The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 899: Finish

69 net 69, the fastest update of the golden summoner! Helena was lying on the bed with her jade body splayed out. As Xia Ping'an put the silver needle of the **** "Cui" into the key points of her body, her snow-white skin began to turn crimson, the color was like the morning sun, and it was very Soon, tiny beads of sweat began to condense on the skin...

"Um..." Helena, who was lying on the bed, couldn't help but let out a low moan. She buried her head in the soft goose down pillow, clutching the snow-white flyer tightly, and murmured, "This process...'s amazing...a bit like the feeling after being drunk...the body is on fire...the soul is floating in the can make people forget all the troubles, sour and numb...well...I finally know that Kelly was What does it feel like..."

This woman is really terrifying, she's too daring, if Xia Ping'an insisted, this woman would have almost stripped off her clothes in front of him and let Xia Ping'an do what she did, but even so, this woman was only wearing close-fitting underwear at the moment, Just lying down like this, completely exposing her beautiful figure and curves to Xia Ping'an, as if she was deliberately tempting Xia Ping'an.

Xia Ping'an stood by the bed, following the principle of the doctor's parents' heart, meditated and continued to perform the detoxification technique for Helena.

With Mrs. Caitlin's experience, the process of performing the detoxification technique was smoother this time. With the insertion of silver needles and the use of the mysterious technique, the toxins in Helena's body were quickly extracted by Xia Ping'an.

Xia Ping'an put the ten silver needles that he pulled out into the tray on the table next to Helena's pillow. There was clear water in the tray. As soon as the silver needles were put in, the clear water in the tray immediately became black and turbid, like dripping ink. , In addition, on the last silver needle, Xia Ping'an also saw that the needle of the silver needle was shiny, and a layer of poisonous mercury-like fine film was condensed on it.

After a high-pitched moan, Xia Ping'an pulled out the silver needle, Helena was lying on the bed panting, her breathing was quickly becoming calm, and her crimson skin was gradually becoming normal.

"Ma'am, have you experienced mercury poison before..." Xia Ping'an asked.

"Yes, that was when I was old. Because of an accident, I accidentally ate the mercury after the thermometer shattered..." Helena took a long breath and turned her head, "How do you know that?" ?"

"It seems that those mercury toxins were not completely removed from your body at that time!" Xia Pingan asked Helena to look at the silver needle with the mercury film, and then put the silver needle into the tray.

"I really feel much more relaxed, as if I have lifted the burden from my body. This feeling is so wonderful..." Helena laughed.

"Well, take a rest, there is hot water in the room, you can take a shower and then come down!" Xia Pingan said, and pulled the quilt over to cover Helena.

"Well, my body is weak and my feet are weak at the moment, can you help me wash it?" Helena turned her head from the pillow and looked at Xia Ping'an with blurred and charming eyes.

"If you need help, I can call my maid!" Xia Ping'an's expression was unmoved.

Seeing Xia Ping'an unmoved, Helena sighed softly, "Am I not beautiful?"


"Don't you like me? Is it because of Kelly?"

"For me, the most beautiful things in this world are the world beads and divine crystals, and the world of secret magic is what really attracts me!"

"What a cruel man!"

Xia Pingan smiled and said nothing, but exited the room and closed the door of the room.

This room is on the second floor, and no one has lived in it before. Because Helena had to experience the detoxification technique today, Xia Ping'an could only bring Helena to this room to detoxify her.

Xia Ping'an went downstairs, came to the living room, moved, and took out the world bead that Helena just gave her to look at. This woman came prepared today, and brought a world bead and a two-hundred-point divine crystal directly. , Xia Ping'an could not find a reason to refuse.

The agile Jiezhu, the golden script and the divine power light dots are looming in the Jiezhu, this is a divine power Jiezhu, the character of the Jiezhu is a poem titled "November 4th Wind and Rain", which is Lu You's famous poem One, this poem has the spiritual inheritance of China, and this kind of world pearl Xia Ping An is also the first time I have encountered it.

