The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 911: clue

The secret mandala, in the giant tower prison...

The raging blood-red flames burned a mourning spirit that was completely chained up, burning the spirit's body into charcoal and ashes again and again, and reborn the spirit again and again to accept this torture, endlessly. Endless……

The one who is suffering this torture is the missionary mage who lives and sings.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, well-defined facial features, and even a little gentle, the body of the spirit locked by the iron chain is also considered strong, but the drooping eyes and thin lips look a little more gloomy, from the outside. Looking at it, it is impossible to see that this is an evil person, and this is the true face of the missionary Master of Life Muge.

Under the flames, the person's hair will first turn to ashes under the flames, and then in his wailing, his skin and facial features will be charred by the flames, peeled off from the body, and then burst open. On his body, animal-like scales will appear, **** red horns will grow on his head, and his nails will grow longer, as if he has become a monster, and the terrifying flame ash continues to burn his body, in the midst of his wailing. In the middle, the scales on his body were turned to ashes little by little, then the flesh and blood of the body under the scales, and finally the internal organs...

When this person was being burned by the flames, in this cell, there would be a terrifyingly twisted face emerging from his soul, those faces were male and female, old and young, one Zhang Mian stared at him, opened his **** mouth, and swarmed the flesh and blood of this man, causing him more pain.

In the flame, the light and shadow change and twist, constantly revealing the things that this person did when he was alive, how to join the cult of life music, **** someone for the first time, **** someone, how to be ordered to come to Brandi, in Brandi develops members, kills innocent people, and prepares to do "big things"...

"The **** scrollers of the dark alliance camp believe in the dominant demon gods, and the life mu song sect is also one of the members of the dark alliance. They are mainly responsible for infiltrating the interior of the Holy Light Alliance to collect confidential information, develop spies, and then destroy, so The **** scrollers above the third level of the dark alliance, who have been taken care of by the master demon gods, will show more demonized characteristics. The missionary mage of this life song is called Haider, who entered from the Brad Peninsula. Brandy, according to his account, Brandy also has at least two missionary mages who live and sing and a high-level undead mages, and this missionary magist has done a lot of bad things in Koland...

Wei Shun and Sigurds Carnell were standing in front of Xia Ping'an, and Yu Shun was reporting the latest information they had collected to Xia Ping'an.

Hui Shun was originally in charge of the prison management, and in this secret mandala, because of the preaching of the Holy Master, Hui Shun's wisdom has been opened, and with the assistance of Sigurds Canel and the information obtained from the previous interrogation, Therefore, at this moment, Wei Shun has completely adapted to his current role, and he has a clear understanding of the outside world. Now that he reports, he is exceptionally smooth, and there is no squeak at all.

Finally got to grips with the minions of the master demon **** again!

Looking at Haider who showed his demonic qualities in the flames, Xia Ping'an's eyes were serious, and the string in his heart suddenly tightened.

It can be said that in this world, the entire Dark Alliance camp believes in the master demon god.

The Dark Alliance camp mainly lives underground, and most of the countries on the ground belong to the Holy Light Alliance, and the Holy Light Alliance believes in another master.

The struggle between the two masters of the Yuanqiu world fills all planes of the entire universe, and the world of the gods is not immune. Apart from the two masters, this world is also filled with the beliefs of various other gods and sects, but The beliefs of these gods and sects can be divided into three categories in total. They either stand on one side of the two masters, or they are neutral and non-aligned, and they will never be involved in the conflict between the two camps. The devil is here.

"Oh, by the way, according to this Haider's account, there is also a missionary mage who is a song of life who will often come to Koland, but he doesn't know the specific identity of that person..." Sigs Kanel was careful beside him He added, looking at the soul in purgatory, Sigurds Carnell shuddered, he knew too well what it was like, the eternal pain, endless, despairing, think about yourself again In the current situation, Sigurds Carnell cherishes the work of the jailer in front of him.

"Okay, I get it, hard work..."

Xia Ping'an waved his hand, and Wei Shun and Siggs Canel stepped back. Xia Ping'an stared at the light and shadow of the life-like missionary mage's activity in Koland. This guy's identity in Koland was a Music teacher, this identity allows him to move around and get in touch with a lot of people, and in the three caves of Koland, he often changes his identity and has more than one hiding place, all of which are very secret.

In the mezzanine compartment of an apartment where this guy was hiding, Xia Ping'an also saw a life altar of the Life Muge Sect. The altar was the magic weapon used by the Life Muge Sect to contact these missionaries. Can you find this place.

Apart from that, there is not much information that is too valuable. The followers of Life Mu Song, which this guy has developed in Koland for the past two years, were basically wiped out by the Night Watch in the last action, even if there are still a few. The fish that slipped through the net has also been pinched by the Bureau of Investigation in the past few days. The other cults that another missionary master of Life Mu Song developed in Koland are not on the same line as him, and he is not very clear.

