The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 906: invite

In the room, a woman with a slightly fatter body and fair complexion was lying on the bed. The woman was only wearing a swimsuit, and her feet and entire back were exposed, while several acupuncture points on the woman's body were pierced with ten shining rods. Silver Needle.

The fluctuations and breath of the divine script had disappeared for a while, and as Xia Ping'an began to pull out the silver needles inserted into the woman's body, it was already visible to the naked eye that several silver needles had become pitch black and discolored, and some silver needles had become dark and discolored. On the needle, there were also some gray-black substances in the shape of fish scales, which were the poisonous substances extracted from this woman's body.

Helena has been watching from the side, her eyes are shining, this is what Xia Ping'an asked, because Xia Ping'an feels that a man and an unfamiliar woman in the same room are easy to attract criticism, and it will also make these The woman's husband misunderstood, so Xia Pingan insisted that Helena should be there, or that the women's personal maids should be there. This is better, and this place is Helena's villa on Odin Street.

"Why did Mrs. Lawrence fall asleep? Today's detoxification ceremony seems to be a little different from the previous one?" Until this time, Helena couldn't help but ask her doubts.

The Mrs. Lawrence lying in front of her is the wife of the mayor of Coland City.

Since Xia Ping'an's first injection, the woman lying on the bed has been very quiet, as if she was asleep, with a peaceful and sweet smile on her face, as if entering a sweet dream.

"I smeared a bit of anesthesia on the silver needle. The drug can make Mrs. Lawrence feel the pain and numbness caused by the treatment, and it can also help her relax her body and receive treatment better. The benzoin lit inside can also soothe her spirit, and Mrs. Lawrence will wake up in three minutes..." Xia Ping'an said calmly, and was ready to leave. After Mrs. Lawrence wakes up, Helena will take care of her. Responsible, he doesn't need to be involved.

This is the third detoxification treatment for these ladies brought by Xia Ping'an to Helena in the past two weeks. Because of the previous experience, Xia Ping'an has also improved the treatment process of some detoxification techniques. I found that it was actually a good choice for these women to lie quietly and not make a sound while receiving treatment.

When some women are receiving detoxification treatment, with the insertion of silver needles, their body will experience various sensations such as soreness, numbness, swelling and pain. Because of the stimulation, their body will twist, which brings some benefits to the treatment. Inconvenient, of course, what makes Xia Ping An even more embarrassing is that in the process of detoxification, because the effect of the detoxification technique is manifested, those women will make various voices, which will make the original pure and transparent detoxification technique. The treatment became a bit ambiguous. If someone listened outside the door and thought that something elusive was happening inside, Xia Pingan simply let these people fall asleep and completed the treatment calmly.


A few minutes later, Helena personally sent Xia Pingan out of the hall of the villa and came to the courtyard outside, where Long Wu's carriage was waiting beside the fountain.

"Five days later, on the evening of my father's birthday, there will be a celebration reception at Condela Castle, and celebrities from Brandy Province will come to participate..." Helena said, handing over a gorgeous bronzing invitation, "If you I'd be very happy to be here!"

"Thank you, but you know, I don't necessarily have time!" Xia Ping'an took the invitation, and then hesitantly said, Xia Ping'an has no interest in these so-called receptions of high society and wealthy families.

Helena smiled lightly, and seemed to understand what Xia Pingan was thinking, "For many people, this is an opportunity for them to stand out in Brandy and enter the upper class. They can't ask for such occasions and opportunities. Of course, I I know you are not very interested in this, but there will be many famous summoners at this reception, and Kelly will also come. Summoners will have some interesting interactions at such receptions, and the Condera family will bring Give some boundary beads and divine crystals as rewards!"

"Jiezhu?" Xia Pingan licked his lips.

"Of course, the summoners who can come to the reception are very prestigious in Brandy Province, at least the fourth-level God Blessed One, and communication with them may be helpful to you!"

"Okay, I will come to participate!" Xia Ping'an said, it doesn't matter to Xia Ping'an whether the reception or not, but Xia Ping'an doesn't want to miss the opportunity to get the world bead, and he will be able to get a few more world beads soon. Advanced sixth level.


