Chu Yao took advantage of the improvement of his physique through optimization liquid, and deliberately took Fang Mingyue from the second floor, and walked the entire square up and down several floors.

And just when passing by a men’s clothing store, Fang Mingyue suddenly stopped.

“What for?” Chu Yao looked curiously at Fang Mingyue, who stopped beside him.

“Chu Yao, that tie looks good.” Fang Mingyue stretched out her jade finger and clicked on the display case not far in front of her, and a plastic model said softly with a tie around her neck.

Chu Yao looked in the direction she pointed, it turned out to be a royal blue tie, the design was really good, both fashionable and energetic.

“It’s pretty good.” Chu Yao said casually.

“Let’s go check it out.” Fang Mingyue said softly, and already strolled into this clothing store.

Let the shopping guide who greeted her take the tie down and show her.

“Dear lady, you really have a good eye, this is our latest limited tie of Versace this year, and we only have two in the store.”

The shopping guide said to Fang Mingyue with a smile, then took out a delicate gift box from the counter, took out a new tie of the same style from it and handed it to her.

“Chu Yao, can you come in.” Fang Mingyue took the tie and looked at it, raised Qingli’s little face and said to Chu Yao outside.

“Why do you suddenly want to buy a tie.” Chu Yao had to walk in and come to her side.

Fang Mingyue did not speak, took the tie and approached Chu Yao a few steps, stood in front of him, gestured in front of his neck, and then suddenly wrapped the tie around his neck and tied him carefully.

“Oh… You’re not going to pick it for me, are you? Chu Yao’s heart suddenly jumped, and he subconsciously wanted to take a step back.

“Chu Yao, don’t move.” Fang Mingyue raised her Qingli little face to look at him and said softly.

“Oh!” Chu Yao looked at the focused expression on the beautiful snow face that was close at hand, and the fragrance coming from the end of his nose, and suddenly did not dare to move.

The shopping guide looked at the tall and handsome man and the beautiful woman, and showed a knowing smile and praised: “You two are very affectionate.” ”

“We are comrades-in-arms, not small couples.” Fang Mingyue carefully sorted out Chu Yao’s neckline, but said with a serious face.

When Chu Yao heard this, he was a little dumbfounded.

When did we become comrades-in-arms?

“Isn’t that a deeper feeling for your comrades-in-arms? Maybe it will develop into a small couple in the future. Seeing their actions, the shopping guide thought that the girl was shy, and continued with a smile.

Chu Yao also did not speak, looking at Fang Mingyue’s beautiful little face with interest, wanting to see how she would react.

Fang Mingyue also did not speak, probably not wanting to explain anything, inadvertently raised his head, just touched Chu Yao’s gaze, and soon lowered his head again.

“Wrap it up for me, I’m going to get this one.” Fang Mingyue took a few steps back and turned back to the shopping guide and said softly.

“Okay.” The shopping guide quickly answered.

When Chu Yao and Fang Mingyue went to check out, they saw that the price was more than 10,000 yuan.

Chu Yao was trying to pay.

Fang Mingyue took a step ahead of him and handed over the bank card: “I’ll pay.” ”

“I’ll do it anyway.” Chu Yao also handed over his bank card.

Fang Mingyue turned around and blinked her Qingli eyes and looked at him: Yao, what you said, there is a harvest, send a friend. ”

Chu Yao heard her short words, saying that she was saying that she had just taught, it was difficult to go shopping, and she should think about what she wanted to buy, maybe give it to her family, or she had to gain something.

However, he wanted her to stop being so monotonous, to buy something that a girl her age should like, or to buy some gifts for family and friends.

Unexpectedly, she wanted to buy it and give it to herself…

“But…” Chu Yao still wanted to say something.

“Chu Yao, you said that.” Fang Mingyue stubbornly repeated again.

Under the gaze of her beautiful eyes, Chu Yao finally lost the battle, took back her bank card, and let her pay the bill.

This beautiful female soldier is really so simple that he can’t bear to be hurt.

After settling the bill and leaving the Versace flagship store, Chu Yao put on a dressed tie and looked at the beautiful woman walking beside him, and sighed a little in his heart.

He originally wanted to take her out shopping to repay her, but she gave herself a gift.

Fang Mingyue treated him like this, which made Chu Yao a little embarrassed.

So, when passing by a Chanel flagship store, Chu Yao unconsciously stopped.

“After the Mid-Autumn Festival, the weather is also starting to get cold, so I’ll give you a winter scarf.” Chu Yao looked back at Fang Mingyue beside him and said.

“I’m not afraid of the cold.” Fang Mingyue shook her head and said softly.

“Have you forgotten that your time today has been requisitioned by me? You have to listen to me. Chu Yao said with a grin.

“Hmm.” Fang Mingyue raised her Qingli little face to look at him and nodded slightly.

Chu Yao was secretly a little funny, and took Fang Mingyue into this Chanel flagship store.

After telling the shopping guide that she needed to buy a scarf brought by a girl.

The two were taken to Chanel’s scarf section.

Looking at this different, flowery green scarf, Chu Yao came up with a mischievous mentality again.

Pick up one beautiful scarf after another, and ask Fang Mingyue to bring it to try.

Fang Mingyue obediently took the scarf handed over by Chu Yao and carefully wrapped it around his neck.

There is not the slightest hint of impatience or complaint.

Fang Mingyue was originally a beautiful temperament girl, no matter what style or color of scarf she wore, she was so elegant and idyllic, and she was smart.

Even the shopping guide waiting next to her couldn’t help but praise Fang Mingyue’s natural beauty, no matter which one she brought was good-looking.

This also illustrates the saying that people are beautiful and everything they wear beautifully.

Chu Yao looked at this fairy-like beautiful female soldier on the side, and couldn’t help but light up his eyes.

Every time Fang Mingyue pulled up the scarf she handed over, she looked so elegant and beautiful.

It is said that people rely on clothing, but on Fang Mingyue’s body, it is the other way around, and it is she who makes the scarf look better.

Whether it is a retro model or a fashion model, it is set off by her different beautiful tastes.

This made Chu Yao also sigh a little in his heart, this Fang Mingyue is estimated to be the top military flower in the military region, and it is indeed too beautiful to say.

At least, it is already the top rank of women I have seen.

After Fang Mingyue carefully wrapped up a blue-white scarf again and stood in front of Chu Yao and waited for him to see it, he picked up several scarves that he had deliberately picked out just now, intending to show them to him.

“No need to try.” Chu Yao sighed and reached out to press on those scarves.

For such a simple Fang Mingyue, he really couldn’t bear to tease her.

In my heart, I also felt a little helpless about my own prank.

“Isn’t it pretty?” Fang Mingyue blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at him quietly.

“No, you look good in whatever you wear.” Chu Yao looked at the beautiful female soldier in front of him and said honestly.

“Hmm.” Fang Mingyue replied gently, and reached out to untie the scarf on Xue’s neck.

“Just buy this, it’s quite suitable for you.” Chu Yao took the blue and white scarf she had untied and seemed to carry her body temperature and fragrance.

Then secretly complained about how he was thinking about it again, and quickly handed the scarf to the shopping guide on the side and said, “Wrap it for me.” ”

“Yes, sir.” The shopping guide hurriedly replied.

This time, Chu Yao naturally swiped his own card to pay the bill.

This scarf is still a limited edition, and it just arrived today, and the entire East China Sea of the same style is this one.

Of course, the price is also worth the price, more than 20,000 yuan.

Sure enough, these luxury brands sell design and brand value, and the cost of this scarf is estimated to be not even half, right?


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