“Do you want me to bring it for you?” After Chu Yao settled the account, he glanced at Fang Mingyue’s delicate and white snow neck, and ghostly picked up this blue-white cashmere scarf and said to her.

“Today the East China Sea is 26 degrees.” Fang Mingyue glanced at him strangely and said.

“Oh oh, it really doesn’t seem like a scarf today.” Chu Yao scratched his head a little embarrassed.

Fang Mingyue saw his embarrassed appearance, but her beautiful snow face showed a rare smile.

Unfortunately, it was fleeting, and the beauty was a little charming, and it quickly returned to its calm appearance.

Chu Yao was made to beat and plop down by her beautiful smile, and couldn’t help but smile and handed the scarf to her and said: “Miss Fang, in fact, you look good when you laugh, you should smile more.” ”

I have known her for so long, and I have always had a cold and repulsive expression, and this is the first time that Chu Yao has seen her smile.

It seems that it makes sense to take her out for a stroll today, at least she should be in a good mood, which is a rare smile.

“Chu Yao, thank you.” Fang Mingyue stretched out two snow-white little hands, took the scarf, and said softly.

But I don’t know if she is giving her a gift in Xie Chuyao, or what she is thanking.

“Okay, let’s go back, go to my house and sit for a while, I’m tired of shopping.” Chu Yao looked at the time, it had been two hours of shopping, so he said to her.

After the two of them got acquainted with each other a little just now, he had an inexplicable feeling in his heart about this dusty girl.

“Hmm.” Fang Mingyue nodded lightly and did not object.

The two went downstairs, walked out of Qianda Plaza, and re-sat in Chu Yao’s dazzling yellow Chevrolet Camaro.

This is not far from the Zhongshan villa area where Chu Yao lives, and ten minutes later, the car stopped in the courtyard of his No. 96 single-family villa.

“It’s your first time visiting me, right?” After Chu Yao got out of the car, Chao Fang Mingyue said.

“Hmm.” Fang Mingyue nodded lightly and looked around vigilantly.

“Don’t worry, my villa is very safe, I also have security protection, let’s go, follow me.” Chu Yao was a little amused when he saw her vigilant appearance, and walked to the villa with his own care.

Fang Mingyue glanced at him without speaking, quietly followed behind him and walked into the villa.

“Just find a place to sit, I’ll make you tea.” Chu Yao beckoned her to sit by herself, and then walked to the pantry.

It’s just that Chu Yao was just washing the cup when he heard footsteps.

When I raised my head, I saw Fang Mingyue holding her white jade tea cup and a white jade tea pot, and walked in from outside.

“Are you afraid I’ll poison?” Chu Yao rolled his eyes at her and said.

Fang Mingyue shook her head, raised her white jade tea pot and said lightly: “Last time you said that this tea smelled good, I brought it in my bag, do you want to drink it?” ”

“Okay, I’ll go clubbing myself.” The tea aroma that Fang Mingyue made tea before Chu Qi was not polite this time, and he nodded directly and said.

Fang Mingyue handed him the white jade tea pot, and then took his own leaf pot to get hot water.

Chu Yao looked at the exquisite white jade tea in his hand and muttered secretly in his heart.

The east used by this Qingli female soldier is also too delicate, right?

Shaking his head, he took a tea cup he had just washed and popped some tea leaves from the white jade tea pot.

Glancing at Fang Mingyue, who was receiving hot water, he also leaned over to collect water.

Not to mention, Fang Mingyue’s tea is really quite special, and as soon as it is brewed in hot water, you can smell the light and elegant fragrance.

I blew hot air and drank a sip of tea, and suddenly had a feeling of lip mouth.

When the two returned to the living room, Fang Mingyue was sitting quietly on the sofa drinking fragrant tea and did not speak.

Chu Yao was also used to her nature, and took the initiative to ask her: “I’ll invite you out for dinner tonight, what do you like to eat?” ”

“I want to do it myself.” When Fang Mingyue heard this, she gently put down the white jade teacup she was holding in her hand, raised her beautiful little face and looked at him and said.

“You know how to cook?” Chu Yao looked her up and down suspiciously and said.

Looking at her white dress fluttering, beautiful and dusty appearance, shouldn’t she just drink dew like a fairy? Can you cook?

Fang Mingyue nodded, shook her head again and said, “When I was on a mission before, I tried to get something to eat in the wilderness, but the taste may not be very good. ”

Chu Yao rolled his eyes, the taste is not very good, you dare to say that you did it yourself?

He knew how someone like her who had been staying in the military area could have time to learn cooking, and it took her time to train and perform tasks every day.

“Let me help you, you haven’t used my kitchen yet, you don’t know where to put a lot of things, and there is still some food in the refrigerator.” Chu Yao thought about it, but still spoke.

During this time, if Song Wanqing came to him, he would buy a bunch of food to fill his refrigerator and cook for him.

She has been studying for half a month, and now she is doing it well.

“Hmm.” Fang Mingyue answered and did not speak again.

Chu Yao saw that the time was still early and was not in a hurry to cook, so he casually turned on the TV and chose a central mother station, drinking tea while watching the news.

“The latest international news, today Millikan and the Sun Country announced that they will hold air force military exercises in the Great Pingyang the day after tomorrow, and this time point is very close to our Xia Guo National Day, obviously, these two countries want to take the opportunity to carry out strategic strikes on our Xia Country, want to show their strong military strength, and consolidate Millikian’s status as a strong country…”

Seeing this news, Chu Yao frowned slightly.

This Millikan and the Sun Country are really shameless, taking advantage of the time when our Xia Country is going to hold a military parade on the National Day to show its strength to the world.

Just come to Dapingyang to conduct air force military exercises, this is obviously doing something.

Milliken’s F22 stealth fighter is recognized as the world’s first and the world’s first fifth-generation fighter into service.

For all fifth-generation fighters in the world, the 4S standard was established.

It became a benchmark that latecomers had to follow.

Therefore, even if our Xia Kingdom is already developing and catching up at a high speed, it is still lagging behind the military strength of the Air Force compared to Milikian.

At this moment, a mobile phone prompt sounded in Fang Mingyue’s bag.

Fang Mingyue took out her mobile phone and glanced at the information, then raised Qingli Xueyan and said to Chu Yao: “Tomorrow I will temporarily leave Donghai City, and our Xia Kingdom will also conduct military exercises in our own sea the day after tomorrow, and I have received a task to participate.” ”

Chu Yao nodded in understanding, and couldn’t help but care about her: “Then you have to pay attention to safety.” ”

He knows that our Xia Kingdom is being prepared, the Great Flat Ocean is the high seas, they want to conduct military exercises, and our Xia Country can’t control it.

But if they dare to break into the waters of the Xia Kingdom, then they will have to take measures…

Fang Mingyue glanced at him quietly and said softly: “You also pay attention to safety, my team will continue to stay here to guard you, and when I finish my mission, I will be back soon.” ”

Chu Yao grinned: “Don’t worry, I’m not as weak as you think, and I will take care of myself.” ”

Fang Mingyue did not speak, stretched out her white jade small hand to hold the white jade tea cup, and continued to drink the tea quietly, watching the news on TV. _

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