The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 294: Coercion

In the inspection office, Xia Ping'an had already let the summoners of several small teams off work.

Tonight, he took the initiative to stay at the inspection office.

Except for Xia Pingan, there were only a few ordinary people in the entire inspection office.

This is also a preparation for prevention in case.

A summoner from the Seven Suns realm went crazy, and the summoners from the entire inspection office were all added, which was not enough. Today’s actions are taking huge risks to a certain extent. On the basis of being unfamiliar with the other party’s acting style, do this to be more stable.

With a sullen face, the handsome man walked step by step through the brightly lit corridor of the inspection office, the front hall, and no one on the road, and finally came directly to Xia Pingan's office.

Wei Meiyu is also off work.

In Xia Pingan's huge office, he was the only one sitting behind a desk in his office, and he was - leisurely cooking hot pot.

The entire office is filled with the smell of Xia Ping'an hot pot, which is joyful and full of appetite.

It was raining outside, and the wind was bitter, but Xia Ping'an's office was very warm.

The charcoal fire is flourishing under the pure copper hot pot, and a layer of hot red oil is tumbling on the bottom of the spicy hot pot. On the table next to the hot pot, there are lamb, seafood, vegetables, mushrooms and other ingredients. There are various seasoning dishes with oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.

Xia Ping'an sat at a table alone, brushing her hairy belly leisurely, full of a sense of ritual.

The hairy belly clamped on his chopsticks was put into the tumbling hot pot, and he picked it up from the hot pot, just like fishing.

"One click... two clicks... three clicks..."

When the man came in, Xia Ping'an was counting the number of times that hairy belly got into the pot.

Although I had prepared in my heart and thought about various scenes of meeting with this inspector, seeing Xia Ping'an actually meet him in a hot pot, this scene was still beyond the man's expectation.

The man’s brows jumped, resisting the urge to hold the hot pot on Xia Ping’s head, he walked to Xia Ping’s head stiffly, stood without sitting down, and said coldly, “Leave the people alone. !"

The people arrested by the Donggang Inspection Office today were all the man’s relatives, friends, and even confidantes. The people this man had met in Shangjing, who had a better relationship, were all wiped out by the Donggang Inspection Office today. The Donggang Inspection Office This action forced the man to come to the Donggang Inspection Office to resolve the matter in person.

This man knew that Xia Pingan came at him. In the past few days, this man also heard some rumors. Those who intercepted Xia Pingan that day, even the Garrison Corps were planted in the hands of Xia Pingan, this Donggang The retaliation of the inspectors made everyone frightened. This Donggang inspector would retaliate against each other, and his methods were tough. It was simply a badger on the grassland and was unprovoking.

This man originally thought that Xia Ping’an could not find him on his head, because he was wearing a mask at the time. He knew that he was the only one from the Huang family. Unexpectedly, Xia Ping’an still found him and found out that he was on his head. All the relations in the capital, especially the latter trick, are too cruel. This man has never known how Xia Ping An knew about it.

Xia Pingan, who was boiling the hot pot, smiled, still looking at the hairy belly on his hand. When he counted to the seventh time, he finally got the hairy belly out of the hot pot and dipped it in the water seasoning. Put it in your mouth and chew.

Xia Ping'an closed his eyes with the deliciousness.

After eating a piece of hairy belly, Xia Ping'an opened his eyes and looked at the man who was full of anger in front of him and looked at him with cold eyes.

"Did you know that this shabu-shabu hot pot is not fresh when it is cooked too old, and it tastes bad when it is raw. According to legend, it should be the most suitable, the most tender and chewy. Would you like to order it? ?"

"I said... put... people... let...!" the man said word by word. When the man was talking, the light bulbs in the entire office flickered and the light outside the window seemed to be cut off. A huge pressure radiated from the man's body, and Mount Tai was pressing on Xia Pingan. The copper and metal lamp holders and appliances in the office were also flashing with lightning. The nervous atmosphere seemed to In the next second, everything in the entire office will turn into powder.

"I... the things in the office are broken... to pay for it!" Xia Ping'an was still boiling his hot pot, as if he hadn't seen the man getting angry, he picked up a few more abalones and threw them into the hot pot. He picked up another piece of lotus root slices from the pot and ate it with chuckles, the words in his mouth were a bit ambiguous.

"Do you think I dare not kill you?" The man was finally angry, raised his hand, and pointed at Xia Ping's head condescendingly. A cloud of black light was surging in the man's hand, like a volcanic crater. It seemed that there would be terror at any time. The thing gushes out of his hand.

Xia Ping'an smiled and raised his eyes to look at the man, "Kill me, of course you dare, but after you kill me, you have to bury me. The inspector was killed in the inspection office and remained indifferent. If you kill me, it is tantamount to declaring war with the ruling army. Are you confident that you can escape the ruling army after killing me?"