If this World Orb does not have a Spiritual Mind Crystal, the possibility of successful fusion is also zero, but fortunately, even if this World Orb fails to fuse, it will not let the Summoner lose his hair, so Helena brought this World Orb. In this world, many spiritual mind crystals are more precious than those of the world beads. Xia Ping'an also thought about it before. If he required a world bead and corresponding spiritual crystal to perform a detoxification technique on others, this requirement would be a bit high. Many people may have a world bead but cannot get a spiritual crystal. , that would narrow the path for oneself, so it is better to simply only need the Jiezhu, one is to lower the requirements, and the other is to allow oneself to quickly improve their strength.

If Helena wasn't still here, Xia Ping'an couldn't help but fuse this Boundary Orb. It would be a matter of minutes for Xia Ping'an to fuse this Boundary Orb.

I would also like to thank Emperor Shennong and Duke Zhou. Xia Ping'an never imagined that it would be so easy for him to earn a world bead by relying on the skills handed down by these two people. Women's money is really easy to earn.

After drinking a few cups of tea and waiting for about half an hour, Helena walked down the stairs.

Compared with when she came, Helena at this moment feels like she has a new look. She looks like she is several years younger. Her complexion is white and her skin is rosy, showing the luster of youthful vitality. .

Seeing Helena coming down, Xia Ping'an stood up, "How do you feel?"

Helena with a smile on her face

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ I walked straight to Xia Ping'an, and suddenly gave Xia Ping'an a deep kiss.

Xia Ping'an was stunned. Just when he was hesitating whether to push this bold and pungent woman away, Helena took the initiative to separate.

"I only know now that a kiss can really be sweet, you can feel it for yourself..." Helena smiled lightly and touched Xia Ping'an's face again, "Remember, you will be mine from now on. Now, next week I will bring you your first guest, and I will let you know in advance, sweet little man, believe me, you will get famous and get everything you want, and your presence will make a sensation in the whole The Lady Circle in Randy Province!"

Helena wore her mesh woolen hat and her mink coat and left. When she was leaving, the woman directly asked his coachman to take away the signboard of Xia Pin's office at the door and let him Xia Ping'an was dumbfounded.

Xia Ping'an stood at the door, watching Helena's carriage disappear into the fading rain.

"Why did that woman's coachman take away the signboard of your office..." Mrs. Margaret stuck her head out from the window sill on the second floor next to her and greeted Xia Ping'an.

Mrs. Margaret was like a well-hidden detective who knew exactly what was going on around her.

"Mrs. Margaret, thank you for the hazelnut biscuits and roses, my office may have to move to another place..."

"Oh, is that so!" Mrs. Margaret suddenly regained her spirits and asked immediately, "I had a dream last night. If it is convenient for you now, can you help me with a divination?"


Hearing Xia Ping'an's words, Mrs. Margaret quickly came to Xia Ping'an's villa with an umbrella. Xia Ping'an received the enthusiastic neighbor in the tea room and listened carefully to Mrs. Margaret's dream. Of course, For Mrs. Margaret, there is no need to expend divine power to use dreaming.

As Mrs. Margaret repeatedly mentioned, she dreamed of a pile of chiggers.

Consuming precious divine power to see the dung beetle in a housewife's dream, Xia Ping'an felt like a fuss.

"I never thought I would dream of such a disgusting bug in my dreams. Is this dream good or bad?" Mrs. Margaret asked nervously.

"Well, this dream is not too good..." Xia Pingan said.

" That's very bad..." Mrs. Margaret suddenly became nervous.

"It's not too bad. This dream indicates that you and your family may lose some property accidentally recently, and you need to pay extra attention!"

"Lost property?"


After receiving Xia Ping'an's affirmative lecture, Mrs. Margaret thanked her and left. Xia Ping'an could see that Mrs. Margaret still had some doubts about her ability to interpret dreams and divination, and he did not explain it. ,Time will prove everything.

After sending Mrs. Margaret away, Xia Ping'an went directly to the underground secret room, took out the "November 4th Wind and Rain" world bead from Lu You that Helena sent today, and began to fuse.

It was too simple to fuse this world bead. In less than a minute, the light cocoon on Xia Ping'an's body was shattered, and the world bead was successfully fused, adding another 18 points to the upper limit of divine power for Xia Ping'an.

After integrating the Boundary Beads, Xia Ping'an asked Long Wu to set up the carriage, and went out full of energy to go directly to Keland's library...

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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