Xia Ping'an got on the carriage, and Long Wu drove the carriage to spare a circle at the fountain, and then drove out of the garden and the gate of Helena's Villa, and came to Odin Street outside.

At this moment, it is the afternoon, and the sun is shining outside. I came here from Binhu Street, completed the detoxification technique and left. The whole process took less than two hours. The whole process was very easy and not dangerous. There you go.

In the carriage, Xia Ping'an moved his hand and took out the world bead, one of the rewards for this mission, and looked at it in his hand.

This is a divine power world bead flashing with a faint yellow light. There are several small seal characters in the bead "Tang Xianzong Lun He Qin".

"If I used the detoxification technique once a day, I would be able to reach the final step of consecrating a **** in just a few months..."

Looking at the Jiezhu in his hand, Xia Ping'an whispered to himself, his eyes flashing, this is not a joke, to a certain extent, he feels that Helena is more like his agent, Helena's ability is very strong, What kind of tacit understanding and communication between Helena and those ladies is not important to Xia Ping'an. What is important is that the circle of acquaintances with that woman is too large, and she has long sleeves and dances. Through several contacts these days, Xia Ping'an discovered that, In addition to the noble lady circle in Brandy Province, Helena has contact with the woman in the circle of the capital of the Red Ron Republic, in addition to Brandy Province, so that Helena can continue to give Xia Ping'an found a gold master who wanted to make himself beautiful with a Jiezhu. Both parties benefited each other and each got what they needed.

A Boundary Orb and a little Divine Crystal are nothing to those ladies, but the continuous accumulation of these Boundary Orbs to Xia Ping'an has a great effect.

Of course, the premise is that there will be no other accidents, and Xia Ping'an can continue to work safely in Keland.

Just a few minutes later, the carriage quickly left Odin Street and turned into a lively commercial street connected to Odin Street. Seeing the newsstand on the street, Xia Ping'an asked Long Wu to stop the carriage and go to the street. He bought several other newspapers from the newsstand, such as "Korland Daily", "Informer", and "Monitor". These newspapers were not ordered by Xia Ping'an.

After a while, Long Wu bought several different newspapers and came back, gave the newspapers to Xia Ping'an, and then the carriage continued on the road.

Xia Ping'an was in the carriage of the carriage, quickly flipping through the other newspapers, and after a while, his brows slightly wrinkled.

The reason why Xia Ping An bought these newspapers was to see if there were any strange cases related to the disappearance of human organs in Koland recently. However, during this period of time, there were no cases of missing organs in these newspapers, and there was no such gossip. It's rumored that Xia Ping'an feels a little Because he knows that behind the terrifying wax museum incident, there is a black hand that has not been found out. That black hand is from the Consulate General of the Ceylon Empire in Koland. A certain summoner in the house had previously purchased human organs from the wax museum many times, secretly subsidizing the dead pervert in the wax museum.

Now that the wax museum has been taken away by a nest, the black hand has been cut off from buying human organs, and it is a bit strange that Koland has not had any cases related to the disappearance of human organs recently.

Is it that the black hand no longer needs fresh human organs and has completely died down, or is there another source of organs?

Will there be any clues that you have overlooked?

Inside the carriage, Xia Ping'an's fingers tapped lightly on the armrest of the car seat, thinking secretly. Suddenly, Xia Ping'an's eyes narrowed. Perhaps, there is another possibility. What if the missing person is not an organ, but a person?

Xia Ping'an was shaken, and he immediately opened the advertisement pages of those newspapers again. Sure enough, in the advertisement pages of those newspapers, in almost every newspaper, some newly published notices of missing persons could be seen.

Such missing person notices can be seen in these newspapers almost every day. Some people can indeed be found again after they are published, but some people can no longer be found, and they are completely reduced to missing persons.

At this moment, a figure that made Xia Ping'an somewhat familiar suddenly appeared in the corner of Xia Ping'an's eyes - Wu Wuxin.

At ten o'clock and fifty meters from the left side window of the carriage, Wu Wuxin, who was wearing a gray-blue coat and sunglasses with two suitcases in his hand, just got off a black taxi and was looking at his surroundings...

This guy has come to Colander?

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