauty that a girl should have?

Is this her own personality, or is it the environment she has been in since she was a child, which made her grow up like this?

After thinking about it, Chu Yao suddenly said to Fang Mingyue, who was standing quietly beside him: “Remember when I gave you the technical information that day, there was still a request to keep it?” I want to fulfill that now. ”

“Well, if you have any requirements, just put it forward, as long as I can do it, I will satisfy you.” Fang Mingyue answered gently, raised her Qingli little face to look at him, and continued to ask calmly.

“My request is to requisition all of your remaining time today, is this okay?” Chu Yao continued to speak towards her.

Fang Mingyue nodded slightly, blinked Qingli Meimei and looked at him and said, “No problem, do you need me to do anything for you?” ”

Chu Yao opened his car door, looked at Fang Mingyue and said, “Then get in the car, just hand it over to your people here to receive, we don’t have to stay here.” ”

Fang Mingyue glanced at him, reached out and brushed his hair on his forehead that was disturbed by the wind blowing by the helicopter in the air to his ear, obediently opened the door of his co-pilot, and sat in the car.

After Chu Yao waited for Fang Mingyue to seriously buckle his seat belt, he started the car, but did not leave directly, but stopped next to the six female soldiers, and then said to Fang Mingyue: “You better explain to them, it’s not good for us to leave silently.” ”

“Hmm.” Fang Mingyue nodded lightly and told the six female soldiers that they would go on a mission, and let them stay here to assist the military personnel to receive it.

When Chu Yao heard her say that she was going to carry out a mission, she immediately rolled her eyes, but did not say anything, waved at the six female soldiers, and started the car again under their salute, driving towards the firefish.

Along the way, the car was a little dull, and Ming Yue just sat quietly in the co-pilot and did not speak.

Chu Yao couldn’t help but ask her: “Miss Fang, don’t you want to know what I want to do when I requisitioned your time today?” ”

The window of the car had been closed, and he vaguely seemed to smell a faint fragrance of snow lotus permeating Fang Mingyue’s body.

The inside of the car seemed to be glued to her smell.

“You can do whatever you want me to do.” Fang Mingyue looked back at him, and a cold voice came out of her petal small mouth.

Swoosh! With a sound, Chu Yao almost lost his breath and glanced at her beautiful eyes through the rearview mirror.

Doesn’t she know that this sentence is easy to make people cranky?

Ahem! Forget it, how could she know!

It’s that my thinking is a little dirty, and I will think about it even if I say a normal sentence.

Chu Yao shook his head, put aside the distractions in his mind, and said casually: “Let’s go to Qianda Plaza in the city first, your time today is mine, just follow me.” ”

“Hmm.” Fang Mingyue nodded and didn’t say anything more.

Chu Yao also understood her nature, and did not think about anything with her.

He requisitioned her time today to take her to relax, go shopping casually and so on, so that she can live the life that a girl of her age should live.

Although, putting such a requirement on this is obviously a bit wasteful.

But for Chu Yao, there is nothing to regret.

After all, he still has a lot to negotiate terms with the state.

As for why he wanted to take Fang Mingyue out to relax and live the life a girl should live.

It may be because she has continuously protected herself for three months, let Chu Yao return to her.

Because Chu Yao sometimes watched the videos sent to him by Nuwa, Fang Mingyue was in danger too many situations in order to protect him.

There were even spies who shot at her with sniper rifles…

Therefore, Chu Yao always felt that he had some conscience that he couldn’t live with, and for him, Fang Mingyue’s team really protected his surroundings with their lives.

Not long after, Chu Yao drove the car to Qianda Plaza in the city.

After Chu Yao greeted Fang Mingyue to get out of the car, he walked towards the square.

Although many people say that women are born to love shopping.

But obviously, Fang Mingyue is such a special case.

Chu Yao took her around the first floor, and then walked to the second floor, her beautiful fairy face was still the same ancient well.

“Hey, Miss Fang, I took you out shopping, why don’t you seem to be happy?” Chu Yao looked at Fang Mingyue who was walking beside him a little sullenly and said.

“I’m not unhappy.” Fang Mingyue raised her beautiful little face to look at him and said calmly.

Are you still unhappy?

Chu Yao pouted, and patiently said to her: “Miss Fang, don’t you really take this as a mission, okay?” Do you know what the biggest benefit of coming out for a stroll is? ”

Fang Mingyue blinked her beautiful eyes, and her small mouth opened slightly: “What is it?” ”

“Naturally, no matter how many people you meet or how beautiful the scenery is, you stroll, and on the next encounter, you suddenly reacquaint yourself with yourself.” Chu Yao said with a serious face.

“Hmm.” Fang Mingyue nodded in understanding.

She usually never goes shopping, except for performing tasks, she is staying in the military region, and she really doesn’t understand what Chu Yao is talking about.

Chu Yao saw that she was still thinking about her words to fool her, and she was a little funny in her heart, and continued to speak: “It’s hard to come out to shop, you should think about what you want to buy, maybe give it to your family, or friends, there must be some gains, this understands?” ”

Fang Mingyue nodded gently: “Understood.” ”


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