The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 969: battle of gods

Chapter 969

This feeling of space transfer is not unfamiliar to Xia Ping'an. The colorful lights and shadows change in front of him, the surrounding space is distorted and messy, like lightning, and it seems like a long and incomparable sense of time contradictions are intertwined. At this time, Xia Ping'an just counted his heartbeat silently to confirm the passage of time. When his heart beat for the thirty-seventh time, the magical scene and feeling in front of him disappeared, and Xia Ping'an had been teleported to a strange place. , to be precise, it was sent to the clouds at a high altitude, and it was falling rapidly.

I go!

In just a short period of time, Xia Ping'an had already fallen hundreds of meters like a falling rock, and his entire body had passed through the thin cloud layer in the sky and appeared in the sky, and it was precisely because of this that he was able to See what's beneath the clouds.

The sight shocked Xia Ping'an.

Under the clouds, there is a huge plain with ravines and rocks everywhere. There is no vegetation on this plain. The whole plain is like a huge stone. Tens of thousands of meters below him, there is a plain across the plain. Mountains, no, that is an incomparably magnificent Great Wall, like a **** forged, built on the mountain, like a giant gate, guarding one end of the plain, the Great Wall is too long, Xia Ping'an looked around, only in his In line of sight, the long city wall, which is thousands of meters high, extends for tens of thousands of kilometers, just like the end of the earth.

At this moment, on this vast boulder plain, some black dots are moving. Xia Ping'an looked at it and saw some strange beasts on the ground leaping and running under the ground, rushing towards the long city wall. The alien beast, the white leopard without the electric light under it, jumping hundreds of meters in one jump, the Pegasus without wings, running on the ground while spreading its wings and gliding, not even the flaming bull , the ground shakes while running, every step on the ground, a flame will burst out of the ground, and under the blessing of the flame, this bull's body is looming, and it is a huge ditch that is thousands of meters long. In the blink of an eye, you can cross over.

In the sky, there are also some giant birds flying towards the Great Wall with their wings outstretched. There are no eagles, no luan birds, no pterosaurs, all kinds.

There are probably no less than seventy strange beasts. Looking at the eyes of the world, I know that these strange beasts are the transformation of the demigod summoners I imagined.

Just when Wanjie Zhu was surprised, a white giant eagle with a wingspan of no more than eight or seven meters flew by a thousand kilometers from the sides of Wanjie. The giant eagle also turned his head to see that he was in free fall. Wanjiezhu's glance, this look is very humanized, like looking at a silly bird, did he greet Wanjiezhu, or did he attack Xie Xingyue, just like Xie Xingyue's existence, he flew towards the Great Wall past.

As soon as the hearts of all the worlds moved, the whole person transformed into a crane in the air, and as soon as his wings spread, he chased down the giant eagle in a moment, followed in front of the giant eagle, and flew towards the Great Wall. past.

When they were less than a thousand meters away from the magnificent walls of the Great Wall, all kinds of birds in the world, and all kinds of exotic beasts running underground, one by one, their brilliance flashed and turned into human appearances.

Seventy people, no women or men, have different descriptions. The huge white eagle that Wanjie Zhu followed just now has become a strong man wearing a white cloak and a wolfskin hat, and this foot The flaming bull turned into an old man with two small copper earrings under one ear, with a thin body and a bright face.

Did those people say hello? Before revealing their true colors, they landed on their feet and continued to walk towards the magnificent Great Wall.

At that time, Xie Xingyue discovered that this magnificent Great Wall mountain range seemed to be some kind of metal. Within the wall of the Great Wall, there were hidden runes flowing one by one, bringing a faint coercion like the coming of a god, such as Taishan came oncoming, making people suffocate one's breath.

All worlds cannot be if, the Great Wall Mountains are definitely the work of summoners and demigods, and only gods can create such a majestic and terrifying architectural miracle.

Xie Xingyue followed in front of the team, also talking, but walking towards the city wall with these people.

When it was about 100 meters away from the city wall, he raised his head. The top of the city wall seemed to be under the sky, and the huge city wall was like a giant looking down at the people above.

"What are they doing in Wolongling?"

A deep voice came from under the city wall.

"You are from the Sanshen clan of Baiyunhai..." In the team, a white-faced man who had just turned into a white leopard raised his face and opened his mouth in a bitter hoarse voice, "The battle of the gods swept the world, and it would be difficult for Baishi Mountain. Fortunately, there is no place in the land of the gods that cannot be in the business. In the next few days, the small army that dominates the devil has not approached Baiyunhai, forcing the scattered gods of Baiyunhai to surrender. The blood of the upper demon **** has since become the minions that dominate the side of the demon god, or you can only be slaughtered, you wait for the death battle to break out, come here with a teleportation array, and ask for shelter!"

"They should know the rules of the Wolong collar, the outside is the military town, and the relevant people have to enter!" The voice below came.

"You know!" It was the old man with two small copper earrings under his ears, with a thin body and a bright face. The old man raised his head and looked under the city wall, with two clear tears in his eyes. He said bitterly, "The wife who has been with you for seven hundred years has not yet died on the blade of the little army of the demon gods, and the body and spirit are all destroyed. You are not here to join the army, you voluntarily give up and leave. The status of a god, the former ruler of the Tao of Heaven was the deity of Xia Ping'an, and he volunteered to join the small army of the ruler of the heaven and the earth, fighting for the world of heaven and the world, and it is incompatible with the one who dominates the devil!"

"You are willing to join the small army of the ruler of the heavenly the ruler of the heavenly way is the honor of Xie Xingyueshen!"

"You are willing to join the small army of the ruler of heaven, and the ruler of heaven is the honor of Xia Ping'an!"

The seventy young people spoke in succession.

The amount of information in the few words of those people is very small, and all the worlds thought that they were sent to that place, but they accidentally mixed up with such a group of people.

It is natural to say less about who the master devil is, and this master who can't stand against the master devil is actually a complete idea for Xie Xingyue. Xie Xingyue faintly feels that the invasion from the space under the earth has been interrupted until now. Being able to come out there alive and in front of him is closely related to this master.

The seventy or so people all expressed their positions in a short while, except that Wanjiezhu still did not speak, which seemed to be a little ordinary. The eyes of these people all focused on Wanjiezhu's body.

Xie Xingyue thought about it, and she said that sentence with a fierce and natural expression, "You are willing to join the small army of Tiandao ruler, and the ruler of Tiandao is the honor of Xia Ping'an God!"

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