The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 293: Arrests

Half an hour later, the hired carriage arrived at the entrance of the Donggang Inspection Office. Xia Ping got out of the car, paid the fare, and walked straight into the inspection office.

There are many carriage shops in Shangjing, and the coachman belongs to other carriage shops outside the Donggang District and does not know Xia Pingan.

Luo Laojiao and his dog ran out of the concierge to greet Xia Ping An, Luo Laojiao's waist almost bent to the ground, "My lord, here you are..."

Xia Pingan nodded slightly

People at the Supervision Office still don’t know the life and death test that he went through safely last summer, and everything is business as usual.

Xia Pingan came a little earlier today, much earlier than usual. After entering the inspection office, he found that all the teams in the inspection office were still there. A group of people were chatting in the office area. The atmosphere was coming with the office workers. It's no different to the company.

"You don't know, when we took the black dragon to find that guy yesterday, that guy's face was as white as paper, and his body was shaking. I didn't believe we found him so soon..." A member of Long Chao's team said There was bullfighting and joy.

"Ha, with the Black Dragon, it will be easier for us to solve those cases in Donggang District in the future..."

"Of course, the Black Dragon is already well-known now, but it is the mascot of our Donggang Inspection Office!"

"Okay, are you trying to say that you are not as good as a dog?" Hua Ziqin said coldly, raising her eyebrows next to her, ending the chat in an instant.

Then everyone saw Xia Pingan.

"My lord..." Everyone hurriedly stood upright.

"The captains of the teams come to my office..." Xia Ping'an didn't say much, said directly, and walked towards his office.

Xia Ping An came to the office. Wei Meiyu, wearing a blue dress, thoughtfully brewed a cup of hot tea. Xia Ping took a few sips of tea. The six team leaders of the Donggang Inspection Office have all come to Xia Ping An. Office.

The captain of Team 1 is Fan Gang, Team 2’s Captain Long Chao, Team 3’s Captain Hua Ziqin, Team 4’s Captain is Fang Nu, Team 5’s Captain Dong Men Yong, Team 6’s Captain Situ Hua, everyone stands In Xia Pingan's office, no one dared to be late. Everyone came to the office with serious faces, and they didn't dare to have the slightest slack expression.

"My lord, do you have any instructions?" After the gazes of the captains touched each other for a while, Situ Hua was the first to ask with a thick-skinned face.

"Well, there is something, you may be a little busy today, everyone must move and catch some people!" Xia Ping'an put down the tea cup and said directly.

"Ah, arrest someone, who is arrested?" Situ Hua then asked.

"I encountered an assassination last night. I suspect that this assassination was related to someone who intercepted me on my way back from Huang’s house last time. That person had some gangsters in Shangjing. I want you to associate that person’s gangsters. Catch it, and I will interrogate it myself!" Xia Ping Anyun said lightly. The captains changed their expressions when they heard that Xia Ping was assassinated last night.

Assassination of the inspector, this case is not small.

The inspector directly ordered the arrest of the assassin's gangsters, which was justified.

"Where is that person's accomplice, please let me know!" Long Chao's face sank, and he stepped forward and said.

Xia Ping’an smiled and nodded, “Don’t worry, that person has a lot of people in the same party, and they are scattered all over the capital city. All of you will not be idle today, Long Chao, you take your team to the Dragon Tiger View of the capital city. I caught the master of Longhuguan, Master Longhu, and after catching the master of Longhuguan, Xu Da'an, the shopkeeper of Qingping Inn at the foot of Longhuguan Mountain, was also the gangster. Don't let it go, grab it together. "

"Yes, I'm going now." As he said, he turned and left.

"Longhuguan is not in our jurisdiction. It is in Yanglin District. Everyone should follow the normal procedures for arresting people this time. You should go to the Yanglin District Supervision Office to say hello, give a notification, and then arrest people..."

"Will this let those people get news and run away?"

"Don't worry, they can't run!"

"Yes!" Long Chao replied, turned and left.

"Fan Gang, the shopkeeper of Yuanxing Shipping Company at Pier 11 in the dock area is called Xu Yuanxing. Xu Yuanxing, his wife, and his two sons, a daughter-in-law are involved in this case, you go to the dock area and arrest all Xu Yuanxing’s family. Detain all the ships of the Far Star Shipping Line. After the arrests are completed, the ship will be detained, and by the way, the procedures for the seizure of the Fulong will be lifted!"

Fan Gang was reticent, just nodded, turned around and left.

"Hua Ziqin, you take your people to capture Xue Qingmei, the oiran in Baihuafang on the Qin'an River, as well as the old bustard Yun and the red card Hua Xiaoyi from the Yuelaichun prostitute in Ruyi Hutong!"

How come the suspect’s gang members still have women from the land of fireworks? These firework women may still be famous in the market, but how dare to involve such a thing as an assassination inspector?

Hua Ziqin felt strange, but at this time she didn't dare to ask more, she nodded, and then left the office, ready to take someone to arrest someone.

"Fang Nu, you take your people to capture all the treasurers of the Tianya Music Store in Qingyun District and all the musicians of the Music Store, as well as the treasurers of Miaoxianglou in Qingyun District, and some perfumers!"

"Yes!" Fang Nu eagerly fists, and after responding, he also goes.

