The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 900: Black Market Cocktail Party

At the appointed time with Mr. Coin, Xia Ping'an, wearing a black coat and a velvet hat, stood in front of Room 1609 of the Tulip Hotel. Finally, he sorted out his bow tie and glanced at the time on his hand. The time was 5:55, 5 minutes ahead of Mr. Coin's appointment.

Xia Ping An attaches great importance to this gathering. He still has a bunch of Spiritual Mind crystals in his hand. If all of these Spiritual Mind crystals are exchanged, the exchanged Boundary Orbs should be enough for him to advance from the second level to the third level.

Just like a mature man who has gone through hardships who only wants to make money, Xia Ping'an at this moment only wants to focus on Jiezhu.

Because Xia Ping'an doesn't know when the accident will come!

Xia Ping'an doesn't know whether the pursuit and killing of the Lord Demon God will reappear, but he vaguely has a strong premonition that the Lord Demon God must know that he is still alive, and that the Lord Demon God's pursuit of himself, It won't be like that.

It seems that everything is fine now, but the burning urgency, like a storm that will come at any time, can only be experienced by Xia Ping'an.

The boy Fu Shen sat on Xia Ping'an's shoulders, jumping around happily holding Xia Ping'an's ears. The missionary mage who sang the song of life is still hidden in the swamp. Xia Ping'an is also considered convinced, but that The guy has already been designated by Fushen Tongzi and can't run away. Xia Ping'an also invited Fushen Tongzi to join him in today's party.

For the past two days, he spent the past two days in Koland's library to look up information related to the Blood Emperor, and finally determined one thing, the treasure map of his so-called Blood Emperor's treasure was probably fake.

The treasure of the Blood Emperor is real and has been an unsolved mystery for thousands of years, but the problem is that in the past thousand years, many people and forces have created many treasures related to the Blood Emperor for various purposes. All kinds of rumors and treasure maps related to the treasure map, although the treasure map he got looks a little old, but it is probably one of the ones that was brewed, and it was accidentally obtained by Siggs Canel, Carnell thought the thing was valuable, so he hid it.

And there is a logical flaw in the treasure map. When the Blood Emperor was in power, he did not call himself the Blood Emperor, but called himself the "Holy Otis Empire, where the gods bless all the saints." "The Great Emperor", the Blood Emperor was the title given to him by the descendants after the collapse of the Otis Empire. It was impossible for the Blood Emperor himself to create a map of the Blood Emperor's treasure, and the person who made the map knew where the Blood Emperor's treasure was. , then why did he let others know?

When you think about it, things are simple.

"Dong dong..." Xia Ping'an knocked gently on the door.

A few seconds later, footsteps sounded in the room, the door opened, and Mr. Coin was standing in the room.

The face of Mr. Coin at this moment is still the same as when Xia Ping'an first saw him, with gray hair and a beautiful mustache, dressed in a formal dress, and dressed delicately, like a wealthy gentleman.

"You're on time..." Mr. Coin smiled and let Xia Ping'an enter the room.

The Tulip Hotel is one of the most upscale hotels in Kelanden. Room 1609 is the most luxurious two-storey suite in the hotel. The furnishings in this room are also extremely luxurious.

There was no one else in the room except Mr. Coin. Mr. Coin took Xia Ping'an directly to the locker room of the hotel room.

"Put on this illusion robe, activate it with three points of divine power, and we can go..."

In the dressing room, there were two black burqas. The burqas, from the hood to the feet, were also decorated with divine patterns pierced with gold threads that were visible to the naked eye.

Mr. Coin said, he took out a burqa and put it on first, and then activated the divine pattern of the illusion robe, but in an instant, Xia Pingan saw that Mr. Coin's entire body was shrouded in the illusion robe, and it became It was like a cloud of fog, and he couldn't see his true colors at all. Even his outstretched hand was composed of a cloud of fog. Of course, this was not really turning people into fog, but the effect of illusion, which could be completely covered up. A person's physical characteristics, people can not even distinguish between male and female.

Xia Ping'an also took a set of burqas and put it on, and activated it with three points of divine power. The illusion magic robe also used illusion to change Xia Ping'an's appearance. Xia Ping'an found that he had become a wooden man, and he stretched The hands out, like the branches of trees, are very interesting.

"Okay, come with me..." Mr. Coin said, and his voice was like mist. When he was talking, he moved his hand and pushed open a partition of the locker room. A closed secret road leading to nowhere.

Xia Ping'an was a little surprised. He originally thought that the black market of Koland's God Blessed would be elsewhere, but from the current situation, this black market should be in the hotel, otherwise, Mr. Coin would not take him away. such a channel.

"The black market is in the hotel?"

"Of course, don't you think that the favored ones are mice and like to move in dark places?"

"I thought it was somewhere more secluded!"

"This place is also very hidden. There is a hidden club in the Tulip Hotel. Generally, only God's favored people can come in. Remember, in such a black market, there are a few rules to pay attention to. First, don't ask about other people's identities. Second, do not lift off other people's magic robes, third, do not use force, fourth, do not agree to meet with anyone in private except for on-site transactions. It's murders and traps, too many tragedies like this!"

