The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 907: Elimination

Wu Wuxin, who had just got off the carriage, did not notice Xia Ping'an sitting in the carriage in the distance. He stood on the side of the road and looked around, and took out a note in his hand, as if he was looking at the address on the note. Afterwards, Wu Wuxin saluted, crossed the road, walked towards a residential building not far away, and disappeared into the alley next to the residential building in a moment.

This guy was finally sent by his father to Koland to open up wasteland.

Xia Ping'an was watching from the carriage. When he saw Wu Wuxin leaving, Xia Ping'an was still a little excited, but instead of getting off the carriage, he took a deep breath and patted the carriage lightly. The green-clothed messenger on the roof flapped his wings and flew towards the direction Wu Wuxin left.

After the green-clothed messenger left, Xia Ping'an took Long Wu's carriage and left the block in the blink of an eye.

More than forty minutes later, Long Wu's carriage stopped beside a small square on the west side of Keland. There was a small river near the small square, surrounded by a large residential area, and some factories, including the chimney of a coking coal factory. In broad daylight, thick smoke billows into the sky, and most of the people who live nearby are the middle and lower classes and ordinary workers of Kelander.

Xia Ping'an changed into an ordinary-looking gray coat and a blue peaked cap on the carriage, got off the carriage, walked towards the small square, and sat on a bench near the small square. After sitting on the bench in the square for more than ten minutes, when Long Wu drove the carriage away, Xia Ping'an looked at the watch in his hand, then crossed the small square and went west along the river beside the square. .

The water in the river was obviously polluted by the surrounding factories. The water in the whole river looked gray and blue, with a scorching smell of scorch. The boxwood on the side is also a little sluggish, with yellow leaves and a layer of gray. This is the real environment of an ordinary residential area, not to mention compared with Odin Street, even compared with Binhu Street. It is a city, but like two worlds, the gap between the rich and the poor is particularly obvious here.

Xia Ping'an walked along the river for about a kilometer, and then turned into a street in a residential area. Then Xia Ping'an came to the public carriage pavilion on the street and sat, looking at his watch, as if Like waiting for the carriage, waiting quietly.

There were also several people waiting for the carriage at this public bus station. The gray jacket Xia Ping An was wearing was just an ordinary coat, which looked similar to the people around him, so it didn't attract attention at all.

The public carriage came twice, but Xia Ping'an didn't move. Gradually, more and more people were waiting at the bus station platform. Most of them were people who went to work nearby, and it was time for the day-shift workers of the factory to get off work.

Another long bus is coming!

When he saw the carriage coming, Xia Pingan finally stood up.

The bus and carriage stopped, the people on the carriage got off the bus, and the people on the platform suddenly crowded.

"Bastard, get out of the way, don't you have eyes..." A rude voice sounded at the door of the carriage, and then a man of five or three with a bald head and a body like a bear glared and pushed away the people who were crowding in front of the door, arrogant. was squeezed from the stagecoach.

Xia Ping'an squeezed into the carriage. When he got on the carriage, a pitch-black needle that was one inch long suddenly popped out of the ring on Xia Ping's hand. Amid the crowding and confusion, the needle stabbed directly into the man's thigh.

The man only felt like he was bitten by a mosquito on his thigh. The feeling was too slight, and there was a little numbness, but he didn't care. He thought he was scratched by something on someone else's hand, and just scolded. Walk towards a nearby residential area.

The carriage moved at this time.

Xia Ping'an got on the stage carriage, and stood in the crowded carriage of the stage carriage, squinting through the glass on the carriage, watching the man leave the platform of the carriage, and then calmly withdrew his gaze.

In just a few hours, the man would have vomited, had a high fever, and then felt weak, and would have died within the next 24 hours, even if he was sent to the hospital, where there was no treatment, and with the medical treatment of this world The level of testing can lead to the conclusion that death is also blood disease or organ failure.

That man was poisoned by the ricin on the poisonous needle of the ring he was wearing. The ring was made by Xia Ping'an himself. The ring contained a little more than a gram of ricin he extracted. The needle in the ring pops out and pierces the human body to release at least one milligram and up to ten milligrams of ricin. The amount released is controlled by Xia Ping'an. In addition to ricin, the needle of the ring also has the effect of anesthetic, which makes it almost impossible for people to feel anything strange when the needle pierces the human body.

Xia Pingan just stabbed the man, and less than a milligram of ricin was injected into the man's body. Yes, sometimes it's as simple as destroying a scumbag, just at the moment when the station crossed by. Sending that scum to **** is more effective than any other technique. Even if that person is sent for an autopsy, with the autopsy technology in this world, it is impossible to detect the true cause of death of that person. Of course, that person's death There is no trace of magic in death.

The man who died was called the junior supervisor of a nearby factory, but that guy was a real scum. He raped and killed several female workers in the nearby factory area, and he used brutal methods to beat women every time. He was in a coma, and then made an eucalyptus, and after the eucalyptus, he took the victim's body outside the city and threw it into a river outside the city to be washed away. The lurker of the song of life is going to develop this man into a thug below.

