The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 974: destroy the enemy


The three alien demigods were smashed to the ground by Xia Ping'an's punch. This punch had completely awakened them, knowing that they had met the top figures in the Forbidden Shrine.

The three of them are not weak at first, and they have a numerical advantage. Ask yourself that even if they encounter a demigod who has comprehended the highest level of law and martial arts, they still have the strength to fight, and they can even gain the upper hand, so they have nothing to fear. , but they didn't expect that Xia Ping'an's power was completely beyond their imagination, and this punch had already made them fearful.

In an instant, a **** light flew from the ground, and without thinking, it flew in the direction they just flew in. This alien demigod was the one with the fastest reaction time.

"Do you want to escape, it's too late!" Xia Ping'an said coldly, his whole body moved like a shooting star, just in a flash, the speed was like electricity, and he caught up with the first one who wanted to escape. The alien demigod of , waited until it was within a distance of about 100 meters of the alien demigod, and then punched again.

"Ah..." The alien demigod felt the abnormality behind him. He turned his head and saw Xia Ping'an's fist coming. He didn't expect Xia Ping'an's speed to be so fast. After using the secret method, he didn't even care about the broken bones and tendons on his body and the cracked skin. With a loud cry, he raised the long sword in his hand and slashed towards Xia Ping'an. This sword is also a combination of law and martial arts. With a single sword, the power of fire in the power of the surrounding five elements oscillated, and a flame of fire rippled from the blade. It looked like a fire dragon piercing the sky, with great force, and slashed towards Xia Ping'an's head. .

However, Xia Ping'an's second punch was extremely restrained, like a spear piercing out, concentrating all the power on his fist, a seemingly ordinary punch, but already condensed the essence of wisdom fist mark .

The fist was as iron as a mountain, and it slammed, and it easily tore the fire on the sword, just like tearing a piece of cloth, and there was a cracking sound in the void, and the alien demigod felt that his wrist was holding the sword. An unimaginable force was swept away, and the entire arm was shattered at once. The scream was only halfway out of his mouth, and Xia Ping'an's fist had already slammed into his chest. superior.

The power on Xia Ping'an's fist was already terrifying beyond imagination. In just a split second, the alien demigod felt that every cell in his body was filled with a destructive force of the five elements, reaching the extreme point of explosion.

The power of the five elements is so strong. The power of the five elements is like a vast ocean. It is more than a hundred times the power of the five elements controlled by the secret skills of the combination of magic and martial arts. How can there be such a powerful Summoner demigod?

This was the last thought that popped into the mind of the alien demigod.


The whole body of this alien demigod exploded like foam in the air, turning into ash in an instant. Only the long sword in his hand and the things in the space equipment on his body exploded in the air with a clatter. Xia Ping'an saw I don't look at those things, I just waved my hand and received all the things in my warehouse.

Xia Ping'an turned his head and looked at the other two alien demigods. The two alien demigods were already scared to death at the moment. The two seemed to understand that even if they were together, they would not be Xia Ping'an's opponent, so at this moment, the two simply It turned into two rays of blood, and flew in two different directions behind Xia Ping'an, thinking that if Xia Ping'an pursued the other, at least the other of them would survive.

"Naive!" Xia Ping'an looked at the two alien demigods who escaped separately, sneered, shook his head slightly, didn't chase at all, just pointed at the sky, and punched the wheel with a punch.

When the two alien demigods turned into blood and fled, their speed was almost dozens of times the speed of sound. The two of them could be tens of thousands of meters away from Xia Ping'an in one second. In the blink of an eye, in fact, It had already flown seventy or eighty kilometers, but when Xia Ping'an punched, everything changed.

The sky above the two of them suddenly darkened. As night fell, the two looked up, only to find that in the sky, a huge wheel of five elements with a diameter of more than 200 kilometers appeared in the sky slowly rotating, driving With the boundless power of the five elements in the void, the power of water in the power of the five elements emerged in the void and turned into a huge tsunami. down.

At this moment, the heaven and the earth seemed to hang upside down, the huge wheel of five elements was like a huge rotating grinding disc, and the two of them, like two inconspicuous soybeans poured on the grinding disc, were formed by the power of water. In the turbulent tsunami, he couldn't help being rolled up and rolled toward the black hole in the middle of the grinding disc.

"Divine Skill..."

The alien demigod with the giant axe shouted in fear. In his impression, he had never seen the human race demigod summoner's skill of combining magic and martial arts so terrifying, making him so powerless, he subconsciously Thought it was a divine skill. However, how could those powerhouses who have mastered divine skills still enter the Forbidden Shrine?

It was too late for him to think about this question. It wasn't that he didn't want to resist, but the surging water tsunami and the spinning giant wheel filled the entire space, completely cutting off his connection with the power of the five elements around him. A powerful will It has surpassed his skill of combining magic and martial arts, so that he can't use it even if he has the ability. He can only watch in horror as he is involved in a huge grinding wheel.

In less than half a minute, the two alien race demigods who escaped were caught under the wheel of the Wheel Mark before they flew a hundred miles away.

After a while, two screams came, Xia Pingan calmly closed his fists, the giant wheel in the sky dissipated, and the sky within two hundred miles suddenly returned to the sky, as if nothing had happened.

In the distance, the weapons of the two alien demigods, as well as the things that exploded from their bodies that were not destroyed by the wheel mark, floated directly in front of Xia Ping'an like a small cloud.

Among those things, in addition to the weapons of the two, there are many divine crystals, and some are naturally formed cube-shaped rare metals, and there are a few other things, which are miscellaneous, and Xia Ping'an does not know. what the hell.

Suddenly, a bright thing came into Xia Ping'an's eyes. When Xia Ping'an waved his hand, the thing fell on Xia Ping'an's hand.

It was a Boundary Bead. Inside the Boundary Bead was a golden figure standing, holding the sky with one hand, and three small seal characters flashed in the Boundary Bead - "The Book of Changes".

Xia Ping'an didn't expect it to be the "Yi Jinjing" Yijinjing Jiezhu..." Holding the Jiezhu in his hand, Xia Ping'an took a deep breath, feeling a little nervous in himself Excited, this "Book of Changes and Tendons" is also a treasure of China. If "Cultivation Map" and "Taiyi Jinhua Aim" are treasures that only people with top-level qualifications and understanding can cultivate, and can make people become immortals and gain the Tao, then, this "Cultivation of Truth" and "Taiyi Jinhua Aim" Yi Jin Jing is a training collection open to the general public. The cultivation of this Yi Jin Jing can be done according to the plan. As long as you can endure hardships and be patient, even an ordinary person can be successful in cultivation. Step by step, you can become a Great master, and even make the body King Kong not bad.

For those ordinary farmers and soldiers in the secret mandala, the Book of Yi Jin is more suitable for them to practice.

He had just received these spoils from the secret mandala, and was thinking about whether to find a place to fuse this world bead first, and then he felt a huge movement from the tower of the gods in the secret mandala...

Three golden divine power nebulae converged on the giant tower. The splendor of divine power nebula hanging down bathed the giant tower, making the giant tower radiant, and the giant tower seemed to have undergone some changes.

This is the first time that Xia Ping'an has killed a powerhouse above the demigod level since the giant tower appeared in Xia Ping'an's secret mandala.

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