The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 961: wipe out

   More than 40 minutes later, a black Mercedes-Benz, escorted by two wheeled chariots painted with military camouflage, arrived at the gate of the Gare de l’Est.

First, the door of the wheeled chariot opened, and more than a dozen heavily armed men quickly got out of the car and alerted. Then, the door of the black Mercedes-Benz opened, and a fat man with red hair in a white suit, sunglasses, and a walking stick was holding a cane. The guy moved his bloated body before getting out of the car and hurried into the station.

Not all summoners are handsome, strong and tall, at least the red-haired fat guy in front of him is not. His bloated body looks like a pig that has been pampered in a pigsty for decades. They were shaking, and it seemed that it was difficult to even breathe.

   But it is such a person that makes everyone around him feel terrified.

   No matter how fat a summoner is, he is also a summoner. For ordinary people, the secret technique mastered by a three-dimensional summoner is like a god, and he can easily dominate the life, death and fate of the people around him.

   "Bastard, whoever dares me to make such a joke, I will kill him..."

   Walking in the hall of the station, the butcher was roaring, and the people around him were silent.

  The butcher is here!

  Have to come!

   When he heard that his arsenal had been stolen during the day and there was not a single hair left in it, the butcher who received the news rushed over in a hurry.

  The butcher thought if someone dared to make such a joke with him.

The things in the warehouse, those weapons, can easily arm two regiments, and in addition to the weapons, there are many valuable things in the warehouse that he just bought from outside, drinks, food, etc. The latter, in the current Paris, that's a real luxury.

Even if the warehouse is opened for 100 people to move, it may not be finished in one day. What's more, he inspected the warehouse only in the morning, and brought a piece of material out of the warehouse with his men and gave it to Sasha, Today is the decisive day he and Sasha agreed to fight. Just tonight, they have united with several other gangsters in Paris to wipe out the Chinese community in the 11th arrondissement.

There are several wholesale markets in the Chinese community in the 11th district. In those wholesale markets, there are many necessary daily necessities in Paris. The butcher has been jealous of those wholesale markets for a long time. If this operation can be successful, he can get 40% of the items in those wholesale markets will increase his wealth several times.

  I didn’t expect that this kind of problem would occur at such a critical moment.

What a joke, if the battle doesn't go well, his warehouse is also responsible for continuously delivering weapons to the front line. Now the person guarding the warehouse actually told him that the things in the warehouse were gone. He wanted to tell Sasha what to say. Sasha didn't believe it.

   Yesterday, Sasha wanted to borrow the tank he kept in the warehouse, but the butcher refused. If a tank is a weapon, if you really want to borrow it, you may not be able to get it back.

  The butcher dragged his bloated body and hurriedly walked into the warehouse.

   Looking at the empty warehouse, where there was not a single hair left, the butcher himself was stunned.

   "What's the matter?" His roar echoed in the empty warehouse. "Where are my weapons, and where are my houses, do they have their own feet, Fili, where did you say they went?"

  The butcher asked a man with fire-breathing eyes.

"Boss, these things just disappeared all of a sudden, I swear, we just stared at the surveillance screen, and then the things in this warehouse, on the surveillance screen, a large piece of myself disappeared, and then I sounded the alarm... "The greasy man in charge of the monitoring room was so frightened that he shivered when he spoke.

   "You mean these things are invisible to themselves?"

   "Yes, that's it!"

   "Is the surveillance video still there?"


   "Take me to the monitoring room!"

The butcher came to the surveillance room and watched the surveillance video just now. In the surveillance video, he first saw the four guards guarding the door of the warehouse fainted for no reason, then saw the door of the warehouse open, and then, inside the warehouse The things disappeared piece by piece.

   After watching the video, the monitoring room was silent.

  The butcher was stunned, silent for a long time.

"Boss, you see, this... It's none of my business. When we went down, we didn't meet anyone..." The greasy man in charge of the monitoring room saw the butcher's body trembling slightly, thinking that The boss was angry, he defended in a low voice, and then he saw their boss turned his head, his face was pale, his eyes were full of fear, their boss's body was shaking, not because of anger, But because of fear.

   As a summoner, the butcher knew when he saw the picture that the things in his warehouse disappeared, not because of the devil and God, but because they were robbed, and the person who robbed was the summoner.

  The butcher understands, a powerful summoner has come to Paris!

The reason is very simple, the summoner who can take all the equipment and materials in his entire warehouse must carry unimaginable top-level space equipment on his body and the secret mandala, and in the world of summoners, there are such things. A Summoner with various level space equipment is definitely the top existence among Summoners.

   Even in the whole of France, there are only a handful of such summoners.

   And the secret technique of invisibility, he seems to have heard before, that few summoners can fuse such a world bead.

   Don't look at him as a Summoner of the Three-Dimensional Realm. He seems to be a character in Paris, but such a Summoner wants to kill him like strangling an ant.

   Is this a warning? Or just do it?

  The butcher does not know!

   But the disappearance of the things in the warehouse was enough to make him terrified, feeling like a poor prey being targeted by a powerful predator.


   A few minutes later, under the **** of a large group of bodyguards, the butcher, whose face was as pale as a dead man, came out of the train station in panic and quickly got into his black Mercedes-Benz.

  The bodyguards got on the wheeled chariot and were about to **** the butcher away from the train station.


   The black Mercedes-Benz has just started, and has not walked ten meters yet.


   The terrifying explosion turned into a violent fire, instantly turning the whole car into pieces, and even a big hole was blown out on the ground, and all the glass of the surrounding buildings shattered.

   This is the explosive power of strong military liquid explosives.

   The bomb detonated, and no grass grew within 20 meters.

  The butcher in the car didn't react at all. He was already shattered into pieces in such a violent explosion. The silver codex he was holding was shattered and flew 100 meters away...


Just on the roof of a building next to the train station, Xia Ping'an, who was hiding his figure, calmly put away the remote control in his hand and shook his head. This butcher is also a Summoner of the Three-dimensional Realm. People are disappointed, they have no vigilance at all, and their actual combat ability is too poor.

Techniques such as water shield, for those who often fight and experience summoners, they must be trained as default trigger-type body protection techniques. The moment the bomb was detonated, he saw the butcher in the car just now. I wanted to respond, but it was too late. For experienced summoners, protection techniques such as water shield can be activated simultaneously when the bomb is detonated.

   If the butcher's water shield can be activated, it may not die.

   Xia Ping'an was about to summon an assassin to make up for his knife just now, but he didn't expect that the butcher didn't give him a chance to summon an assassin. He was too weak.


   Xia Ping'an secretly reminded himself that he must not become such a summoner.

   Looking at the Paris East Station, which was suddenly in a mess, Xia Ping'an's figure disappeared in the next second.


   District Located on the right bank of the Seine River in Paris, it is an area with the highest population density in Paris. Here, there are several large wholesale markets for Chinese in Paris, and many Chinese living in Paris live in the 11th district.

When    Xia Ping'an arrived in District 11, it was still dark, but around District 11, the sound of gunshots could be heard from time to time.

  This is the war zone of Paris!

The closer you get to District 11, the more you can see burned-to-ruin cars, smashed shops, burned-to-ruin building wreckage, and all kinds of uncomfortable things on the roadside walls. graffiti and those abandoned fences and street barriers barbed wire.

  Even in broad daylight, few people can be seen on the streets here. The only pedestrians that can be seen are mostly gangsters with weapons.

   The gangs who attacked the eleventh district were armed with the Chinese guards who defended the eleventh district. The two sides are now at a stalemate near the People's Square in the eleventh district...

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