"Understood..." Xia Ping'an also opened his mouth. After he opened his mouth, he found that his voice seemed to come from a tree hole, with the echo of wood.

At the end of the passage, there is a spiral staircase. Going up the stairs to the first floor, a black stone door appeared in front of him. There was a trace of a sunken palm on the stone door. Mr. Coin stretched out his palm and placed it on the stone door. Above, with the surge of divine power output, the stone gate opened.

The brisk violin music and colorful lights came out from the stone gate.

"The cost of opening the stone gate here is also the entrance fee here. It is 20 points of divine power per person..." Mr. Coin said.

"The ticket here is the divine power input into Shimen?"

"Of course, otherwise, why would anyone be willing to pay for such a party? Even with the acquiescence of the Bureau of Investigation, there must always be enough benefits..."

The two walked in, and Xia Ping'an was surprised to see that in front of him, there was a huge rotunda. A lively reception was being held in the hall. Summoners wearing illusion robes were walking from the hall around the hall. The stone gates came in, and then the stone gates closed again.

Those who are not wearing magic robes are all summoned characters, there are bands playing music, waiters with drinks, and clowns performing acrobatics. On the other side, the long snow-white table is full of various drinks and delicacies.

The effects of the magic robes are different, and the appearances of the summoners walking here are also different. The bodies of those summoners have mist of various colors, wooden figures like Xia Ping'an, and others. It looks like metal, stone, and even some illusion vestments that directly turn the summoner into walking plants, flowers and animals.

Walking sunflowers, walking clover, walking lilies, and those walking catheads, kobolds, tauren, all kinds of people walking around with wine glasses at the reception, which is very interesting, a bit Like a scene from a kid's anime.

"Enjoy yourself..."

In the blink of an eye, when Xia Ping'an was looking at the surrounding environment, Mr. Coin left a sentence, took a glass of wine on the waiter's tray, and walked into a chat circle composed of several misty people. When people chat, it seems that they have met their friends.

The lucky boy beside Xia Ping'an was like entering an amusement park. He disappeared in front of Xia Ping'an in the blink of an eye, appeared on the chandelier above the hall, and appeared on the head of a kobold in the next second. Then it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

A waiter walked past Xia Ping'an with champagne. Xia Ping'an took a glass of champagne and walked towards the chatting crowd.

"...I heard that Life Muge has suffered heavy losses recently, and many people have been killed by the Bureau of Investigation. The Bureau of Investigation is still offering a reward. The missionary Mage with Life Muge is hiding in the Devouring Swamp. Are you interested in finding familiar friends to form a team together? Go try it!"

Just as he walked over, Xia Ping'an heard a "cat-headed man" with a white head chatting.

Some of this information may have been deliberately released by the Bureau of Investigation. Otherwise, how could these ordinary God-blessers know that the missionary mages who are still alive are trapped in the swamp. This is because the Bureau of Investigation wants to borrow the hands of others. It's just to get rid of the mage of the song of life.

"Forget it... Life Muge's missionary mages are at least the third-level gods favored, not so easy to hunt, I have a little **** crystal here, and I want to exchange an assassin's world bead, I don't know who is interested... …”

"There is no Assassin World Orb. If you want, I can buy it with money. The price is negotiable..."

"The reward offered by the Bureau of Investigation this time is 5 world beads plus 2,000 divine crystals..." The white "cat head man" was still talking.


After listening to it for a while, Xia Ping'an probably understood that the black market of the favored people is like a cocktail party, where everyone chats and drinks here while looking for opportunities to exchange and purchase supplies, and those who negotiate will make transactions directly on the spot.

In just a while, the black stone gates opened, and more and more people came to the reception, and the atmosphere of the reception gradually became warmer.

Xia Ping'an saw a piano in the hall, he walked over, put the wine glass on the piano, stroked the black and white keys with his fingers, familiarized himself with the melody of the piano, and then sat on the piano bench.

The hall was still lively, and no one would care about a favored person sitting in front of the piano.

But the next second, when the passionate bass at the beginning of the first movement of Beethoven's "Symphony of Fate" swept across the hall like a howling storm, everyone in the hall turned to look in the direction of the piano.

Only ten seconds later all the sound in the hall was gone, it was quiet, and everyone had surprised expressions on their faces. Even the musicians in the hall stopped playing. The exciting melody of the "Symphony of Destiny" reverberated.

Unconsciously, more and more people gathered around the piano, immersed in the artistic conception brought by the music.

Xia Ping'an's hands and ten fingers are the source of the storm. Xia Ping'an, sitting in front of the piano, closed his eyes, like a magician of music. His hands and ten fingers danced flexibly and gracefully on the black and white keys, completely immersed in it.

A few minutes later, when Xia Ping'an opened his eyes, his fingers also lifted from the last key, and the whole hall was quiet, as if only the reverberation was swirling in the hall.

Xia Ping'an stood up, bowed slightly to the countless surprised eyes cast around him, and said calmly in a voice that everyone could hear, "Cough, hello everyone, I have some spiritual crystals here, I want to Exchange the world beads, you can come to me if you need to exchange..."

Everyone is stunned...

But a few seconds later, a voice scolded in exasperation, " use such beautiful music to make such a vulgar advertisement for himself..."

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