The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 912: old friend

, the fastest update of the Golden Summoner! Wu Wuxin, who had just arrived in Keland, has been running outside for a whole day today, seeing more than a dozen fruit shops in Keland City, and visiting two of his friends in business, although most of the day He was riding in a carriage, but after such a day of tossing, he felt that the soles of his feet were about to smoke, and his legs became heavy.

When it was dark, he ate dinner hastily outside, and then dragged his tired body and sweat-soaked shirt back to his apartment building on Keland Nolan Street.

The house in this apartment was bought by his father before, which is regarded as an investment for the family. Occasionally, when his father came to Kelander, he also lived here for a period of time. This is his foothold in Kelander now, which saves him money. Trouble finding accommodation.

Hu La took out the key on his body, opened the door, and closed the door with a lazy slam. Wu Wuxin was about to turn on the lights in the room, when he walked to the living room, suddenly, Wu Wuxin Wuxin was agitated, the lazy energy disappeared in an instant, and the cold sweat on his body suddenly fell.

Because there was a figure sitting on the sofa on the side of the living room near the window, and the light from the lake was shining from the window, just showing the silhouette of the figure sitting on the sofa. The person was motionless, like a mountain, just sitting On the sofa in this dark living room, enormous pressure hits my face.

"Hey man, I don't have much money on me, I have more than 200 talers in total, I'll give them all to you, I didn't see your appearance, so don't do anything exciting, calm down, be calm, Let me tell you, I owe Colander's police chief a lot of money, and I'm going to die, they'll definitely get to the bottom of it..." Wu Wuxin swallowed, took out his wallet without thinking, and threw it in the On the table next to him, he turned around, raised his hands, faced the wall of the living room, his eyes were closed, and his body was trembling, "You can go out after you take the money... Don't worry, I won't call the police. …”

Just when Wu Wuxin finished saying this, he heard a familiar voice in his ear, "Did you owe money to the police chief when you first came to Keland, it seems that you are not lucky!"

The voice was so familiar that it almost made Wu Wu's heart beat. He turned around and only heard the man flick his fingers. The lights in the living room turned on all of a sudden, and Wu Wuxin finally saw the sitting The face of the man on the sofa in the living room.

Who is that person if not Xia Ping'an?

Xia Ping'an was looking at him with a smile. Compared with two months ago, although Xia Ping'an's face has not changed much at this moment, the aura on his body makes Wu Wuxin feel different. It's almost like a different person.

"Ping'an, it's you..." Wu Wuxin shouted and rushed towards Xia Ping'an.

Xia Ping'an smiled and gave Wu Wuxin a warm hug. The two of them slapped each other on the shoulders and laughed.

After a while, Wu Wuxin remembered something and took a step back, "Ah, how did you know I was here and how did you get in?"

"Have you forgotten who I am now? I knew when you came yesterday!"

"Ah, the divine scroller is really so divine!" Wu Wuxin was stunned.

"It's even more amazing than you thought!" Xia Ping'an smiled and sat back on the sofa, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Of course, I've been running outside for a day today, and I'm exhausted!" Wu Wuxin took off his coat, then threw it on the sofa, and then sat down next to Xia Ping'an, "I I'm still going to go to Andesburg to find you when things settle down on my side. I heard that the newly awakened Divine Scroll will study in Andes for a long time before graduating. By the way, are you still in Andes? How can you just come out!"

"I haven't been in Andes for a long time, and I graduated after a short stay in Andes. My current identity is, on the surface, an inspector of the Bureau of Investigation in Koland!" Xia Ping'an said calmly.

"Ah, on the surface?" Wu Wuxin's eyes rolled, and he suddenly became excited, "You mean there are other identities?"

"My other identity is the night watchman!"

Hearing Xia Ping'an's identity, Wu Wuxin's face

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