The lurker was dead and was being punished in the prison at the moment. Xia Ping'an locked the scum after he got the interrogation statement and read the memory of the lurker.

It is impossible to report this kind of incident. There is no direct evidence. If you continue to let this guy go, maybe this guy may make a case at any time, so Xia Ping'an can only take action himself to cut off this tumor hidden in the civilian area.

After riding the carriage for three stops, Xia Ping'an got off the carriage and came to the river. After walking for a short distance along the river, he saw the small square again.

The sound of the carriage bell came from behind, Xia Ping'an turned around, and Long Wu had already driven the carriage over.

The carriage stopped, Xia Ping'an got on the carriage, took off his clothes and hat again, and changed into the clothes he was wearing before, as if nothing had happened.

An hour later, Long Wu rode a carriage and took Xia Ping'an to a bustling street in the center of Keland, and stopped at the entrance of a prestigious high-end restaurant.

Xia Ping'an, who changed his clothes, got off the carriage and came to the door of the restaurant. Immediately, a waiter wearing a bow tie opened the door of the restaurant, "Sir, do you have an appointment?"

"Yes, I made an appointment yesterday, my surname is Xia!"

"It turned out to be Mr. Xia, hello, please come with me!" The waiter in the restaurant is well-trained and memorized the names of everyone who ordered meals here today. After Xia Ping'an reported his name, he was immediately taken by the waiter in the restaurant. Got to a seat in the restaurant and sat down, and handed over the restaurant's menu.

After ordering the dishes, after a while, when it was time to eat, there were more people in the restaurant. The people who came to eat here were basically well-dressed gentlemen and ladies. This is one of the best high-end restaurants in Koland.

Just when Xia Ping'an started to eat, a man in his forties with a black velvet top hat and a double-breasted coat, who looked potbellied, walked in with a young and beautiful woman in a long white dress. Just sitting in the aisle on the right hand side of Xia Ping'an at two o'clock.

When they came to the restaurant, the man took off his hat, revealing his red hair. The man was polite and courteous to the woman. The man seemed to have some identity. As soon as he arrived, the restaurant manager came over to greet him and brought a bottle of red wine.

Xia Ping'an glanced at the man, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

That man's name is Sandro, the mayor of Corland Dilaop District. In this kind of city, he is somewhat a character, but it is this guy who colluded with the evil forces and liars in Dilaop District. In the renovation project of a residential area in the Dilaop district, many ordinary people were forced to lose everything and their families were ruined, while he made a fortune.

A low-level guard in the underground secret hall of Life Muge that day was driven to a dead end by this guy. He was full of hatred and despair for this world, and finally joined a cult, and wanted to use the power of Life Muge to help him. He avenged himself, but he didn't expect that the low-level guard would encounter the siege of the night watchman before he took revenge.

Must those who join these dark forces be evil? Not necessarily, some may be forced to be helpless. When justice collapses in their hearts, they will find strength from the darkness. And people like Sandro must be noble, and even more so, the real scum, sometimes they will be aloof, sanctimonious, and appear as officials...

Everything is relative!

Sandro sat in the seat for a while, then got up, as if to go to the bathroom.

Xia Ping'an also put down the tableware, got up at the same time, and walked towards the bathroom. The two met in the aisle outside the bathroom. Xia Ping'an walked behind Sandro. At the moment of crossing, the ring on Xia's hand The needle stabbed Sandro's to inject the toxin.

Sandro didn't notice at all, he just thought that the edges and corners of the sleeves inside his clothes and the copper buttons were a little uncomfortable.

Xia Ping'an came to the front desk, paid the bill with a calm face, and then walked out of the restaurant.

It's just getting dark outside...

Long Wu drove the carriage to the door of the restaurant. Xia Ping'an got on the carriage, tapped the carriage lightly, and let out a long sigh of relief. Today, he has eliminated two scourges for the world, not bad.

"Back to No. 169 Binhu Street..."

"Driving..." Long Wuyi shook the reins, and the horse pulling the cart ran briskly.

Inside the carriage, the boy Fushen flashed and appeared in the carriage, jumping up and down on Xia Ping'an's lap.

For the past two days, Fu Shen Tongzi has been monitoring the Consulate General of the Ceylon Empire in Koland and the missionary Mage of Life Muge. There are indeed a few summoners in the Consulate General, but those few summoners have not been available for the past few days. Any abnormality has not been caught by Xia Ping'an, and the missionary mage of Life Muge is still in the swamp these days, and Xia Ping'an has also taken it.

That guy stayed in the swamp for so long, Xia Ping'an admired it.

I don't know if that guy is moldy or not, Xia Ping'an, but the Bureau of Investigation has been ambushing around the swamp for so long, and some summoners who are greedy for rewards have also gone to join in the fun, but because they haven't found any movement and behavior of the guy in the swamp. The trail, everyone thought that guy had escaped from the swamp, the containment and ambush around the swamp for the past two days have been relaxed, and even the people from the investigation bureau began to withdraw...

Only Xia Ping'an knew that that guy had been hiding in the depths of the swamp, his patience was terrifying.

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