The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 798: blue sky

Watching Elder Li and Elder Guo leave, Xia Ping'an put away the "Begging and Dirty Officials Shu" world bead, and then called the shopkeeper he had summoned before, and took another array that was exactly the same as before. Give it to the shopkeeper, let that shopkeeper set up a stall in the trading market to sell it, and see if he can exchange some more world beads.

As for Xia Ping'an himself, he quickly flew back to his training tower. After summoning Xia Laifu and Fushen boy, and then protecting the training room with a formation plate, he took out the world bead he just got.

"It seems that today is really my harvest day, and I can integrate so many boundary beads!" Xia Ping'an, who was holding the pitch-black boundary bead, smiled slightly, then looked at the boundary bead and sighed again.

"Begging without Dirty Officials" is a note to Song Renzong written by Bao Zheng when he was serving as the supervising censor.

During the Renzong era, the officialdom had become increasingly corrupt. Officials at all levels in the Song Dynasty recruited power and accepted bribes. Corrupt officials were not punished every day. Giving bribes to seek support, or becoming an official to avoid the limelight, or clinging to classmates and fellow villagers in various ways, those corrupt officials have all kinds of tricks, and they are not afraid of the court's law, but the people of the world see it, but they dare not be angry. He was increasingly disappointed with the imperial court, and his grievances were getting worse.

In this case, Bao Zheng, who was jealous of hatred and upright, saw that the officialdom of the court was so corrupt, so he gave Emperor Renzong this famous "report", asking the court to severely punish corrupt officials and never hire "dirty officials" with taint.

At that time, when Bao Zheng made this memorial, he fought against the entire Song Dynasty officialdom by one person. As soon as the memorial was published, Bao Zheng became a thorn in the eyes of all "dirty officials" and those who appointed "dirty officials", but Bao Zheng still Not afraid, still hard-working, the name of Qingtian is well-deserved.

It's just that a rotten court can't be saved by an honest official, even if this honest official is Bao Zheng, 64 years after Song Renzong's death, the most shameful scene in Chinese history, Jingkang's shame broke out, this is Xia Ping'an's sigh s reason.

Picking up the little emotion in his heart, Xia Ping'an dripped blood on the boundary beads, and in the blink of an eye, he was wrapped in a light cocoon.


Opening his eyes, Xia Ping'an found that there was a desk in front of him, with a writing brush in his hand, and he was in a simple study. Outside the study, the sun was shining brightly. On the table in front of him, a piece of white paper was spread on the table, and on the right hand side of the white paper, there were six words "begging, not dirty and sparse".

A middle-aged aide with fluttering beard stood beside the desk, pressing one hand on the inkstone, preventing Xia Ping's pen from dipping in ink, looking at himself anxiously, and exhorting earnestly, " Also, please think again, adults. Nowadays, the officialdom of the world is becoming more and more corrupt, and the atmosphere in various places is like this. That yamen, which state capital has no dirty officials, the adults of the Manchu Dynasty are tacitly aware that a dirty official is guaranteed, promoted, used, and used by others. Cover up, some people help them make big things together, and behind a dirty official is a large group of people and even a yamen, the adults are so sparse, and there are countless enemies, it is too dangerous, and the wise do not do it!"

"Because of this, I want to write this memorial and present it to the saint!" Xia Ping'an looked at the words on the table, quickly entered the role, and said with a serious face, "An honest official is the people of the people. As an example, corrupt officials are the thieves of all the people. How can there be a reason to rule the people with thieves? The imperial court appoints thieves as officials, slaughtering and trampling on the hearts of the people all over the world. At this moment, the world seems to be peaceful, and the harm of dirty officials is not so obvious. In the future, once outside thieves invade, there will be unexpected things. How can the people of the world be willing to be driven by thieves and try their best to serve the inner thieves? Because of this, it is like a sand tower, which can be overturned in an instant, if I am not good at this memorial, I will feel uneasy in my heart!”

"What the lord said is naturally reasonable, but this court is not a place that is completely reasonable!" The aide shook his head with a wry smile, "If you play this slack, it will be like taking the world into a big trouble. I am afraid that the unforeseen thing will have to be the lord first. bear it!"

Xia Ping'an generously said, "During the Han Dynasty, corrupt officials who committed crimes with their illicit goods were never used, and their descendants were not allowed to serve as officials. During Taizong's time, corrupt officials and filthy officials had to serve hard labor, even when the court granted amnesty. Sending them back to their place of origin and never hiring them. This is the style of the imperial court, and what the people of the world expect. How can I risk the world's greatness or not? Those who really risk the world's greatness are the filthy officials who have been brought into use. Sir, don't stop me, I will pay the emperor's salary and be loyal to the emperor, for the sake of the great Song Dynasty, the people of the world, and I can refuse it at any time, if you have the ability, you can take it!"

Seeing Xia Ping'an's resolute attitude, the aide could only sigh, looked at Xia Ping'an in admiration and helplessness, finally took his hand away from the inkstone, bowed to Xia Ping'an, and then exited the study.

Xia Ping'an was the only one left in the study. Xia Ping'an was quiet for a moment, looked at the handwriting on the paper, picked up a pen and dipped in ink, and began to write—

I heard from the minister: The honest person is the watch of the greedy person is the thief of the people. Today, the counties and counties are as wide as possible, the officials are numerous, and the loot and filth are distributed every day. . When a case comes, either he will borrow money to save his life, or he will be gracious to eliminate his provocation. Although there are strict rules, they are only the same as empty words. In the past two Han dynasties, those who committed crimes with their illicit illicit goods imprisoned their children and grandchildren, and they committed crimes! In the Taizong Dynasty, there were several officials and officials who committed crimes, and they were appointed as prisoners and servants of the Shaofu, and they should be pardoned. If you commit illicit loot, you can only be exiled, and cannot be reinstated as an official." He is responsible for corruption and cruelty, and he is so careful about his reputation! In the future, if you want to beg, the courtiers should not take light loans to offset their crimes, and they will implement them in accordance with the rules. Even if they receive amnesty, they will not be hired. In this way, honest officials know what to persuade, and greedy husbands know what to fear.

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Xia Ping'an finished writing "Begging without Dirty Officials", and before the ink was dry, "Begging without Dirty Officials" began to glow on the table, and the world of Jiezhu was shattered all at once.


In the secret room, Xia Ping'an opened his eyes and fused the world bead. In less than ten minutes, the upper limit of divine power of the secret mandala unexpectedly increased a little.

After fusing this world bead, Xia Ping'an had no world bead to fuse for the time being, so he simply took out the materials for refining the mechanism puppet and began to refine the mechanism puppet in the training tower.


Xia Ping'an was in the training tower and didn't care about the outside world. In fact, on the night that Xia Ping'an came to the Xuefeng base, a piece of news spread throughout the entire Xuefeng base - Mei Zheng, the owner of the Heyun Mountain mine, resigned as the mine owner. I will go to the Great Abyss Realm soon...Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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