"Dongmenyong, there is a painting teacher named Tao Ling at Shangjing College. Tao Ling also has a wife who is also a teacher at Shangjing College. Leave these two to you. There is a tailor shop in Taohua Lane on the main street outside Shangjing College. , And the tailor and shopkeeper of the tailor's shop, you also bring him!"

"Yes!" Dongmen Yong frowned, but still took his orders, and then withdrew. If these people are all partisans of the Assassins, there are too many partisans of the Assassins. , How did the inspector know that these people are the assassin's partisans.

Several captains took their orders, and in the end only Situ Hua was left in the office.

Situ Hua looked at Xia Ping'an eagerly.

"Situ Hua, you go to Huilong District, grab the shopkeeper of the Qingxin Distillery in Huilong District, and then seal the Qingxin Distillery. If you encounter expert resistance in the Qingxin Distillery, you don’t need to fight hard, just Just send a signal to the ruling army for support!"

When Situ Hua just heard that there was a master in Qingxin Distillery, he couldn't help but feel tensed, but Xia Ping's subsequent words reassured him. As long as he didn't try hard, everything was easy to say.

Situ Hua also took the order to leave.

The entire inspectorate moved all at once. All six teams were dispatched, murderous, and the two horse-drawn carriages of the inspectorate also left. If there were not enough horse-drawn carriages, they went directly to several major carriages in the Donggang District.

Xia Pingan stood at the window of the office, watching the six teams leave and return to the desk. Xia Pingan pulled the rope bell, and Wei Meiyu entered the office.

"Let Qi Dafeng come to my office!"

Qi Dafeng came soon.

"My lord, are you looking for me?"

"Today, the Supervision Office will arrest a lot of people. You clean up the cells. After those people are arrested, you can keep those people in the cells. Just keep them locked up for good food and drink. Arrange to be more comfortable. Don't Make people suffer, and I will interrogate myself if necessary!"

"Yes!" Qi Dafeng also left suspiciously.

After the explanation, Xia Ping'an calmly read the book in the office, waiting for news.

After the assassination last night, Xia Ping’an is now afraid to find a place to fuse the Realm Bead at will. The assassin’s methods are too terrifying. Xia Ping’an also worried that he would be taken advantage of by the assassin while fusing the Realm Bead, which would be a tragedy. .

Fan Gang’s speed was the fastest, because the person he wanted to arrest was in the Donggang District, but in less than two hours, Fan Gang arrested the person. He was directly thrown into a cell by a family of five who were the treasurer of Yuanxing Shipping. .

After Fan Gang, other people came back one after another.

This time everyone went out to arrest people, according to the supervision department's rules and procedures for handling cases across districts. They all went to the supervision offices of each district to greet them and explain the situation before starting to arrest people.

Because the teams were not arresting important and sensitive people, people in the district inspection offices heard that these people were involved in the assassination of Xia Pingan. Xia Pingan’s reputation is well-known, and the various inspection offices did not dare to hinder the chaos, so the teams arrested them. Everyone caught it smoothly.

Most of these people are ordinary people, and they don’t have any ability to resist in front of the inspection team. Only the two teachers of Shangjing Academy are summoners, and they are both summoners of the two-yang realm. The cultivation level is not counted. Low, but facing the inspector squad who came to the door, the two people didn't dare to resist at all.

Six teams captured a total of 32 people.

After catching the people, Xia Pingan gave an explanation in the inspection office, and sat leisurely in the office, waiting for those who wanted to wait.

In the evening, the sky in Shangjing city gradually closed with dark clouds, the weather became gloomy again, and it started to rain, and the thunder was faintly in the sky. The rain fell and heavier, and the entire Shangjing city was shrouded in rain and fog.

In the evening, thunder was rolling in the sky, and a dazzling lightning fell on the door of the inspection office.

As the lightning disappeared, a man with a gloomy expression wearing a gorgeous blue robe was already standing at the door of the Donggang Inspection Office.

The heavy rain fell in the sky but it slid away automatically beside the man, which made the man not get any raindrops on his body in the heavy rain.

That man is actually quite handsome, a standard old handsome guy, a broad forehead, a tall nose, and his dark hair is meticulously combed. His eyes are as dark as ink and extremely deep. Two cold stars flash in his eyes, and there are one on the whole body. This kind of aristocratic temperament is difficult to conceal, but at this moment, there are some strangers who do not enter, and his face is so gloomy and scary.

The man glanced at the signboard at the entrance of the inspection office, took a deep breath, seemed to suppress the endless anger, and then walked towards the entrance of the inspection office.

"This is the Donggang Inspectorate's Office. Nobody can trespass!" Luo Laojiao in the concierge found the man and was about to stop him. The man turned his head and glanced coldly at Luo Laojiao, at the foot of Luo Laojiao. The light flickered, and the whole person was directly sealed in the gatehouse by the magic spell drawn as a prison, and the sound was also blocked, and it could not be heard at all.

The man didn't care about Luo Laojiao, and walked directly towards the building of the Supervision Office step by step.

When I walked to the door of the Supervision Office building, the door opened by myself, and Xia Ping’an’s voice came from inside, "Hehe, we’re seeing each other again, since it’s here, let’s talk to my office..."

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