Hearing Xia Ping'an's words, the man's eyelids twitched, his face even more gloomy.

Xia Ping’an continued, “Of course, except for you to bury me, the people I arrested today are all your accomplices, and none of them can run away. They will bury me as well. I have already explained. As long as I have any accidents in the capital, as long as something happens to me, don’t think about any of the people I arrested today. Someone will clean them up and send them to accompany me. I can replace all of you by myself. It’s not a loss, it’s okay, I’m finished, if you want to do it, hurry up, or if you don’t do it, it’s better to sit down and let’s have a good chat..."

The look on the man's face changed, staring fiercely at Xia Ping An, who simmered the hot pot on his own.

After holding on for a few seconds, the man retracted his hand and sat stiffly on the sofa opposite Xia Ping'an, his breath still strong, "What do you want?"

"I don’t want to do anything. I just give you the popularization of the law. According to the laws of the Great Commercial Nation, you intercepted me that day and intercepted an inspector who escorted the criminals back to the inspection office. Is it illegal? The crime of robbery, According to the law, is it a sentence of at least ten years to go to jail? If you hurt someone, the crime of killing someone will be aggravated. At that time, you hurt me and almost killed my life. You betrayed you for 20 years, that doesn’t count. Excessively, did I frame you? Of course, you were wearing a mask at that time. If you are shameless, you can deny that the person is you now. Then let's say something else. Do you want to deny it?"

The man didn't say a word, his face was like iron, and when he reached his realm, the self-esteem of the strong made him silent. deny? Are you kidding me? Is that what a person like him can do? At that time, wearing a mask was already a compulsive move. If you were caught, you would deny it. That was the face. Moreover, Xia Ping'an was able to lock him so surely, indicating that there was evidence, and denial was useless.

The most important thing is that Xia Ping'an said that the crime of robbery of prisoners was sentenced to at least ten years. That was true, and he did hurt Xia Ping'an at the time. If he really wanted to be sentenced according to the law, twenty years would be considered a start.

These are all ironclad facts that cannot be denied. Of course, the strong will often have some privileges, but the premise of that privilege is that no one is true, and the strong are not held by others.

"There are also those people arrested by the Inspection Office today. Have they been in close contact with you? Have you stayed with them, gathered together, lived with them after you robbed the prisoner? Have you ever had money dealings with them? The criminals who took prisoners, they are closely related to you, are they counted as your accomplices in the capital? Or have they committed the crime of harbouring without knowing it? I, as the inspector, arrested them for interrogation. Abuse of power to bully kindness? Did I do anything wrong? You are a good bully when I am an inspector. If you are bullied and don't fight back, then you are wrong..."

The man was still speechless, because Xia Ping'an was talking about it, and Xia Ping'an's arrest of those people today is not really abusing his power to oppress kindness.

Under Xia Ping's continuous problems, the tough aura on that man disappeared little by little, and completely withered.

"Let's go ahead, do you want to let people go?" The man finally calmed down, and his breath was finally not so aggressive.

"Hahaha, don't be so sullen, I am looking for you, in fact, I just want to discuss with you, there is actually a way to deal with this matter, there is no need to make it so stiff..." Xia Ping'an laughed suddenly. The seriousness of her body disappeared suddenly, she stood up, took a set of dishes and dipped the man in water, and poured a glass of wine for the man, "Come on, taste it, I guess you didn't have dinner either. I made this by myself, and the bottom of the pot is also my own secret recipe. This taste is something you haven’t eaten in Shangjing. Let’s talk while eating..."

The man was almost fainted by Xia Ping’ Seeing Xia Ping’an cooked for himself with a spoon, he didn’t know whether he should eat it or not.

"Say it if you have something!"

"You take a bite first, let's talk about it!" Xia Ping An looked at him with a smile.

The man was silent for a while, finally picked up his chopsticks and picked up a slice of beef.

"Dip it in water and it's delicious, and that dip is also prepared by me, the unique secret recipe..." Xia Ping'an said.

The man's movements were a little stiff, but he still dipped the beef in water, put it in his mouth, and ate it in two bites. Then he looked at Xia Ping an expressionlessly, "You want to be like this, now you can say it. Right!"

"Ahem, as long as the master brother promises to be my bodyguard and thug in the capital for one year, we will be completely separated. I can release the people I caught today, and I won’t find them again in the future. Trouble, one year expires, I won't look for you anymore, how about?" Xia Ping'an looked at the man with a smile.

It is meaningless to intimidate ordinary people. It is interesting to intimidate the powerful masters of the Qiyang realm as well.

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