After learning this information, Xia Ping'an left the giant tower.

On the giant tower, because this guy was killed by himself, he added more than 1,200 points of divine power, which is a big gain. At this moment, in Xia Ping'an's secret mandala, there are 3,780 points of divine power available, not including those divine crystals.


Withdrawing from the secret mandala, Xia Ping'an left the secret room and came to the study outside. Auntie had already prepared breakfast.

After coming back last night, Xia Ping'an slept, and only entered the secret mandala this morning to check on the guy's situation. Xia Ping'an was very satisfied with last night's harvest.

While eating breakfast, Xia Ping'an looked at the "Brandy Daily", and sure enough, in the "Brandy Daily", he saw the message of this morning's meeting left by Mr. Coin again. It seems that Mr. Coin has already happened last night. I got it, and I immediately left a contact code on the "Brandy Daily". The news was delivered in a very timely manner. Xia Ping'an even suspected that Mr. Coin's other identity might be the editor-in-chief of the "Brandy Daily". one.

After breakfast, Xia Ping'an asked Long Wu to drive the carriage and came directly to the Temple of Lords.

In the confession room of the Dominion Temple, through a small window, Xia Pingan saw Mr. Coin again.

"Moonlight has already told me, your performance last night surprised me!" As soon as they met, Mr. Coin said directly, his tone was full of approval, "I didn't expect you to be able to track that person's whereabouts, this should actually be It's what the Bureau of Investigation did, that man hid in the swamp for too long, and the Bureau of Investigation couldn't find it after several searches, thinking he had escaped!"

"Sir, I just did what I was supposed to do, and the bounty offered by the Bureau of Investigation to that person is very tempting. That's what motivates me to persist!" Don't be false, and quickly cash the bounty, in Xia Ping'an's words full of hints.

Mr. Coin smiled lightly, opened the window of the confession room, and stretched out his hand, "Moonlight said that you can choose three first!"

In Mr. Coin's hand, he was holding a box, and there were five boundary beads in the box.

Xia Ping'an glanced at the five world beads. These five world beads are all divine power world beads, and he has never fused four of them. Xia Ping'an directly chose "Evil Conqueror Man Ying", "Thanksgiving Illustrated Report" and "Song Renzong Eat Sand" Three world beads.

Mr. Coin took back the remaining world beads, and handed over a high-quality divine crystal containing 1,000 divine powers, fulfilling the reward offered by the Bureau of Investigation, and Xia Ping'an also put it away.

"Are you going to attend the reception at Condela Castle in a few days?" Mr. Coin asked suddenly.

"Participate!" Xia Ping'an replied, "Is there any task?"

Mr. Coin's tone suddenly became solemn, "There is no task for the time being, but I remind you that as a night watchman, you must be vigilant at all times and don't let up. In the past month, the Dark Alliance, including cults such as Life Muge, has been in Switzerland. The activities of Deron's forces are a little weird, and many important figures have not appeared again, which is very abnormal, it is possible that they are planning some big moves, you have to be prepared!"

Xia Ping'an's heart moved, "Did this kind of thing happen often before?"

"If it happens often, then it's not abnormal. The activities of the secret forces of the Dark Alliance in Red Ron are not under the control of each other. This time all the forces of the Dark Alliance quieted down at the same time. Do you think this is a coincidence? ?"

"It's not accidental!" Xia Ping'an shook his head.

"Yes, it's not accidental, at least it's the first time I've encountered this kind of thing in the past ten years or so. In addition to Red Ron, the situation in many countries in the Holy Light Alliance is also the same. The headquarters of the Bureau of Investigation is very nervous. , All kinds of relationships have been used to investigate, and the troops in various places have quietly raised their combat readiness levels, but there is no accurate information, so recently, the night watchmen of Keland must be on standby at any time, ready to respond to emergencies, Don't leave Colander!"



When he walked out of the Dominion Temple Xia Ping'an's ears were still echoing what Mr. Coin just said, but he felt a little irritable and couldn't say why.

Just as Xia Ping'an was about to step out of the one that dominated the temple, the resounding bell in the temple rang suddenly, making Xia Ping'an's heart tremble.

and many more!

This... the anomaly of the Dark Alliance... It can't be because of me!

As soon as this thought came out, Xia Ping'an's heart jumped!

If the Master Demon God finds out that he has awakened again, will there be any action...


ps: Let’s talk about the recent situation. First of all, I want to say sorry to everyone. The tiger’s update has slowed down recently due to physical reasons. There are some problems with the legs and lungs. Now he is taking physiotherapy and medicine every day, and there are some recovery Sports, all aspects are being adjusted, please forgive me, I will continue to update, if you like this book, maybe you can read it after finishing it! Thanks again for everyone's support!

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