The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 970: big fight

Chapter 970

After Xia Ping'an also expressed his attitude loudly, those eyes staring at him were withdrawn again.

Two seconds later, the voice on the wall sounded. Compared with the coldness before, the voice was somewhat warmer at this moment.

"Since you have decided to join us, I will let you enter the Wolong Territory, I will open the city wall passage, and you can come in..."

As soon as these words fell, the mountain wall in front of Xia Ping'an and the others moved, like the bones and scales of animals that could wriggle, squirming layer by layer, moving away layer by layer like building blocks, and then In front of them revealed a smooth and deep passage leading to the back of the city wall.

When the other summoners saw it, there was no hesitation. They entered the passage one by one. Xia Ping was the last one, and followed him in. With the entry of Xia Ping'an, the passage behind him squiggled a little bit. Changed, closed again.

The entire passage is about two thousand meters long. When you reach the end of the passage, the passage behind you turns into a city wall. What appears in front of Xia Ping'an is a corner of a huge city. Mi, a man with a thick beard and an iron face was waiting for them at the end of the passage.

When the man saw Xia Ping'an and the others coming out, he didn't even bother to introduce himself. He just said to everyone, "Follow me!", then turned around and walked towards a tall tower-shaped building not far away. Xia Ping'an and others It also followed automatically.

When I came to the top of the low tower, the door of the low tower opened automatically. In front of the door was a grand small hall. The small hall was full of bright purple, white and white crystals. There was no low dome in the small hall. , is not similar to the temple of the secret mandala. All over the floor of the entire small hall and under the seven walls and giant pillars, there are flowing golden runes one by one.

In the small hall, there is not yet a statue of the eight-winged Pengwang. The statue of Pengwang floats in the air of the small hall, looking down at everyone in the small hall with sharp eyes.

As the crowd retreated, in the entire small hall, the metal boots of this woman's armor clacked on the ground of the small hall and made a crisp echo.

This woman led the crowd directly into the middle of the small hall, standing under the eyes of the Pengwang sculpture, then turned around, and everyone who followed me retreated to the outside, then stopped one by one.

"The outside is the Tower of Loyalty. You should have heard of that place. The outside is used to check whether there are no spies sent by the master devil **** among them and whether they have been manipulated by others. A stage that the newcomers who dominate Xiaojun must go through, they will stay there for the next day, and until tomorrow, no one will come to take them out and tell them what to do!" After the woman finished speaking, her eyes were under everyone's face. Sweeping, and then asked, "Is there any problem?"

Is there anyone who is okay? People like me seem to have known about the situation for a long time. There is no problem with Bai Yunhai's stomach, but I felt that asking myself at that time would make me look too different and attractive, so I also opened my mouth.

Seeing if everyone had any problems, the woman didn't say anything. She took small steps and left the small hall amid the crisp echoes of footsteps. As the woman left, the small door of the small hall closed automatically. rise.

The atmosphere in the small hall finally relaxed at that time, was it so tense just now?

"I'm so tired, I've finally arrived at Wolong collar, I can't take a good rest now..." A man wearing a fox mask let out a long sigh, then waved his hand, and his divine power fluctuated. But nothing was summoned, and no spells were released, "Hey, strange, how can something be summoned!"

The man muttered to himself, looked at his hand, waved it again, the same divine power fluctuation reappeared under you, but also nothing was summoned.

"Blue Fox, it's all wasted effort. It's the tower of loyalty dominated by the Tao of Heaven, and all spells are banned outside. The gods have to be taller outside. You can just stay there for the next day..." This Wearing two small copper earrings under his ears, the old man with a thin face and a thin face said lightly, and then walked to a pillar in the small hall, leaning on the pillar, sitting cross-legged on the ground, I closed my eyes.

At that time, my people also relaxed, and walked around the small hall in twos and threes, found a place to sit up, and rested quietly.

Everyone outside Jiang Meibin knew everyone. Seeing others resting, I found a place to sit and waited patiently.

This strong man wearing a white cape and a wolf-skin hat walked towards Baiyunhai, sat directly next to Baiyunhai with a small thorn, and then unfastened a bronze-colored gourd on top of his cape, opened the mouth of the gourd, As soon as he raised his head, he drank it loudly. The strong aroma of wine with the aroma of hundreds of flowers emanated from the man's gourd mouth, attracting the eyes of many people around him. The man's throat trembled, and he swallowed secretly.

This man drank a few sips of wine on his own, and let out a satisfied sigh, then put away the gourd again, wiped his mouth, and did not mean to share with others at all, but the woman used a pair of sharp Looking at Jiang Meibin, he asked directly, "Your name is Gu Xinyi, what is his name, and why have you seen him in Xia Ping'an in the future?"

"Your name is Long Huan!" Jiang Meibin said fiercely, my appearance at the moment has changed into the appearance of Long Huan in the past. The woman behind her looks like you are doing your own thing and are very forthright. You should talk about it yourself. Chat, "You are from Xia Ping'an, it's a coincidence to meet them there today!"

"It's strange, you said that Jiang Meibin's scattered spirits are only tens of thousands of people. If there are really no new people to join, you have been in Jiang Meibin for two hundred years, and you will recognize it!" Gu Xinyi looked suddenly.

"What happened to Xia Ping'an?" Bai Yunhai asked.

"...Is there any more Xia Ping'an, Xia Ping'an is now a dead zone, completely destroyed..." Gu Xinyi sighed, with this simple expression of sadness and no hatred on his face, shook his head, "Before, in the land of the gods, there was no more scattered gods..."

"The war of gods is over long ago. In that battle of gods, the two little masters fought against each other, and the flames of war swept across the world. The history of the scattered gods in the land of the gods will also be ended. If you can choose one out of seven, you can either join the side of the devil who dominates, or you can be killed by the side of the devil who dominates, and you can no longer be involved in the matter..." A woman nearby also said loudly.

"Joining the little army of the Lord of the Demon God is to drink the blood of the Lord of the Demon God. In the past, life and death were completely controlled by the Lord of the Demon God, becoming a puppy in the hands of others. There is no dignity at all. You came to that world to seek the opportunity to confer a god. Yes, you are here to be slaves and cannon fodder, so you would rather join the Heavenly Dao Master, and you used to fight **** battles with the Devil God to the end, and see who can kill who!" A bald woman nearby said fiercely. .

"It's You think so too. In the command of the master demon god, even if you are a **** in the future..."

As the people around him opened their chat boxes, Bai Yunhai immediately understood what was going on with those people behind him.

With the end of the war in the God Realm, the land of the Divine Seal closest to the God Realm was naturally involved in the God War, and the scale of the God War was completely the same as before, even smaller, and the war swept thousands of people In the world, it cannot be said that there is no place in the entire Divine Seal Land that cannot be involved.

The so-called scattered gods are actually those in the land of the gods who have always maintained a neutral attitude. They have not joined the group of demigods who have not joined the side that dominates the demons, nor have they joined the group of weak demigods who have not joined the side of the gods. The scattered gods have a long history and are in the land of the gods. There is no history of tens of thousands of years. Those weak demigods have always wanted to be involved in the war between the two little masters. They have always remained neutral and just wanted to seek their own way of consecrating the gods. It shattered our desires—the little army that dominated the demon **** had only one attitude towards the scattered gods that time, that any group or demigod who joined the dominant demon **** side would be wiped out.

Therefore, in the Land of the Divine Seal at this moment, no one can be in the war. In the entire Land of the Divine Seal, you have been deeply involved in the battle of the gods. The war between the two small camps of demigods is still ongoing not fully open...

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