The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 799: bait

Three days later, at the highest zenith of the Blood Front Pagoda, Xia Ping'an frowned slightly, looked at Xiong Bi with an unpleasant expression, and asked in a deep voice, "Sir, this is your plan, let me leave the blood alone. Feng base, no bodyguards, no escorts, go directly to the giant abyss and let me be a target?"

To be honest, Xia Ping'an really didn't expect Xiong Bi's plan to be so simple and rude. It was like throwing himself into the deep sea as a blood-stained bait to fish without a line.

Previously, Xia Ping'an thought that Xiong Bi should send some people to **** him, making it a little louder, so that the vanguard of the shadow demons could also be caught. If there is an unexpected situation, there are a few people around who can fight side by side. , to share a little pressure, but in this situation, it is simply to let yourself be a death squad.

"The simpler the method, the more effective it is!" Xiong Bi looked at Xia Ping'an with a calm expression.

"This arrangement is too obvious. It looks like a trap. When I was in Heyun Mountain before, the Shadow Demon's vanguard did not make a move, indicating that they were cautious enough. Wouldn't they be suspicious this time?" Xia Ping'an asked road.

"The mission this time is to make the other party suspect, even if he knows it's a trap, he can't help but want to do it, so only you take a little risk!" Xiong Bi said, moving his hand, in front of him , There are already two things floating, those two things, one is a small crystal tower that is half a foot high, and the other is a red and black egg-shaped object more than two feet high.

Seeing these two things, Xia Ping'an's eyes narrowed slightly, because Xia Ping'an was no stranger to these two things. He had seen it before, and the exquisitely carved crystal tower seemed to protect his body. I have seen it on my body, that crystal tower can resist powerful external attacks, and as for that egg, that is Void Divine Thunder.

"This is the Tribulation Tower and the Void Divine Thunder, which are only things in the secret treasure of the gods. You have self-defense. These two things can be combined and used by injecting divine power. If you encounter a dangerous situation, you only need to support We'll be there in a quarter of an hour!" Xiong Bi said in a deep voice.

Still have a conscience, put down some capital, and prepared some life-saving things for myself.

Xia Ping'an's face softened a little, and he was not polite. He waved his hand directly in front of Xiong Bi, and released divine power into the two things, and then the two things began to glow, and Xia Ping'an was in his mind at once. Connected.

I'm going, the energy protection layer of this Tribulation Tower is only 11 layers. It has been used more than once before. When this Tribulation Tower is complete, it should be 49 layers. I don't know how much protection these 11 layers can play, but Talk is better than nothing.

And this Void Divine Thunder is not top-notch, but it can be regarded as a deterrent to the strong demigods, and it can be used at critical moments.

With a wave of Xia Ping'an, he put away these two things.

"The life-saving thing that Lord Xie Jun has prepared for me!"

"If these two things are not used up, they will have to be handed back when the task is completed!" Xiong Bi said calmly...

Nima, Xia Ping'an almost rolled his eyes, he thought this thing was given to him.

"Cough cough, why don't you give me the ten world beads first, this mission is too dangerous and there are many variables, I'm going out this time, I may not be able to come back, I don't have the world beads, I always feel that I'm empty, I'm not brave, maybe I see the shadow demons, and I'll run away before they come..." Xia Ping'an looked at Xiong Bi pitifully and said.

Xiong Bi's eyes twitched, and he glared at Xia Ping'an. He didn't understand why a Summoner who had already stepped into the ranks of the top powerhouses with one foot, always stared at those boundary beads so eagerly, as if his eyebrows were on fire. Among all the masters of the Nine Suns Realm he knows, although there are many others who want the Jiezhu, no one has such a strong sense of ambition and urgency than the Mei Zheng in front of him. It's like giving him a few World Orbs late and someone will die.


"I'll give you two Boundary Orbs first, and the rest of the Boundary Orbs will be given to you after completing the task!" Xiong Bi said, with a move of his hand, he took out two Boundary Orbs, and with a wave of his hand, the two Boundary Orbs were Floating towards Xia Ping'an.

Xia Ping'an saw that they were two divine power world beads, one was "The Righteousness of the Robe", and the other was "Kou Zhun Banquet", all of which he had not merged before, he smiled. , with a wave of his hand, he put away the two Divine Power Realm Orbs and laughed, "Thank you Army Master!"

"It's almost time, let's go if you have nothing to do, remember not to use the flying boat along the way!"

"Cough, I still have two questions. If I really reach the edge of the space passage leading to the giant abyss and haven't encountered an ambush, is this mission complete!"

"As long as you arrive at Yingyuan, even if the Shadow Demon's team does not appear, your mission will be completed!"

"Then the spoils of war I get from killing the enemy are not mine!"


"In this way, I'll be fine, I'll leave now, Lord Commander, don't lose me!" Xia Pingan laughed, turned and left the hall neatly. After flying off the Xuefeng Pagoda, he directly moved towards the Xuefeng. It flew to the east of the base, and after a while, the protective cover of the Xuefeng base flew away, without hiding the figure at all, but swaggeringly flew towards the east.

Yingyuan is to the east of the Xuefeng base, 1.87 million kilometers away from the Xuefeng base. There is a space passage there, which is to enter the giant abyss. According to Xiong Bi's arrangement, Xia Ping'an's journey must be like a bait. He flew all the way from the Blood Front Base to Yingyuan. This is the vanguard who is stimulating the Shadow Demon, whether to shoot or not.

More than an hour later, after flying thousands of miles from the base, Xia Ping'an turned around and used the technique of looking at the air to see that thousands of miles away behind him, faintly colorful auras appeared in the sky. Among them, there are three faint golden lights, which are very obvious. This is the hidden breath of Xiong Bi and the masters of Xuefeng Base. If they follow behind him, if it is not for his breath-seeking technique, they may not be able to find it.

Xia Ping'an actually doesn't know if the qi technique he has mastered is the same as the qi number mastered by others, because his qi technique is already the same as the secret technique of the eye of heaven and the remote control technique that he mastered before. The visual ability is completely integrated, and at a glance, you can see too much information.

"If the Shadow Fiend's vanguard wants to attack me, they will definitely kill me before the people at the Blood Front Base come to the rescue. Grandma, Xiong Bi has made it clear that the chariots and horses are going to do it with the other side, it's up to the other side. Do you have the guts to make a move..."

Xia Ping'an didn't dare to be directly summoned Xia Laifu and Fu Shen Tongzi, Xia Laifu was like a bodyguard, and followed Xia Ping'an all the way to the east.

Xia Ping'an flew towards Yingyuan at a speed of 20,000 kilometers a day. Every 17 or 8 hours in the flight, he would find a place to rest. He was not impatient at all. In the first ten days, he flew more than 200,000 kilometers. Not even a single hair was found.

On the eleventh day, at noon, more than 2,000 kilometers in front of Xia Ping'an, under the watchful eye of Qi Qi, a black cloud rose into the sky on the horizon, like a wolf smoke, as if waiting for him to fly over, under the black cloud. Among the mountains in the mountains, five huge, golden mantis worms with bone spurs and a pair of wings lurking in the belly of the mountain.

The golden mantis knife worm is the mantis knife worm of the Nine Suns Realm. Xia Ping'an has never seen this advanced mantis knife worm himself, but he did not expect to see it in this secret realm of Heaven.

Xia Ping'an didn't know whether it was a coincidence or a deliberate arrangement of the target. He just pretended not to know anything, and still took Xia Laifu and flew towards the front.

Two hours later, when Xia Ping'an flew into the sky above the area where the manta worms were located, several firelights rushed from the ground and smashed directly towards Xia Ping'an...

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